Duromine Prescription

Hello everyone I just had my 3rd child 6 months ago. I’ve packed on 20 kilos that will not budge. I normally eat very healthy 80% of the time so I have tried to lose it but exercise is a struggle for me as I’m always exhausted
I have a difficult toddler as well and what I mean by difficult is he has a speech delay and DOES NOT SLEEP very well.
I need something to kick start me. my motivation is there it’s just moving forward which is the struggle because I’m so exhausted and frustrated.
I’m normally quite pietete at around 60 kilos so this extra weight has me in a deal of pain the days following intense exercise. My knees kill which completely throws me off. And I’m back at square one.
I’ve lost weight by myself in the past after my 2nd which was easy then. I wasn’t so frustrated nor was I in pain ect I just need a kickstart. I know all about healthy eating ect so this is only short term. Sorry for the long post, can’t talk to my partner about it he just laughs at me.
What I’m asking is how do I go about asking my doctor? What should I say to her? Do I just walk in and ask for it? Or explain everything as I have done on here? Btw I have good health. I have a healthy heart ect so I’d be crushed if she won’t prescribe it. Thanks for reading.
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Hiya @Absinthe11

Welcome :)

I know everyone finds talking about their weight uncomfortable - I know was. But at the end of the day your doctor is there to help you :). My GP is one I have been seeing for over 10 years now and she of course knew a lot of if not most of my medical history. Basically I sat down and told her how I was feeling and how I was struggling. I asked about the Duromine and if it would be suitable for me. She went through some pro's and cons, made sure I understood them, took my blood pressure and prescribed it for me.

If it is not your normal doctor you are seeing - just be honest and tell them how you feel :)
Thanks for your insight Rava.
It truly means a lot.
I’ve been seeing my doctor for about 3 years now so I’m hoping she understands where I’m coming from. Although in the past we’ve discussed my weight loss efforts and it was so easy to lose then so I’m hoping she doesn’t just brush it off and tell me to do what I did then. If you know what I mean.
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Your doctor will take in your weight loss history and other things into consideration. My gp was thorough and said to me a lot of doctors won’t prescribe it for a large amount of reasons mainly because of the side effects.
Oh really? A lower dosage shouldn’t cause really bad side affects would it?
What am I in for
Depends on the person. I started on 15mg then moved to 30mg. Main side effect for me - dry mouth so I was lucky.
My doctor prescribed me 30mg yesterday I’m not taking them until Monday morning as I’m staying at my sil’s place over the weekend.
Normally I eat around 1600 calories per day to lose weight as I have done in the past.
Should I try and aim to eat that or less?
I know it suppresses your appetite majorly but I’m going to do my best to eat even when I don’t want to.
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I live in Perth and really had no problems getting Duromine from my gp. I was just honest and upfront with my weight history. They are there to help you. I am on 40mg as 30mg did nothing for me. Side effects are dry mouth, loads of energy but it can affect your sleep (so take it early in the morning). Good luck with your journey
Absinthe11 said:
My doctor prescribed me 30mg yesterday I’m not taking them until Monday morning as I’m staying at my sil’s place over the weekend.
Normally I eat around 1600 calories per day to lose weight as I have done in the past.
Should I try and aim to eat that or less?
I know it suppresses your appetite majorly but I’m going to do my best to eat even when I don’t want to.

That's awesome news, as I know you were worried that you might not be able to get them prescribed :)

Actually the whole section with the info on weightless is really helpful :) and the side-effects of duromine is something to read also - just so you are prepared in what may or may not happen :)
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Hi, I have been to the Dr today and she wants to do blood tests to get a base level on all my bits and then if all is ok she will start me on duromine next week. This means I have a little time to learn the best tips to get great results and get my eating and exercise program up and running.
My biggest hurdle is I live with a morbidly obese man who keeps bring junk food into the house. When I ask him not to ( because it tempts me and I eventually give in and eat something ) he will be good for a few days or even a week but then he just strarts buying the junk again and I mean not just one item but heaps of and a variety of high calouri tempting foods. I have said its real important to me as I now have a little 9 month old baby and I want to be fit enough to run around with her and get on the floor and play at her level. I am 45 so an older Mum and these joints dont like doing those things with an extra 20kg on them. Any tips on how to get him to support me rather than sabotage me would be great. Tips on the best things to do while using the product would be great too.
I will be busy reading other peoples journey too, when I can the Bub can keep me busy.
Thanks for reading and I will let you know the day that I start.
Hello! What an amazing mindset! You deserve applause and I wish you all the best for your journey! As for the man… why don’t you take him to the doctor as well, so that he knows his health risks and the scary prognosis, as well. Maybe the tests results and doctor’s conclusions will convince him to start losing weight together with you. It would be fantastic. You could exercise together and support each other. If he does not agree, let him eat the junk food outside the house, without bringing it with him. You can tell him that if he wants to let the food kill him, let it be so, he’s a grown up person and is responsible for his decisions, but you are not willing to leave your precious baby without a single parent and you need to have a house free from junk, so that your kid doesn’t get used to it and doesn’t end up having the same health risks. Something like that… but you need to be calm… better write down some thesis and go straight through them, one by one, letting him know how important it is for you to achieve good results.

By the way, if he stops bringing junk food at home, and will only eat it outside, and will bring high-quality fresh foods, it will be your task to cook healthy dishes that are delicious at the same time (zillions of recipes on the net), and this might help him get on the same wave with you… it’s a difficult process. You will be struggling with yourself, taking care of your precious baby and trying to convince your man… get ready for a real fight. Every time you want to give up, look at your baby, every time you want to grab a piece of chips or a chocolate bar, take your baby in your hands and dance with her around the house, raising your legs, making squats and lunges, even if just a couple at the beginning. Get your endorphins from pleasant activities instead of bad foods.

I’ll keep my fingers crossed that everything works great for you. Have a nice weekend and best of luck at the doc’s
Thanks April, I will definately give all of that a go. When I feel tempted or tired I'll reread your post to try and give me a little boost. Blood test done, making new doctor appointment tomorrow. Hopefully I can get in to see her Tuesday. If I can I hope to start Wednesday morning as from what I am reading taking it early in the day might help me sleep better at night and thats important with Bubby needing me a few times each night.
Thanks again.
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Started on 30mg yesterday. Took it around 6am and it really helped with hunger. It did keep me up most of the night and I had a dry mouth. Don't feel tied today as I guess it peps you up. Will go to bed a bit later tonight as there is no use in lying in bed awake. Does anyone have a good tip for dry mouth at night as if I drink water all night i'll be forever going to the loo.
Feeling great about getting started.
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Tracey2 said:
How much do you need to lose to be in a healthy BMI?
BMI is 30. I need to lose 8 kg.
Scally said:
BMI is 30. I need to lose 8 kg.
My BMI was less than 30 when I started, see a different doctor
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@Scally, did you try to lose weight on your own? If yes, what did you do?

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