I had to find your thread and the questions is How did it go at the doctor's? Did you get the pills prescribed? Are you already in?
hi i have just got my script for 15 mg of duromine i havent filled it yet as i am scared that 1 it wont work and 2 the side effects
i dont want to waste my money so i guess i am looking for some encourgement please
Hi, I am also a new member.

I was very lucky because a work friend was on duromine last year and gave me a few of her 40mg duromine tablets to try. I only ever got 5 or 6 at a time from her and took them every three days so I could see the effect they had on me. I always assumed a dr would never give me a script for them because I didn’t have a bmi of over 30 or 35 but I went to a dr a few days ago and he gave me a script for 30mg. As I knew what to expect I was not hesitant about taking them as I knew the side effects it gave me (dry mouth, no sleep, high energy) and I knew that it was very worth the money as duromine really does work.

If you have been given a script I can only assume your dr considers it is safe for you and checked your blood pressure etc. as for the side effects, you really won’t know how it will effect you until you take them, 15mg is a good dose to start on as I started on 40mg and even that wasn’t anywhere near as bad as I was expecting it to be based on what I had heard before I ever took them.

What I would suggest is start by taking it every second day until you know how it effects you and then you could go to every day if you are happy with the side effects it gives you, if it does give you any. Everyone is different and it effects people I know that take it differently to how it effects me but from my own experience I can’t talk highly enough of the results. Worth the dry mouth, price and sleeplessness!
thankyou so much for the advice
i know its only 10 kilos and some ppl have alot more to lose
i am feeling reaaly crap as i had weight loss surgery 7 years ago and got rid of 40 kilos
i know how easy it is for 10 kilos to turn into 40
i still cant control my eating
Yeah I understand, 10kg may not sound like much but every kg makes a difference. I am aiming to lose 10kg as well.

Wow 40kg is an incredible loss!
The eating part is so hard to control, I relapsed last night and ate a whole pizza and it made me feel so awful about myself so I know what you mean about trying to control your eating I struggle the most with that even on the days I do take my duromine. My dr also suggested that I try talking to a psychologist not for weight issues but for my eating issues so I’m considering booking that to see if it will help me gain some better self control with food.

Keep at it, I know it’s hard but duromine will help get you there and maybe help with feeling motivated too
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Today is my 4th day.

I gained about 25kgs during pregnancy and it’s been almost 2 years n no matter what I do I can’t seem to lose any weight n seem to be gradually gaining. My bmi is at 30 so doc was hesitant however it was effecting my confidence in how I feel about myself always wearing baggy clothes n a big jacket no matter how hot it is to hide how I look. Technically I can’t be certain on my bmi as I can’t put myself to look at the scale but I know it’s around there.

Being on 30mg I haven’t felt my heart pacing or anything but definitely losing sleep.

Yesterday being day 3 I finally couldn’t deal with the no sleep. Having headaches most of the day and finally slept for more than 3 hours.

Appetite definitely suppressed which is good as it helps to choose to make healthy choices when eating.

Not sure if I can put myself to weighing myself until I can definitely see a difference.

I have also started home exercise routines. About 30-60 mins of cardio daily. Not sure if I can keep it up.

Hoping to lose the 25 kilos in 4 months.
Sigh just got on the scale after a week. No loss in weight. I’ve been exercising daily and calorie counting cutting carbs n sugars.
@Tartco - bugger about the no weight loss!!!

Are using a calorie counting app? I highly recommend "My Fitness Pal" or "Lose It" as both have free services. When I started listing what I was actually eating I was freakin surprised!!

Sugar and carbs are the bane of any person trying to make a change. Carbs make you retain and increase the water in your body and sugar makes your body produce insulin and glucose which has to be burned first before your body starts working on its own fat supply giving you the weight loss.

Maybe start a journal of what you are eating and how much you are exercising. For me listing everything allows me to see and pin point certain foods which can have a negative affect for myself.

Yeah I definitely do use my fitness pal. Been eating a high protein n fibre diet. Cutting carbs and sugars.

Most days eat about 800-1000 cals drinking 3-4 litres.

Just need to find a way to stay strong to keep up the work.
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Hi All,

I have only just started my Duromine journey, having taken my first capsule yesterday. My experience has been as follows:

Day 1
I had taken the capsule at 5 am, after reading several forums and peoples comments that taking it earlier reduces the effect on sleep.
By 10 am I was still not feeling any effect, I had a slight cold which may of made my energy levels decrease, but overall I felt nothing.
By 3pm I was hungry to the point I started to feel sick. I had some noodles and found myself content with only eating a small portion.
At dinner time I was hungry again and found myself eating a normal portion.
Overall I felt slightly down about the Duromine seeming to have no effect on me at all, but kept in mind that this was only the first day.

