Thanks kayla for ur reply, I was on reductil years ago and found it brillant but its taken off the market now from what ive read duromine has similar effect,ive 40lbs to loose, I suppose I just want instant results , I just need the kickstart cant get motivated enough for no longer than a week, ive seen on a different thread here u can order it from south africa I dont yet have a gp here (living here 9months) and im just nervous they wont give it to me,,...,E="KaylaLouise, post: 11907, member: 5029"]I would say yes, especially if you haven't ever taken duromine or something similar to it before.
There is isn't any link between higher dosage and increased weightloss compared to someone on a lower dosage.
Each dosage works the same in that is suppresses your appetite, what is different though is the severity of the side effects.
If you eat smaller, healthier portions of food and exercise you can lose weight without duromine. It is as much a mental game of having self control with or without duromine. If someone is determined to eat something that still can no matter what dosage you are on.[/QUOTE]