Lack Of Sleep. Tips To Improve Your Sleep - [UPDATED 2021]

Hey Kazzbah,
Did you find out anymore on that cleanse? I have some stuff that I bought online that was supposed to go along with some other miracle weight loss thing which didn't work but the cleanse seems harmless.
@christine V try taking it early like at 4:30am and then keep yourself super busy during the day. At night have some chamomile tea, stay away from technology, put on some soft music or read and that might help a bit. I did that and it worked! But everyone is different so see how you go.
Thanks joanneN I took took it at 4am yesterday morning. Had a horrible interrupted sleep and was up at 5am. I'm going to finish the 30mg, but take it every second day so I can at least get a few good sleeps over the week. My hubby said he's moving into the spare bedroom if I keep taking them as apparently I toss and turn all night:(
Hi Duromine family, I've been on D for 10 days now and have lost a whopping 7.3 kg which is great but I have noticed that over the last 3 days I get very tired from around 2 o clock during the day, I feel like sleeping on my desk at work, Initially when I started using D I struggled to sleep for the first 3 days and my eyes were very sensitive to light which didn't bother me much cause I had tons of energy, by day 4 my sleeping patterns had gone back to normal and I felt better than ever.
Has anyone experienced the same side effects especially the tired part of it?.
Hi all. I took my first tablet yesterday morning im on 40mg and havent slept yet its 11:47pm on monday night. My eyes feel heavy like i am tired but i just can not sleep =(
So, after the initial 3 hrs a night of sleep when I first started D (30mg) about 6 wks ago, my sleeping pattern returned to about 7hrs/night. All good. (I used to sleep 9-11 hrs/night prior to D, but that was probably too much and I always felt tired anyway!) I have so much more energy now it's really quite amazing. I usually do an hour of high intensity aerobics or weight resistance training almost every day and feel strong and healthy. BUT, in the past week or so I go to bed early (10pm) and sleep well until about 3am when I wake up to wee, & drink some water (always thirsty). Then I lay in the dark for an hour or so trying to go back to sleep, after that I pull out my phone and search eBay for crap I don't need, trying to ignore my hungry tummy before feeling tired enough to go back to sleep at about 5am. Anyone else get this insomniac interlude? Suggestions? I have a proper dinner meal and don't want to get into the habit of eating in the middle of the night, but feel hungry. I've been prone to insomnia before but put it down to irregular sleeping patterns due to shift work. I've been in a new day job for the past few weeks and stopped the late/night shifts now, so I'm not sure why this insomnia has started? Anyone else wake up hungry/thirsty in the middle of the night, then can't go back to sleep?
Oh, yes! I had the same for some time...
It was long ago though, but I used to work shifts too, so I could take a nap literally everywhere)) If I want to sleep, I can do it anywhere. I used to wake up right before the dawn and the same as you - toilet, water, then hungry... So I would suggest it's your body that got used to night shifts just can't get back to normal regime... Or you may have some stress, I mean a serious problem in your head you don't know you are worried about, subconsciously. And once you wake up, you cannot fall asleep again...Or partially it could be Duromine, because you know it's a stimulant in a way so..

The best solution I see in your situation is not to get up at night, just make sure you don't drink too much water in the evening, not to wake up early to go to the loo. Try to get used to it Hope it works and you will sleep till the morning and everything will be all right.