Day 2
Today I woke up at normal time for work 7 am and proceeded to have my first tablet.
At 10 am I began to notice the first effects of the tablets, I felt lightheaded and spacey, but could also focus on tasks when needed.
By 11 am I was having slight headaches, more a pressure feeling then hurting. However by this same time, I noticed I was really hungry, feeling sick from not having eaten anything. Please keep in mind, I never normally have breakfast, apart from a glass of juice or milk.
It is now 2 pm and I ended up needing to eat (two sushi rolls) because the nausea feeling was becoming quite bad. The pressure in my head is still there, as well as the dizzy light-headedness.

I will keep updating at the end of each 2 days or at the end of the week possibly.
Fingers crossed it makes my appetite reduce.

Jess x
Hi @JessMay and welcome to the forums :)

In regards to Duromine, I just wanted to let you know that it can take a little while to feel the full effects, so don't be too concerned if you are still feeling hungry right now. Sometimes it can take up to 7 - 10 days to build up in your body... and as we are all individuals - it effects everyone differently.

I was wondering what mg you are on? I am only asking as if you are on a lower dose and still feel hungry after a fortnight, you can always ask to be prescribed a higher dose.

Please keep in mind that you actually do need to eat. What Duromine will allow you to do, is switch your focus onto consuming more healthier options, as you will find that (and as you have already stated) you will be content with a smaller portion. But dont forget to eat!!! Its really important for your immune system, brain function and bodily functions :)

The headaches are a normal symptom as well - take Panadol when you need and try and drink as much fluid as you can as it seems to help most of us :)

Looking forward in reading how you travel over the next 2 days :)
@Tartco I will be your cheer squad! "you can do it, you can do it!"

Just remember to take it one day at a time!
Did you end up filling your script @icurhonda ?

If so how are you going?
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Thank you for your message, I am currently on 30mg. This is how the past two days have been since then…

Day 3

Slept fine throughout the night of Day 2. Had the tablet at the normal time of 7am, with a light breakfast to ensure no nausea feeling.

By lunch time I was hungry again and had ordered a normal sized meal, however I found myself quite full after only eating half.

After work I found myself so exhausted for some reason, my job is not demanding, and I work 9 – 5 at a computer desk, however I was so tired and ended up taking a half an hour nap before dinner.

Dinner time, I found myself eating my usual portion. I tried to keep my water up throughout the day, having drank 1.5l, which may not seem much but as someone who normally only has 1 glass per day it’s a big difference.

The only effect of the pill I noticed was the heartburn feeling that stayed all day, not painful but just uncomfortable.

I was tempted to weigh myself, so I stepped on the scales just before bed, my weight was the exact same as day 1, not really surprising at this stage.

Slept fine throughout the night once again.

Day 4

Today I took the pill slightly later today having had it at 8am. I waited until 11:00am before eating anything, as it had been suggested to me by a friend that maybe I was eating too soon after taking it.

At 11:00am I had only a fruit jelly cup and found that very satisfying, even found it slightly hard to eat all, despite its tiny portion.

Maybe today is the day it finally started working. I did feel more energetic compared to yesterday and my hunger was down a huge amount. As someone who usually has food on their mind all the time, it’s quite relaxing not to be worrying about when or what I’m going to eat next.

I still have a slight heartburn sensation today, but it comes and goes.

Dinner was again a smaller portion than usual and found myself full after eating it.

Sleep was slightly more restless but still was able to get more than hours deep sleep.
Was having issues with my internet so was unable to upload any updates until now.

Day 5

Not sure if this counts as a day because I didn’t end up taking duromine today as I had wanted to see if it would make a difference.

Hunger and portions were still down however it felt like any other day.

Day 6

Today I took Duromine later than any other day at approximately 10am. I skipped breakfast as I knew I was going out to lunch and probably won’t be constricting portions or calories like at home.

By lunch time I felt slightly lightheaded and was very zoned out, but my hunger was practically gone. My partner ended up finishing my meal as I couldn’t even eat half.

My energy was up but also felt anxious. I have had anxiety quite bad in the past and even needed medication for it at one stage, this was easy to deal with in comparison. The normal butterflies in my stomach and slight overthinking. I usually get this same reaction when I drink coffee.

Dinner today was only a very small portion and was satisfied after eating it. My sleep, however, was very restless, went to bed later than normal and found myself waking up every hour or so.

Day 7

Back to work today, meaning I had the duromine at the normal time of 7:30am. I woke up feeling quite anxious and emotional. I kept overthinking every little thing and even having a discussion about my upcoming birthday made me feel slightly anxious and a little bit sad, for no reason at all. Not sure if it’s just hormones though.

By lunch time I felt no hunger at all. None. Food wasn’t even a thought on my mind. I kept my water up drinking 1.5 litres by 1pm. I made myself eat a small portion of lunch and struggled to keep myself eating. Dinner was the same.

