I'm wanting to try and get a prescription from the Doctor for duromine but I'm not sure if I would be a candidate for it. I have used it before to "kickstart" my weight loss and I lost 10 kg. I then went off of Duromine and lost a further 18kgs. I'm now sitting at 94.7kg and I exercise every day for at least half an hour, eat a healthy clean diet and only drink water (and a good amount of it). But my weight still will not budge and hasn't moved for about 8 months. I'm wanting to just get Duromine again to kick start everything and get this weight off. My BMI is 35. Just wondering if anyone else has been in this weight range/BMI range and managed to get a prescription? I think it will be difficult to get at my local doctors as they have a very natural approach to weight loss, which I've tried their ideas but hasn't worked. Thanks!