Food & Diet Plans

Thank you very much! That was very helpful :) I am just starting to study the different health info in foods and I'm enjoying it lol how much am I expected to loose sticking with what I'm doing ATM for the next 3 months I'm on the tablets? I started at 110kg weighed in at 99.9kg after week 4.. My goal weight is 65kg I'm 170cm tall
Thanks for that advice Kate. The question of how I will keep the weight off once I stop is often in my mind. I agree a gradual coming off by taking every second day. . And maybe even asking the doc to reduce your dosage near the end would help you train yourself to eating less without duromines help. Maybe some rules we need to have for the rest of our lives that will help us avoid our danger zones. Eg no all you can eat buffets. ... choc biscuits in the house are irresistible for me. Even if I buy them for the kids lunch as a treat when they are on special I eat half the pack myself! So I just shouldn't buy them. Also my man and I cut out carbs at dinner for last four months and he lost 5 kg... he only needs to lose ten kg. His indegestine and daily use of antacids has disappeared! Me of course didn't lose any kg but I will still continue this rule.
Also I think scales need to continue to be part of our life forever. I have lost 20 kgs on five different occasions in the last 15 yrs but put almost all of it back on in the following years. Depressing to see how often I have got to 80 kg but her I am back at 98 kgs.... oh no wait that's 92 now thanks to duromine. Yay
I heard some advise that we need to weigh each week after we reach our goal and more than a predetermined gain eg 2kg up instantly we take action. Ignoring scales and Waiting til we can't fit our clothes and seeing we are 20 kg up is so dumb but I kept doing it! ! No more! !!
I have the same question as well
Something I found that works and keeps me going is oats -- general cooking oats. In SA the product I use is Jungle Oats Original. Its high in fibre. I take a 1/3 of a cup of raw oats to work, pop it into a mug and cook it in the microwave. Much less fuss than a pot. I eat two fruit one am and one pm at work and my lunch (round 12/1pm) usually consists of two viennas and a slice of wholewheat low gi seed bread with marmite on. Coffee has become a waste on me only drink 1/3 cup and then its left. Water is the best. Dinner is the trouble Im really not hungry -- but If my understanding is right you still need to keep your metabolism going. So maybe Ill have a fried egg (in olive oil) on the same low gi bread and im set.
I suggest you try something like Kellogs Special K 1 cup am with skim milk(I don't reallly like milk so I add water a just a drop of milk)lunch I eat a protein either meat/chicken with a veg-1 cup brocolli and I have a tablespooon of rice and gravy for dinner.Drink lots of water, at the moment I take up to 6 litres a day. I never get the urge to snack really and if I do I eat a fruit.(apple/mango/pineapple slices).
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I agree with Scorpio, if you drink plenty of water I find i dont get hungry or that feeling/urge that i need to eat.

Like Julie5412 said, eat greens. Maybe celery or some fruit.

2.5Kgs loss is great! keep up the good work!
hi everyone, its my first day on duromine, I feel completely fine, have a slight headache and dry mouth, I don't seem to be buzzed like everyone is, but that might just be because its my first day. i
d love to hear everyones stories, and if anyone has just started today or yesterday, to share daily progesses and stuff.
ill try and update everyone everyday if I can
I am 19yrs old, female, currently weighing 90kgs, not to sure of my height but id say around 160cms,
my goal weight is 75kgs.
and if anyone has any dieting or excerising tips, please send them my way.
happy weight loss guys:)
ashlee caylah said:
hi everyone, its my first day on duromine, I feel completely fine, have a slight headache and dry mouth, I don't seem to be buzzed like everyone is, but that might just be because its my first day. i
d love to hear everyones stories, and if anyone has just started today or yesterday, to share daily progesses and stuff.
ill try and update everyone everyday if I can
I am 19yrs old, female, currently weighing 90kgs, not to sure of my height but id say around 160cms,
my goal weight is 75kgs.
and if anyone has any dieting or excerising tips, please send them my way.
happy weight loss guys:)

Welcome to the forum Ashlee, Duromine affects people in different ways. So you may not get the buzz feeling that others get.

However, with the dry mouth and headache make sure you are drinking water. I find i have to drink at least 2 cups per hour or so. I don't get headaches or dry mouth that way.
Hi Ashlee.
Today is Day 2 for me on Duromine 30mg. I am experiancing a slight head ache today but was full of positivety yesterday. I think because i was so hiped up on hope. Today is a bit more chilled and i havent been experiancing much dry mouth either.

My weight is currently 77.5kg and even if that dosnt sound allot im only 1.57 tall and have a waist of 105cm. My goal weight is 50kg and to be able to have a child and carry it full turm hahaha i think its doable. Im 27 so I'm that much older.

If you are looking for a good diet and excersize regiment i would suggest asking your gym staff to show you a few core excersizes. Core is one of the things we most often forget about and I've found that by strengthening my core I'm able to do other excersizes without wanting to pass out.