I still can't sleep properly on the stuff.
From what I know, the drug is a stimulant making your body think it's in fight-or-fight mode. Therefore, your body will not really feel like sleeping because it is on the defense. It keeps your mind very awake and alert, even though your body might be exhausted. This stops you from sleeping. You might find that you feel extremely tired one second, but awake the next - it's your body trying to stay on the defensive.
I took the pill at 5:30am, went to gym on the same day (did hard exercising) and had chamomile tea before bed - that combination made things better, but certainly did not resolve the problem altogether. Just take the pill as early as possible and keep your timing consistent.
Thanks for the replies. I take my pill between 6-8am depending when I finally wake up. My new job is all early morning starts and now I can barely keep my eyes open after 8.30pm! Haha. But still awake for a couple of hours in the morning before going back to sleep around dawn until get up for work time. I've tried skipping the pills every now and then, but it hasn't made much difference to the insomnia. I used to go to bed at 1am and sleep through to 10 or 11am with my old job and pre- D pills. Guess poor sleep is the price you pay ey?
My first day yesterday n same as u wide awake at 3 drifted off bout 5 ....I normally wake at 3 turn over n go back to sleep but not this morning lol
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Thanks heaps... Fantastic advice!
Anytime guys! :)
Unfortunately our life has become so busy that we sometimes are too tired and have no time to think over simple things and solutions. Husbands & kids are important, but please find time for yourselves, as you deserve it!!!
Thank you so much for the tips! I surely need it :) feels even more confident to finish my 3 months with D30
Thanks for the tips. Very true we do put our hubby and kids first. I now realize if im happy then it flows throughout the family!!!
Kate said:
Lack of sleep is common for Duromine users. Here are some tips from me:

1. Make sure you take the pill at the same time daily. If you start taking at 6.00 a.m. then do this every day. This will teach your body to spread the energy evenly throughout a day.

2. Your daily activity should be higher than ever, because when you are tired (physically) you sleep better. That's a fact.

3. Drink more water. Lots of users say it really helps.

4. Take 4-6 meals per day. I'm not joking. When you lose weight, your body still needs to get all the nutrients for living. Just make small main meals and a couple of snacks in between.

5. Spend less time in your bedroom (I don't know if you do or not, just a tip). The point is that your bedroom should be used only for sleeping, never work or spend time in it.

6. Before you go to bed in the evening, air the room.

7. Before sleep, take a glass of warm milk or a sedative tincture (herbal based - for example Passiflora), helped me. Just a couple of teaspoons.

8. Read a book instead of TV or computer at least an hour before you are going to bed. It has been proven that TV and computer makes your body agitated, therefore you cannot fall asleep for some time.

9. Make sure your last meal was at least 2 hours before sleep.

10. Take a walk in the evening. Not too late though, we don't need troubles, do we?

Besides, if you can't exercise for any reason, a 30-40 minute walk helps to lose those extra calories and burn fat. This will help you lose weight faster. Proven))

I hope at least one of these tips will help someone of you guys!
Stay healthy and be honest with yourself! ;^)
Hi Kate, thanks for all ur tips, I'm just about to start day 2, I had a terrible sleep, only about an hour or 2 at the most, do u know if it's ok to take restavit which is an over the counter tablet. I have used them before and have found it perfect for helping ur brain switch off and relax ur muscles so u get a great sleep. My first day started with duromine at 6.40am 7am 30 mins high rate cardio (Fitbit watch has me in peak range for 20 of the 30 mins) then after dinner (salad with meat) another 30 mins of high rate cardio. I would have thought all the exercise I had done would have made me more sleepy. Is the sleeplessness just a thing that happens at the start or will it continue the whole time I'm taking them? And should I possibly take it earlier in the day ?
Hi, Kim.
Usually the sleeplessness doesn't last long. But it depends. Yes, if you take Duromine as early as possible, it may help to improve your sleep. One pill early in the morning before breakfast (6, 7, 8 etc. a.m.). As for restavit, I am not quite sure because I did not use it myself...but if it's just sleeping pill and over-the-counter, then I guess you may take it safely.
Kate said:
Hi, Kim.
Usually the sleeplessness doesn't last long. But it depends. Yes, if you take Duromine as early as possible, it may help to improve your sleep. One pill early in the morning before breakfast (6, 7, 8 etc. a.m.). As for restavit, I am not quite sure because I did not use it myself...but if it's just sleeping pill and over-the-counter, then I guess you may take it safely.
Thanks Kate, I have only 9 hours sleep in 3 days so hopefully tonight will increase a little more. I called my doctor re restavit and he suggested 1/4 of a tablet to see if it helps, might try one more night tonight without it but if it's still a small amount I might take 1/4 tomorrow night. But on the plus side I lost 2kgs in 2 days yayyyy
hi all.

Today will be day 2 for me and last night I think I got about 3 hours sleep! I have no idea of how I am going to get through this day. Does this get better?

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