Food & Diet Plans



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Oct 4, 2011
You often hear when people first start dieting, they contribute their weight loss to water weight. It may sound stupid but until 5 minutes ago I didn't know what they were talking about!

Water weight loss is a temporary reduction in body weight due to the loss of bodily fluids -- generally through sweat, urination or defecation. The body is as much as 60 percent water, which is present in the blood and lymph fluids and absorbed into the tissues. When the tissues absorb this water, they become heavier, the same way a waterlogged cloth is heavier than one that is slightly damp. When the tissues lose this water, they become lighter.
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Watermelon is a delicious summer treat that often evokes memories of picnics and fireworks. The sweet taste and refreshing effects of watermelon make it the perfect snack for a hot day. The watermelon also offers far-reaching health benefits that make it a great food year round.

Improved Vision
Eating enough watermelon can prevent night blindness. This is because watermelon is rich in vitamin A and beta carotene, which improves overall eye health.

Weight Conscious
Watermelon is low in calories and high in water content, making it filling but not fattening. Eating watermelon in place of high-calorie treats can help to shed the pounds without the feeling of missing out on something.

Cancer Prevention
Lycopene is a proven antioxidant known to help in the prevention of cancer and cell damage. Red, fleshy foods like watermelons, tomatoes and pink grapefruits all contain high amounts of the antioxidant lycopene.

With a high dose of B6, watermelon makes for great brain food. B6 helps the body to create brain chemicals that regulate sleeping patterns, relieve stress and even Brain Power Unlive a feeling of elation.

Healthy Muscles
Potassium-rich foods like watermelon help athletes to cope with muscle strain and muscle cramps. Eating a slice of watermelon immediately after rigorous exercise can even prevent sore muscles.
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Personally I use a treadmill but you can do it with anything as the below info explains.
We use this program - cardio and weights - and love it. You will sweat more in 20minutes using this technique than you would in double that time on a steady pace. It is based on your OWN fitness levels and it really buggers you! Intensity Levels are your personal scale of fitness from 1-10. 5 being mid range (just walking normally) 6 a little faster 7 a little faster 8 to me is a bit of a trott/skip sort of thing 9 is running and 10 is running so fast that i can hardly continue.


Official Body-for-LIFE Cardio-Training Plan

Cardio workouts are indispensable to an effective training program and general good health. By definition, cardio workouts can be any exercise—jogging, running, biking, swimming, elliptical machine, stairs, even jumping rope—that raises and maintains your heart rate over a predetermined amount of time. By doing so, you strengthen your heart and lungs and lower your resting heart rate, which means that over time the same effort that produced a 10-minute mile will produce a 9-minute mile. Cardio workouts burn fat. And cardio fitness is what gives you endurance and the ability to persist in sports and in life.

The Benefits of Cardio:
  • Increases metabolic rate
  • Increases growth hormone secretion
  • Reduces stress levels
  • Increases blood flow to the brain increasing alertness
  • Improve cholesterol levels
  • Improves digestion
  • Boosts immune-system function
20-Minute Aerobics Solution™ — The Official Body-for-LIFE Cardio Plan
  1. Warm up the first 2 minutes at Intensity Level 5
  2. Minutes 2-3 move from Intensity Level 5 to 6
  3. Minutes 4-5, 6-10 and 11-14 work your way from Intensity Level 6 to Level 9, maintain for one minute.
  4. Minutes 15-19 work your way from Intensity Level 6 to Level 10 (High Point at Level 10), maintain for one minute.
  5. Minute 20 cool down to Intensity Level 5 for one minute.
Alternate weight-training and cardio workouts for six consecutive days and rest on the seventh day.
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lovin you SIZE16 your soo positive and into it. haha and your username is good xx
hi fellow travellers

i just started with duromine and try and change my eating habits, obviously i've been living very unhealthily - that is how i ballooned to 142kg.

i would really like to hear from you regarding good health choice meals.

what do you eat for dinner?

and breakfast?

and what do you take to work?

i realise i have a big gap concerning this and i am doing my best to educate myself. have been reading a bit on the internet. but it is always nice to hear from someone who is going through the same as you, and perhaps have a specific recipe to share that has worked for them.

i would be much obliged if you can get back to me and i am sure those who are viewing this would also benefit and be grateful.

come-on, share with us your favourite things to eat and/or recipes!


