Miko said:
Ok being an engineer and after reading through many comments I decided to do the following and need your advice:
1- taking multivitamins every morning
2- Take the D around 3 am
3- breakfast of oats
4- cut all carbs
5- good portion of protin even i don't feel hungry on lunch
6- fruit snacks
7- dinner yogurt, oats and fruits probably around 6pm.
Am I missing something, Thanks for your help
@Miko and welcome to the forums
Your list sounds pretty good - but just remember that everyone is different and what works for them might not work for you.
1. Multi's - I personally take them everyday.
2. 3am - I take mine any from 5.30am - 7.30am
3. Oats for breakfast. I do this if I feel I start to lose energy throughout the afternoon.
4. Carbs: A lot of people cut them out completely when they start and then reintroduce them back into their diet. Make sure whatever you do is sustainable and easy to carry on after the Duromine.
5. Protein - Yes - makes you feel full longer and your body has to work to digest it.
6. Fruit snacks. Again up to you. I personally have cut my fruit out right now - but only because I have a huge sweet tooth and I think that the fruit might set it off
7. Dinner - I would definitely do some type of protein with either veg or salad.
8. Dry mouth - nearly everyone experiences this in some form. Just keep drinking water. Sugarless gum also helps and there is a spray you can get from the chemist. I personally haven't tried electrolytes so if you do, would love to know how you go.
I would also recommend tracking your calories through either My Fitness Pal or Lose It. Both have free options and phone apps.
If you are exercising heaps - just remember your body will need more fuel.
Make everything sustainable so that when you come off Duromine it is not hard to keep moving forward with the plan you already have in place in regards to healthy eating and exercise.
Cant wait to read more about your journey and see how you do