Lack of sleep is common for Duromine users. Here are some tips from me:
1. Make sure you take the pill at the same time daily. If you start taking at 6.00 a.m. then do this every day. This will teach your body to spread the energy evenly throughout a day.
2. Your daily activity should be higher than ever, because when you are tired (physically) you sleep better. That's a fact.
3. Drink more water. Lots of users say it really helps.
4. Take 4-6 meals per day. I'm not joking. When you lose weight, your body still needs to get all the nutrients for living. Just make small main meals and a couple of snacks in between.
5. Spend less time in your bedroom (I don't know if you do or not, just a tip). The point is that your bedroom should be used only for sleeping, never work or spend time in it.
6. Before you go to bed in the evening, air the room.
7. Before sleep, take a glass of warm milk or a sedative tincture (herbal based - for example Passiflora), helped me. Just a couple of teaspoons.
8. Read a book instead of TV or computer at least an hour before you are going to bed. It has been proven that TV and computer makes your body agitated, therefore you cannot fall asleep for some time.
9. Make sure your last meal was at least 2 hours before sleep.
10. Take a walk in the evening. Not too late though, we don't need troubles, do we?
Besides, if you can't exercise for any reason, a 30-40 minute walk helps to lose those extra calories and burn fat. This will help you lose weight faster. Proven))
I hope at least one of these tips will help someone of you guys!
Stay healthy and be honest with yourself! ;^)