Hey Jane,

I have completely changed my eating habits around. Did you know; all our meals are actually back-to-front ... as in, we get all our energy from our last meal, just for us to sit at home and go to bed.
So for that reason, I have started having bigger breakfasts and a lot less tea. I have a piece of wholegrain toast with sliced banana on top, either a yoghurt or milk drink and a piece of fruit (I like kiwifruit because the pills can get you a bit 'blocked up', and kiwifruit is great for that.) Having a bigger breakfast kickstarts your metabolism for the day, and even though you are eating more, your body burns it off faster. I actually read a study not so long ago that said people who go without, or have very little, breakfast are more likely to be overweight than those who eat breakfast.

Also, we are supposed to have 6 small meals, rather than 3 larger ones. This is so that our body has continuous energy throughout the day and do not need to store any ... Also it can mean you don't get hungry even though you are eating the same amount of calories. I don't do this because I think it's a hassle trying to find 6 meals to eat throughout the day ... but when I get hungry before my next meal I will snack on a piece of fruit.

Lunch really depends on the type of day, and what we have in the pantry ... Some lunches I have had recently:
*Scrambled eggs on toast
*Tuna, cheese and tomato on crackers
*Cup of soup
*Fruit salad
*Veggie stir-fry
I don't work (uni student) so I can't really help you there ... But when I was at my last job and school I used to just take tuppaware containers full of lunches. Most places have microwaves or jugs (for soup)

I don't really have much of a say with dinners because I live at home, and mum cooks. For dinner I normally try to fill my plate with more veggies, then meat and less carbs.

I think something you need to think is; 'can I maintain this diet after the pills?'. I hear a lot of people don't get hunger pains, so they are basically starving themselves. When you starve yourself, your body kinda goes into a state of survival and will store any food you eat. Then once you start eating normally again, the weight comes back on so so fast. So keep an eye on what your eating and make sure it's sufficient for you ... a little bit of hunger is okay, your stomach starts to shrink and therefore you don't need to eat as much, which is why it gets easier and easier to eat less.

So yeah ... I hope this helps =]

Best of luck,

My details:
Ashleigh Fechney
Age:: 18
height: 171cm
Start weight:: 87.5kg's
Current weight:: 83.2kg's
As of tomorrow I would have been on the pills for three weeks.
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Hi Jane

I know that meal planning is the hardest. I generally have cereal with skim milk in the morning, a fruit at around 10am, Lunch varies from a salad which I ensure has vegetables, carbs and protein. I know for some they always wonder what are you talking about. They say the best is to eat a lot of vegetables and the portion of the protein should be about the size of your palm and carbs will vary on you.
I generally have a salad with lettuce, tomatoe, cucumber, pepper and carrots and I add to it, steamed, roasted chicken, tuna, egg, roasted meat, chickpeas, beans and as a starch potatoes or sweetcorn or cous cous. At times I do cook a curry or have boiled vegetables with cous cous or basmati rice. I also make a pasta, however, not that often. No denying it can be time consuming but it is actually making me feel more alert.
I also have an afternoon snack at around 2pm either a fruit or yoghurt, when I get home, I need my cup of tea, so I have it with a small snack of ryvita with cottage cheese or baked beans on a slice of toast, provita. Only if I feel I want to.
Dinners more often than not is a curry for me, but recently I have been enjoying roasts and salads as well. I usually have a roast chicken with roasted baby potatoes or sweet potatoe and steamed vegetables.
I can go on and on, I did lose loads of weight following this and gained it back due to being depressed and wanting the weight to move off faster.
I think your body gets immuned to what you eat at times and you need to vary your diet to lose weight. I am on duromine now to help give me a kickstart and maintenance is up to me.

All the best. At least we are all in it together.
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Breakfast -
1x Metamucil
300-600ml water
Scrambled eggs (microwaved no butter/oil) w/salt and pepper or soy sauce
Fruit salad - homemade full bowl

Morning tea
Fruit (depending on breakfast)
Protein shake or bar

Salad or Green Vegies or an Avocado
Meat and salad wholegrain sandwhich
Grilled chicken

Arvo tea
Protein shake or bar (depending on morning tea)
Fruit or Carrots and Celery w/ dip of choice

Each day I have around 200 free cal's with which I generally have:
A chocolate (generally the chosen option - this isn't for everyone and it isn't a particularly healthy choice, however, as this is a lifestyle change I picked one thing out of the many I over indulged on to stay in my eating habits)
A fruit cup thingy
More cheese

I don't have dinner because I found I just did not have the self control not to pig out and I was going to bed full of calories and bloated

I now drink between 4 and 6 bottles of water a day and enjoy diet coke as I please.

The menu isnt particularly exciting but after awhile you find ways to make it joyous, also this is a very low cal diet incorporated with walking and curves circuit so may not be suitable to your needs.

I found the hardest part of deciding to make this lifestyle change was working out, as someone who weighed 118.5kgs, what eating normally meant.

