Duromine Prescription



Standard Member
Mar 23, 2015
Hi :) I'm wanting to try and get a prescription from the Doctor for duromine but I'm not sure if I would be a candidate for it. I have used it before to "kickstart" my weight loss and I lost 10 kg. I then went off of Duromine and lost a further 18kgs. I'm now sitting at 94.7kg and I exercise every day for at least half an hour, eat a healthy clean diet and only drink water (and a good amount of it). But my weight still will not budge and hasn't moved for about 8 months. I'm wanting to just get Duromine again to kick start everything and get this weight off. My BMI is 35. Just wondering if anyone else has been in this weight range/BMI range and managed to get a prescription? I think it will be difficult to get at my local doctors as they have a very natural approach to weight loss, which I've tried their ideas but hasn't worked. Thanks!
Certain doctors seem to be prejudiced against Duromine. Try taking all your research with and convince them that you know it is not a quick fix but just something to help you get started. Good luck!
Thanks Audrey :) I've also completed the survey and BMI statistics info on the duromine's website for their "Make Your Doctor Work For You" campaign - so hopefully that helps :) I've got my appointment on Friday so fingers crossed :)
And I guess I've been on it before but have continued to lose since then aswell so I think that's a good sign
Good luck!;) Let me know how it goes.
CarinaKerr said:
Thanks Audrey :) I've also completed the survey and BMI statistics info on the duromine's website for their "Make Your Doctor Work For You" campaign - so hopefully that helps :) I've got my appointment on Friday so fingers crossed :)
Most doctors will give it to you if your BMI is above 27. I was just above this and have skinny legs and hide most my weight on my belly and upper legs so didn't think I would get it. But my doctor knows how willing I am to eat right and exercise and that I have tried everything, so he gave me 3 months script for it. Which I personally thought was a lot but I'm not complaining. I went to another doctor before this and he said to just drink shakes.. Which I wasn't happy with. I understand it is a weightloss option but it isn't sustainable to drink 3 shakes a day. Doctor shop around and you should get it :) some don't want to help but they don't realise only they have the power to do this for us (legally). Good luck :)
Cmvx said:
Most doctors will give it to you if your BMI is above 27. I was just above this and have skinny legs and hide most my weight on my belly and upper legs so didn't think I would get it. But my doctor knows how willing I am to eat right and exercise and that I have tried everything, so he gave me 3 months script for it. Which I personally thought was a lot but I'm not complaining. I went to another doctor before this and he said to just drink shakes.. Which I wasn't happy with. I understand it is a weightloss option but it isn't sustainable to drink 3 shakes a day. Doctor shop around and you should get it :) some don't want to help but they don't realise only they have the power to do this for us (legally). Good luck :)
Where are you located? I cannot find a doctor who will prescribe it to me, i sound to have the same BMI and body type as you.
I'm in Picton, NSW. If you have really tried to lose weight and it isn't budging then try a few more doctors. The first one I went too said to go on shakes and I wasn't happy with that because fad diets got me in this mess. So I tried another and luckily enough he helped me
I am 160cm and 77kg, and my doctor prescribed it to me. He was a bit hesitant though I must admit. I live in Geelong :)
I'm sure you would be able to :) I started 2 wks ago at 97.5kgs and dr gave me 30mg one month at a time script and told me I can be on it for 3 months and expect to lose about 10 kgs. I'm aiming for 12kgs in 12 wks. So far have lost 3kgs in 2 wks :) good luck girls X

I have been reading up a lot about Duromine and think I might like to try it. Currently my BMI is 44 and I've been on Garcinia Cambogia for about a week. Haven't noticed much difference and feel that a medically proven alternative might be better.

Of course I would like to take it under doctors directions but wonder whether my doctor would give it to me. I have a history with him and he knows I've struggled with my weight for over 17 years. Is Duromine something that some doctors don't like giving?? I've noticed on here lots of people struggling to get it.

