Wonderbel said:
Hi :) no side effects yet but my first week I dropped 4.1kgs and weigh in day is tomorrow but I dont think I've dropped any this week :(
How are you going with your journey?

Wow 4.1 is amazing! Well done!
I’m day 4 on the pills today. I slept better last night.

Are you doing anything other then the tabs? I’m tracking my intake trying to stick to a 1200/1300 cal intake per day.

My exercise isn’t amazing though. But I’m moving more then I was.
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4ngel said:
Wow 4.1 is amazing! Well done!
I’m day 4 on the pills today. I slept better last night.

Are you doing anything other then the tabs? I’m tracking my intake trying to stick to a 1200/1300 cal intake per day.

My exercise isn’t amazing though. But I’m moving more then I was.

I'm trying to drink more water and less coffee lol I'm sticking to healthy eating and eating mostly keto diet. My exercise has been bad this week
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Wonderbel said:
I'm trying to drink more water and less coffee lol I'm sticking to healthy eating and eating mostly keto diet. My exercise has been bad this week
I’ve never really looked at specific diets. Maybe I should be looking at doing more.

I gave up smoking nearly a year ago and as much as I didn’t want to I had to give up my coffee as well as that went hand in hand with my smoking. I lived on 7+ coffee a day and smokes! I have one coffee in the morning but that’s it now. If I want a hot drink it’s a decaf tea.

Since giving up the smoking I have gained HEAPS of weight....so here I am!
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I'm doing bike riding and am hoping to get back into swimming and walking soon, I'm not eating much at all I'm not hungry but I've been really thirsty and get dry lips alot
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started today took the pill at 6:30am

its 9:30am and i feel nothing in regards to the side effects.

I feel great and full of energy but i don't know whether its form working out lol

i worked out intensely today and only had a slice a bread the night before.

the plan is to work out twice a a day - MOrning and evening
Hey April, sorry I haven't checked back on here in a while! I had another 'weigh in' today and I remembered that I hadn't updated my progress. So here it is! Honestly, things are going incredibly!

Today I weighed in - just over 4 months from when I first started Duromine and I'm officially 60.0kg! I could not be happier right now :)

After two months of taking Duromine every day, I decided to take a tablet every second day, then slowed it down to every third/fourth day so I only have a few more tablets left. But I'm definitely not nervous about finishing off the pack. I'm in a routine now and don't see myself breaking out of it anytime soon.

I have completely changed my lifestyle. I monitor what I eat, treat myself occasionally (Sunday is my cheat day) and just make healthier choices. I have found that for me, personally, changing what I was eating was the key to my weight loss - and Duromine helped me understand this.

I don't explicitly have an exercise routine - and to be honest I haven't even really exercised as much as I thought I would during this journey. I just make sure I incorporate being physical in my day i.e. I work on the third floor of my building so instead of catching the lift I take the stairs 3-4 times a day; I now go to my local farmer's markets every weekend to walk around and grab some breakfast instead of just going to a cafe to sit and eat; and just a whole bunch of other small things that overall make a big difference!

To be completely honest, I've realised that weight loss for me was something that I had to be mentally prepared for, because I realised that I needed to push myself to do it in the healthiest way possible for long term success. And I have honestly never felt better!

I've been keeping track of my weight on the app 'Happy Scale' which isn't the greatest app in the world but you sort of get the picture haha I've attached photos to this comment.

If anyone would like any info or would like to chat feel free to message me too! X

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Ikenna3 said:
Damn i kinda have anxiety not knowing what i'm about to intake

countless weeks of research lol but i really need to loose this weight ugh the struggle is real af.

Thanks for the tips i will download now

cheer up 27 days to your goal.

This is me to a tee!! I start tomorrow. Weeks of research. Sooo nervous. I have 35-40kgs to lose. So over weight!!
Hello! I'm new, took my first tablet this morning! Really hoping this works, I'm hoping the energy levels increase because I feel like a zombie most days!
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What dose are you on? My starting weight was 82.5kgs and I'm 160cm tall so my goal is 60kgs :) My Dr started me on the 15mg dose and so far so good! I've been taking this since the 7th Aug so just under a month and I've lost 4.8kgs as of this morning :)
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Hi NoodleBlue,

I'm on the 30mg, I weighted in at 82.7kgs but it wasn't first thing this morning so must remember tomorrow!

Well done on your weight loss! I think the first 5kgs are the hardest, and the most motivating to lose!

Do you exercise? I read we're not suppose to drink alcohol are we?
Hello LucyBella! Welcome to the forum! I wish you a successful weight loss journey.

WIth Duromine, the most important thing is to change your eating behaviour, provide your body with a sufficient hydration and include physical activity in your routine.
Alcohol is NO when on Duromine.

If you have a prty, though, you can skip Duromine in the party morning and the next morning, as well.
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Thank you April! I didn't sleep very well last night, but I am 2kgs down!
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LucyBella said:
Hi NoodleBlue,

I'm on the 30mg, I weighted in at 82.7kgs but it wasn't first thing this morning so must remember tomorrow!

Well done on your weight loss! I think the first 5kgs are the hardest, and the most motivating to lose!

Do you exercise? I read we're not suppose to drink alcohol are we?