To do this I worked out my BMR, how many cal's I'd need to drop to lose a kg a week, then discussed eating habits with my slim friends to find out what a normal sized day consists of.
Hi Jane!

This is what I have:

Egg white omelet (1 or 2 whites) on a slice of good bread - or
Avocado spread on a slice of good bread
With a Woman's Multivitamin and a coffee

Bag of steamed veg with some soy sauce
Bean salad with low-fat ricotta, tomato and basil
Couscous (I'm addicted to it)

Couscous with a chosen meat - just over 50grams of it - Meat such as:
Rabbit, deer, camel, wild boar, etc (I eat a lot of game meat due to less or "better" fat)
I add some seasoning.

When I make the couscous I make a bit of it and put it in portion sizes in the fridge.
I drink between 2 and 4 liters of water a day and limit my coffee to 2 a day.

On this, with added walking 5 times a week (averaging 3+ km a day) I have lost 15.4kg since 20/12/2011
With summer right around the corner, it’s time to start taking a look at your meal plan and assessing all the foods that you’re eating on a daily basis. With so many new foods coming out now that the season has arrived, you can easily start replacing some of the higher calorie choices you used to be making with some lighter fare.
This will not only give you a great change of pace, but also help to keep your calorie intake lower as well.
Let’s take a look at a few delicious summer foods that you should incorporate into your dishes.


It’s the time of year for melons and these can be served up in a number of different ways. Consider incorporating melons into your main course meal or using them as a sweet dessert to finish things off.
Melons also work great slightly frozen as a cool treat on a hot summer’s day or can even be added into your protein smoothies as well.
They’re all rich in vitamin C, relatively low in calories, and will be a very healthy addition to your diet plan.


Moving along, cucumbers are the next great summer food option that you’ll want to consider. Cucumbers have an incredibly high water content, making them very low in calories for the amount that you could consume.
In fact, you literally don’t even have to count the calories that you take in from cucumbers if you don’t want to because they really won’t add up to anything significant.
Cucumbers can be served in salads or else raw on the side.

Summer Squash

Summer squash is the next of the summer foods to consider adding into your diet plan. Summer squash is lower in calories than many complex carbs and will provide you with a great source of fiber to keep your hunger levels down lower.
Summer squash can be baked, microwaved, or even barbequed if you’re really looking for something unique and original, so get creative and see what you can come up with.

Fresh Fish

Finally, the last great summer food to add into your diet this season is fresh fish. If you can get out and catch your own fish – all the better. If not, then store bought fresh fish will work as well.
Try and use a mixture of higher fat containing fish such as salmon and mackerel which will supply you with a potent dose of omega-3 fats as well as very low fat fish varieties such as cod, perch, or trout.
This will give you good balance with your calorie intake and ensure you’re staying where you need to be.
Keep these points in mind. If you can make smart food choices this summer, weight loss will be a breeze and you’ll be feeling better than ever in your swim suit.
Great ideas everyone!!
I am doing the tony ferguson shakes and soups for two meals a day and find that is really helping as I dont have to think about what else to have....then I have a plate of salad or vegies and a protein portion (120gms) for dinner. Its great cos I dont feel so full and fat like after i used to when eating a big carbo loaded meal (eg spag bol or pizza etc)
Amazing share. Thanks SIZE16
And What kind of name is that SIZE16..LOL
Thumbs up for the fresh fish!

Kate said:
With summer right around the corner, it’s time to start taking a look at your meal plan and assessing all the foods that you’re eating on a daily basis. With so many new foods coming out now that the season has arrived, you can easily start replacing some of the higher calorie choices you used to be making with some lighter fare.
This will not only give you a great change of pace, but also help to keep your calorie intake lower as well.
Let’s take a look at a few delicious summer foods that you should incorporate into your dishes.


It’s the time of year for melons and these can be served up in a number of different ways. Consider incorporating melons into your main course meal or using them as a sweet dessert to finish things off.
Melons also work great slightly frozen as a cool treat on a hot summer’s day or can even be added into your protein smoothies as well.
They’re all rich in vitamin C, relatively low in calories, and will be a very healthy addition to your diet plan.


Moving along, cucumbers are the next great summer food option that you’ll want to consider. Cucumbers have an incredibly high water content, making them very low in calories for the amount that you could consume.
In fact, you literally don’t even have to count the calories that you take in from cucumbers if you don’t want to because they really won’t add up to anything significant.
Cucumbers can be served in salads or else raw on the side.

Summer Squash

Summer squash is the next of the summer foods to consider adding into your diet plan. Summer squash is lower in calories than many complex carbs and will provide you with a great source of fiber to keep your hunger levels down lower.
Summer squash can be baked, microwaved, or even barbequed if you’re really looking for something unique and original, so get creative and see what you can come up with.