Anyway, any opinions and advice are welcome.
Dear Kristy,

I am in singapore and my bmi is 27.8, I recently went to the doctor and he prescribe me 1 month duromine (30mg). It's not that hard to get. My advice to you is you can try it out but do not buy it online. Get from a doctor.
Could Singapore doctors be different to doctors here in New Zealand though?
I am not sure. In Singapore, we cannot buy Duromine without doctor's prescription as it is a controlled drug. So if I were to guess, I guess that the doctors here are stricter. I also researched that doctors usually don't prescribe duromine to people who are under bmi of 30.
KirstyK said:
Could Singapore doctors be different to doctors here in New Zealand though?
I am Sara, I live in Australia. I am going to the doctor on Thursday. I am going to ask for Duromine.
I have been on a weight loss journey since my son was born nearly 3 years ago. I started at 108kg and have been around 97-103kg for over a year now.
I eat mostly healthy and exercise. I think duromine could help me with my journey and meeting my goal.
I am worried the doctor may say no to me. How do I convince the doctor that I feel this would be best for me?
I am only 5 foot 1 so small and fat
I’ve had a doctor turn me down and it took me nearly 4 years and another 10kg to get the courage to ask. She basically told me to eat less and exercise more like that was news to me. That was at my regular drs clinic where I go for all my lady business. I was so disappointed as she didn’t really care when I explained that I don’t actually ever get full so it’s easy to overeat.

I went to a bulk billing place this time, I be had some hit n miss at this clinic when it comes to care. It may be because I have since been diagnosed with an auto immune condition that affects my thyroid function but this dr had no issues prescribing for me. I did say I had tried and successfully lost up to 10kg before with strict food/ exercise plans but with a family and energy levels I kept sliding backwards. I was also crying as my sister had asked me a few days before if I would consider weight loss surgery which really upset me.

She asked about depression and addiction history and checked blood pressure. If you have issues in these areas they should say no or see you more than the monthly checkup.

So no real tips as I think it’s really up to the dr. They either are for it against it. I would probably say having a food/exercise plan would help the case though.
Plucky said:
I’ve had a doctor turn me down and it took me nearly 4 years and another 10kg to get the courage to ask. She basically told me to eat less and exercise more like that was news to me. That was at my regular drs clinic where I go for all my lady business. I was so disappointed as she didn’t really care when I explained that I don’t actually ever get full so it’s easy to overeat.

I went to a bulk billing place this time, I be had some hit n miss at this clinic when it comes to care. It may be because I have since been diagnosed with an auto immune condition that affects my thyroid function but this dr had no issues prescribing for me. I did say I had tried and successfully lost up to 10kg before with strict food/ exercise plans but with a family and energy levels I kept sliding backwards. I was also crying as my sister had asked me a few days before if I would consider weight loss surgery which really upset me.

She asked about depression and addiction history and checked blood pressure. If you have issues in these areas they should say no or see you more than the monthly checkup.

So no real tips as I think it’s really up to the dr. They either are for it against it. I would probably say having a food/exercise plan would help the case though.
Thanks for your reply.
I guess I will see what happens. Good thing is I have previously lost nearly 15kg with hey ating and exercise and I have a meal plan and personal trainer
Hi Sara, as Plucky said it really depends on your doctors thoughts towards duromine itself. Some are really against it and others are okay with it. I originally asked my doctor for it and she said yes pending the results of an ecg, my ecg came up all good but when I went back to get my results and script I could only get in with a different doctor and she refused to prescribe it for me so I then had to wait until I could get an appointment with my usual doctor and was given it no problems.

Other then doctors preference they will check blood pressure, heart rate and some do an ecg. If all of that comes back normal you’re physically good to take it. Then they talk to you about your plan of attack and how you plan to achieve results. Duromine is typically on prescribed for 3 months at a time so they like to make sure that you have a plan before starting. You also usually have to have tried other methods of weight loss that have failed before they will give duromine.

I find that going in there knowing what you’re talking about and having reasonable expectations helps with getting docs on board. I always research something first before I ask for it. So I reccomended when you go in first explain why you want it, that you have tried other methods before and they haven’t been working, that you understand that you can only be on them for 3 months and that you believe you just need a jumpstart to get you motivated to continue and explain how you plan to achieve your goal over your course of your duromine. Next to health, being well prepared is key.

Good luck, hope to see you back here soon starting your journey.
I got knocked back 3 times but then I found a doctor who actually listened. Fingers crossed you get it today but if you don’t then just book in to see someone else :laughing:
I think they will also look at your medical history plus what you have done on your own.

Where I’m from they normally send you to a dietician and get you free or discounted gym/water aerobic classes.

My doctor explained the side effects etc and put me on the 15mg for a week to see how I’d go and then 30mg for 3 months. Currently starting my 4th week.

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