I've just started the 30mg today - and I'm feeling it!! Feeling a bit spacey at the moment but not hungry so that's a win!

I do exercise- I go to the gym 4 times a week for an hour each time, I usually use the elliptical machine, doing one of the pre-programed workouts the machine has - I work hard!! I also track my calorie intake each day and try to eat no more than 1200 - I found when I ate less than 1000 for the day I didn't lose any weight as I believe my body went into starvation mode...

I have been naughty and had one night where I had a few low carb ciders but that was before I knew drinking and duro were a no no...
Hey everyone
I’m only new and let me tell you, glad there is this forum to go to for info or just a chat with people going through the same thing.
I’m on day 3, 30mg.

Day 1: felt perfectly fine no side effects until dinner I felt nauseous however once I went to bed I was fine slept like a dream ( 9hrs)

Day 2: not so great, vomited at work :( around 10am ( had the tablet about 730am) after that felt great all day.

Day 3: pending just woke up haha- will take the tablet shortly
Hey im new too :) on day 2 now doing the 15g. All the best

I am Mike
CW: 108
Target weight:100

I have taken the D since two hours now and feel nothing yet hahaha :)

Ok being an engineer and after reading through many comments I decided to do the following and need your advice:

1- taking multivitamins every morning
2- Take the D around 3 am
3- breakfast of oats
4- cut all carbs
5- good portion of protin even i don't feel hungry on lunch
6- fruit snacks
7- dinner yogurt, oats and fruits probably around 6pm.

Am I missing something, Thanks for your help
I heard about dry mouth a lot, does electrolytes helps?
Miko said:
Ok being an engineer and after reading through many comments I decided to do the following and need your advice:

1- taking multivitamins every morning
2- Take the D around 3 am
3- breakfast of oats
4- cut all carbs
5- good portion of protin even i don't feel hungry on lunch
6- fruit snacks
7- dinner yogurt, oats and fruits probably around 6pm.

Am I missing something, Thanks for your help

Hi @Miko and welcome to the forums :)

Your list sounds pretty good - but just remember that everyone is different and what works for them might not work for you.

1. Multi's - I personally take them everyday.

2. 3am - I take mine any from 5.30am - 7.30am

3. Oats for breakfast. I do this if I feel I start to lose energy throughout the afternoon.

4. Carbs: A lot of people cut them out completely when they start and then reintroduce them back into their diet. Make sure whatever you do is sustainable and easy to carry on after the Duromine.

5. Protein - Yes - makes you feel full longer and your body has to work to digest it.

6. Fruit snacks. Again up to you. I personally have cut my fruit out right now - but only because I have a huge sweet tooth and I think that the fruit might set it off :)

7. Dinner - I would definitely do some type of protein with either veg or salad.

8. Dry mouth - nearly everyone experiences this in some form. Just keep drinking water. Sugarless gum also helps and there is a spray you can get from the chemist. I personally haven't tried electrolytes so if you do, would love to know how you go.

I would also recommend tracking your calories through either My Fitness Pal or Lose It. Both have free options and phone apps.

If you are exercising heaps - just remember your body will need more fuel.

Make everything sustainable so that when you come off Duromine it is not hard to keep moving forward with the plan you already have in place in regards to healthy eating and exercise.

Cant wait to read more about your journey and see how you do :)
Hi peeps
I am about to see my doctor next week and ask for a Duromine script. I would like to ask a few questions before I go though.

I am 52 year old female, who has loaded on 15 kilos in as many years

My questions:

What is your suggestion on milligrams, if I have a choice at all? 30, 40 milligram packs?
How long can you take it for each stint with how long in between?
How much weight can I expect to lose if all goes well with me exercising and eating right and in what type of time frame?
Will it help with my current lack of energy and enthusiasm?
I am on HRT, is that an issue?

What is the cheapest way to get the script filled?
Should I expect any issues with my Doc saying no? I’ve done my stats and I am risking other complications if I don’t move this weight especially around my waist, so I feel at this point, my argument is valid?

So glad I found this group, I will be devouring as much info as I can goi forward.
Best wishes to everyone ❤️
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Hi Pink, and welcome!

I am by no means a medical professional, nor have I been using D for as long as some others have. I will try to give you some answers (from my own understanding):

  • I think most people stay on 30mg. D comes in 15, 30 and 40mg. It will depend on what your doctor thinks is the most you can handle though.
  • The usual time period for being on D is about 3 months. Again, your doctor will monitor this.
  • Weight loss tends to be higher in the first few weeks, but I suggest that you read through a few blogs on here or forum posts to get a good idea. Somewhere between 500g an 2kg.
  • The first time I tried D I had tonnes of energy, but the second time I didn’t. There will be highs and lows, and sleep disturbance seems to be a common side effect. Enthusiasm will be all on you though. Try to set up reminders of the goals you want to achieve for times when enthusiasm is low.
  • Only your doctor will know if your HRT medication will be an issue or not.
  • If you have private health, ask your chemist for a claims receipt, as you may be able to claim some of the D expenses (depending on your cover)
  • Again, not sure of any other health complications you may have, so not sure if your doctor will say yes or no.
I wish you all the best, and please let us know how you go! Xx

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