Fresh Fish

Finally, the last great summer food to add into your diet this season is fresh fish. If you can get out and catch your own fish – all the better. If not, then store bought fresh fish will work as well.
Try and use a mixture of higher fat containing fish such as salmon and mackerel which will supply you with a potent dose of omega-3 fats as well as very low fat fish varieties such as cod, perch, or trout.
This will give you good balance with your calorie intake and ensure you’re staying where you need to be.
Keep these points in mind. If you can make smart food choices this summer, weight loss will be a breeze and you’ll be feeling better than ever in your swim suit.
So I survived my first week on Duromine 30mg. I lost 2.5kg, no serious side effect, just a dry mouth. Now that I'm on week two, I am really starting to get hungry, but once I have eating a small portion, the hunger subsides and I'm good to go again.

I picked up my Weight Watchers file again over the weekend and was thinking to use that as a guideline to what and how much I eat (eat the number of point that will be allowed on my ideal weight). Together with this I want to incorporate some paelo / atkins eating; this is no sugar or starches. I've been doing this for about 2 days now and I'm realising how much food I actually consumed vs. what is actually necessary to maintain my goal weight when I reach it.

What I want to find out, is what eating programmes do you follow while on Duromine? Any help / suggestions?
I'm not very happy with my eating plan :mad: For a couple of days I tried eating whilst using the Weight Watchers point system, but that didn't last very long. This really worries me because if I don't get the eating plan correct the weight will just pile on again when I stop taking Duromine. I really need to focus more on what types of food I eat, when I eat and also why. In the past I also tried to eat according to my blood type, which work like magic. Just really need to get my mind set right.
I have cut out white bread, fizzy drink and takeaways are a treat. It's hard when others in ur family have nothing to worry about and have been serving up that food for 20 yrs. but just trying to eat normal but smaller portion , energy in energy out :)
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I've tried all sorts of things to lose weight. Pills, diets.
My problem was just that I didn't know what to eat or when to eat it. I'm now on a healthy eating and exercise plan that was put together by Facebook page Ditch the Diet. I've never liked pills, they cause me all sorts of medical problems and really scare me, but the things ditch the diet taught me on healthy eating with the support of the forums have let me lose 10 kilos already =) I'm really proud of myself, but it's a lot better than pills and less medical issues =) I hope I can help someone else.
Hi I am a 27 year old female mother of 3 I have never really been into fitness and eating healthy my diet consisted of sooo many carbs I didn't realise this til I started :-/ but I'm on week 5 of my fitness plan.. I started on slimm shakes and a week after began metermine 30mg I took it for 1 whole week but a stressful weekend made me very snappy I decided to have a break from the tablets as I was starting to feel like a robot. I am also still on the shakes and eating an apple mid morning a health bar afternoon and a dinner with 1 protein and heaps of green veg I don't feel hungry at all only if I'm a little late for one of my shakes or snacks I went back onto my metermine on Saturday and am experiencing slight chest tightness is this normal? It's nothing dramatic.. But noticeable and I also use the "my fitness pal" app and it always says I'm heaps under my calorie goal which is 1200 calories per day.. Has anyone got any nice low carb recipes for dinners or snacks please :) I have also set up my own home gym and workout every morning and every night and I am enjoying it :) I have lost 10.1kg in 5 weeks and I am very happy :) so I'm thinking of doing 5 days on the tablets and 5 off so I can train my brain to eat healthy without the help from the tablets does anyone think this will work? Also I am going to get the proper duromine from a pharmacy with my next script
Hi, Mum86!:laughing:
You have the right diet plan and it's great that you feel fine and lose weight gradually, as 10 kg seem normal for 5 weeks.

As for 5 days break of the pills and then return, I wouldn't suggest you to experiment that way on your body. You see, weight loss therapy with diet pills is usually prescribed for 3 months MAXIMUM. When you start to take the pills, you start with minimal dose typically (like 15mg for example). According to my experience, you need to take the pills every day for 1-1.5 months without changing the dose or interval between intakes (depends, if you have no result or your doctor increases the dose up to 30mg or 40mg). If you sharply stop taking the pills during the 1-1.5 month you may suffer depression, which can basically increase your food cravings even more than before the therapy.

After 1-1.5 months you may gradually decrease the dose. Day by day. Do not forget to keep eating healthy and exercise! If everything is fine and you reached your goal within 3 months or less, you can stop taking the pills. Up to that time your body should get used to new eating plan and you will manage to stay slim without the pills.

I hope you find the answer to your question here. Wish you the best and take care of yourself, honey!

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