Today was the first day I also weighed myself. I’ve only lost -0.9kg so far. Im not entirely disappointed as I know I’m currently not doing exercise and my diet hasn’t been all that healthy. Definitely will be making more of an effort in week 2.

Extra Notes

I have begun tracking my calories, not weighing the food though but scanning most packets if I can.

I’m going to start doing regular exercise of a night-time, maybe even in the morning also if I can find the energy. I think because I’m so sedentary at the moment this might be a big reason as to why I’m not experiencing dramatic weight loss.

Another silly thought I had was if my other medication might be affecting the way the duromine works, I am currently taking iron supplements, magnesium supplements, immune system boosters and the pill. Not sure if any of these would make a difference though.

I will keep you all updated.
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JessMay said:
Day 5

Not sure if this counts as a day because I didn’t end up taking duromine today as I had wanted to see if it would make a difference.

Hunger and portions were still down however it felt like any other day.

Day 6

Today I took Duromine later than any other day at approximately 10am. I skipped breakfast as I knew I was going out to lunch and probably won’t be constricting portions or calories like at home.

By lunch time I felt slightly lightheaded and was very zoned out, but my hunger was practically gone. My partner ended up finishing my meal as I couldn’t even eat half.

My energy was up but also felt anxious. I have had anxiety quite bad in the past and even needed medication for it at one stage, this was easy to deal with in comparison. The normal butterflies in my stomach and slight overthinking. I usually get this same reaction when I drink coffee.

Dinner today was only a very small portion and was satisfied after eating it. My sleep, however, was very restless, went to bed later than normal and found myself waking up every hour or so.

Day 7

Back to work today, meaning I had the duromine at the normal time of 7:30am. I woke up feeling quite anxious and emotional. I kept overthinking every little thing and even having a discussion about my upcoming birthday made me feel slightly anxious and a little bit sad, for no reason at all. Not sure if it’s just hormones though.

By lunch time I felt no hunger at all. None. Food wasn’t even a thought on my mind. I kept my water up drinking 1.5 litres by 1pm. I made myself eat a small portion of lunch and struggled to keep myself eating. Dinner was the same.

Today was the first day I also weighed myself. I’ve only lost -0.9kg so far. Im not entirely disappointed as I know I’m currently not doing exercise and my diet hasn’t been all that healthy. Definitely will be making more of an effort in week 2.

Hi @JessMay great going with your portion sizes! It definitely sounds as though the Duromine is starting to build up in your body and start working as it should.

The emotional feelings and anxiety can be common too, and if you are dealing with them now I have no doubt over the next week you will be able to handle them until it pans out. This can occur from getting broken sleep and even the thermogenic state of our bodies that is upped when taking Duromine. You got this!

JessMay said:
Extra Notes

I have begun tracking my calories, not weighing the food though but scanning most packets if I can.

I’m going to start doing regular exercise of a night-time, maybe even in the morning also if I can find the energy. I think because I’m so sedentary at the moment this might be a big reason as to why I’m not experiencing dramatic weight loss.

Another silly thought I had was if my other medication might be affecting the way the duromine works, I am currently taking iron supplements, magnesium supplements, immune system boosters and the pill. Not sure if any of these would make a difference though.

I will keep you all updated.

I think it is a great idea to track your calories! and if you are using My Fitness Pal just keep an eye out on your sugar and carb intake as well. For me these two are the bane of my existence and make my weight fluctuate like a bird flapping its wings!

In regards to vitamins, I take a multi, b's, calcium, magnesium and zinc and haven't had any problems whatsoever. Your GP would know that you are on the pill, so I see no problem there too :)

Looking forward to seeing how you get on this week, and if you like I am more than happy to share some you tube work outs that you can do in front of the computer as you gradually incorporate your exercise into your lifestyle change :)

Edited to add: I regularly do this arm one - and have lost nearly an inch off my arms in a month :)
Hello icurhonda
nice to meet you and welcome to the forum!

it's hard to control our eating habits isn't it?
believe me i know, and of course other vices don't help either..
my advice is to fill the 15ml script and give it a go, life is too short.
and you may love it x

and remember your not alone here, April is great for help and advice!
Rava, Jo666 and Bonnie13 are amazing as well.
all are experienced and are lovely people.

Im new here and looking to start my journey to lose weight.im 150kgs and 168cms tall..i have 4 kids under 6 and im stuck at this weight...ive used duromine in my younger days pre kids and am looking to try them again. Look forward to getting to know u
Hi everyone ! Newbie here. Today was my first day on duromine 30mg . So far so good. Had lots of energy and wasn't hungry at all. I had to force myself to eat . Hoping I lose a good amount this week.

CW : 109.5 kgs
GW : 90 kgs
Hey girls!!! Welcome to the forum! I wish you all the best with your weight loss journeys!! If you have any questions, feel free to write!

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