Hi there everyone! I just wanted to share my success story with you 
I've lost a amazing 20kg's! Gained a new eating habbit of portion control and feeling a lot better than I ever did.
Over the past 6monts (3 months on duromine) (3 months without the pills) I've found my inner godess again! I still have a lot of weight to lose but I've come a far way from where I've been.
I have more energy now, exercise more and enjoying life to the fullest!
I've lost a amazing 20kg's! Gained a new eating habbit of portion control and feeling a lot better than I ever did.
Over the past 6monts (3 months on duromine) (3 months without the pills) I've found my inner godess again! I still have a lot of weight to lose but I've come a far way from where I've been.
I have more energy now, exercise more and enjoying life to the fullest!