Diet wise i think a dietitian is your best bet. I have ferious conditions that cause my weight, a very bad anti depressant gave my body a shuv in the wrong direction. So now i have IBS, low low low Progesterone, I'm insulin resistant and to top off my situation I'm a Pastry chef. So now i have a diet designed around me, and i dont have to design myself around my diet. And to be honest the moral support is also fantastic at the clinic so i would sugjest looking into that.
Aw...those antidepressants. They do so much harm to the body. Why would people use them anyway? I know a lot of people, who had depressive state, but never used antidepressants! It's like, person becomes a bit sad or so, and thinks: Ok, now I need some pill. (Instead of dealing the problem on his own) I know, you would say that there are so much severe depressions that cannot be solved by a person without help. Still, medications must be the last solution for any issue with health. If there is a way to cope with a certain body condition, then try it, insted of using the pills.
Overall, I am glad you no loner take antidepressants, and it's time for a big change for you!
Wish you no side effects and great weight loss in the nearest future!

xoxo Kate
hi karin, thanks for the advice, im not currently working so i cant afford a gym or dietcian :( which sucks, but i have to motivation anyway, (2nd day) i felt really strange all day, kepted getting dizzy and when my parents where talking to me i just blanked out and didnt even hear anything they were saying, was a bit weird... im not hungry thankgod, but i can still eat meals,"(healthy ones) i was also very tired today, even though i cant get to sleep now, and ive had sleeping pills, but i didnt get to sleep until 7am and woke up at 11am, thankgod i dont have a job.
also, i weighed myself on the first day at around 4:30 and was 88.3 kilos, and weight myself today (2nd day) and was 87 kilos which is amazing in a day when ive done no excercise at all (bloody rain) so im hoping by the end of the month ill be at my goal weight or close to it yay !
anyway am looking forward to hearing yours and everyones progress, and hope your not getting to bad of side effects.
good luck if i dont hear back from you..
happy weight loss xox
Is it ok to have a salad sandwich for lunch? At the moment I only have fruit though the day and meat,mashed potato, pumpkin, peas, corn and carrots for tea I find myself getting hungry before it's time for tea. I am fussy with food I only like certain things. 3 weeks into using duromine and I finding I have not got much energy the last week I still do 30 min on the treadmill at 4k each morning except on days I work I was 134 when I started duromine I am now 127 but there were a coupleof days where iI stuffed up sometimes I feel it's too hard and it is not working
Hi Christy!

I am a firm believer in low carb so I usually don't eat a lot of bread. I have just found that by not consuming bread, rice potatoe etc I feel better and lose weight but in saying that every body is different!

You could do an open sandwhich? One slice of bread and toast it? I find myself having lettuce cup "sandwiches" with salad fillings and chicken or ham. It doesn't look like much but I am always so full and satisfied afterwards from the lettuce!

A couple of raw almonds will keep hunger at bay at that 3pm slump until you have dinner.

I am ending my 2nd week on 30mg and have found the extra energy has worn off a bit too so I feel it is normal.

We all know it is hard to change our habbits but the longer we stick to them the easier it will become, and the more weight we lose! :)

You must be doing well to lose that much already so please don't give up.

We are all human and will go off track every now and then but so long as you start back on your healthy eating and exercise straight away that is all you can do (took me a while to realise that one..)

Feel more than free to message me on here, I'm always lurking around with plenty of time until study commences again!
MissE said:
Hi Christy!

I am a firm believer in low carb so I usually don't eat a lot of bread. I have just found that by not consuming bread, rice potatoe etc I feel better and lose weight but in saying that every body is different!

You could do an open sandwhich? One slice of bread and toast it? I find myself having lettuce cup "sandwiches" with salad fillings and chicken or ham. It doesn't look like much but I am always so full and satisfied afterwards from the lettuce!

A couple of raw almonds will keep hunger at bay at that 3pm slump until you have dinner.

I am ending my 2nd week on 30mg and have found the extra energy has worn off a bit too so I feel it is normal.

We all know it is hard to change our habbits but the longer we stick to them the easier it will become, and the more weight we lose! :)

You must be doing well to lose that much already so please don't give up.

We are all human and will go off track every now and then but so long as you start back on your healthy eating and exercise straight away that is all you can do (took me a while to realise that one..)

Feel more than free to message me on here, I'm always lurking around with plenty of time until study commences again!
Thanks for the advice I don't eat much bread really I just wanted to have something other then fruit I have never Tryed a lettuce sandwich befor is it like lettuce instead of bread and then ya filling in between o will try it I don't eat nuts I'm very fussy I love my mashed potato for dinner I don't mind boiled potato I could give that a go when I go to the shop now I find myself looking at what fat and carb are in things and o do 30 min on treadmill only at 4k an hour except days I work I'm trying to do it without my husband and kids knowing which is hard I really appreciate your feedback and support how are you doing
Hi Christy,
another idea is a sushi wrap but without the rice. I've been having the sushi wrap with spinach, tomato and sliced chicken. It's really low in calories but satisfying, and if you're gluten intolerant like me it's much nicer than some of the GF wraps.
Good luck
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Hi all been on duromine for over a month and not have much success just can't seem to get back into those two digit numbers. It's quite depressing every time I get on the scales. Just wondering if anyone has an advise on a successful diet.

I know what u mean im hanging for them 2 numbers not 3.

May i ask what mg is are taking and whats ur water intake like and also soft drink?

What kinda food and how many cals a day are u having??
Hi Kel,
I aim to drink 3L of water a day realistically I am lucky to reach 2 L and if I do reach 2L I'm on the toilet for half the day and night. In terms of food I haven't been counting my calories, however Im only eating when I am hungry. Trying to eat minimal carbs.

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