hi everyone I’m currently on Duromine 30mg for nearly 12 days I haven’t lost weight I’ve got red eye and irregular bleeding side effects. I’m eating healthy as well as consuming a lot of water.
Need help! Pls could someone advise me what to do
Hi @Sara.N

Please take yourself to the Dr straight away to get checked out!

My policy is when in doubt - seek medical aid.

I am not aware of Duromine being a cause of these symptoms but obviously you will need to list all medications you are taking to your GP.

Please let me know how you get on!
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Hi @Rava thank you so much for your help, my wording was terrible
I’m having irregular menstrual bleeding & red eyes. I was on 15mg last month only lost 2kg now on 30mg do you suggest me maybe trying and skip days in between?
I’m 21 and I absolutely hate being fat...
Next procedure is Gastric sleeve
I have hope
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No probs - understand now in regards to the irregular bleeding. I haven't come across any info on here saying Duromine will cause this, but after doing a quick google search, apparently "phentermine" has made other women experience changes in their cycle. However, most of them had a rapid weight loss thus causing the irregularities..

Did you lose quite a bit before starting Duromine 15mg? If so maybe your body is only just now reacting?

Taking the tablet every 2 days is fine. Alot of people do, do this :)

In regards to "red eyes" - Duromine can increase your blood pressure (Did your Dr take yours?) and this could be manifesting in the eyes. If you cant get in to see your GP today, most chemists now have a free blood pressure machine in store, so might be worth getting it checked out too.

I still recommend going to see your GP as soon as you can - better safe than sorry *hugs*
Hey all,
Been prescribed Duramine 40 and its not working AT ALL... like zero effects.

Day one, yesterday, had one at 4pm just to see how it went - proceeded to eat a whole pizza and a tub of ice cream for dinner.

Went to bed around 8pm and slept like a baby till 7am this morning.

Upon waking up, had another tab, had some bacon and avocado for breakfast and chilled out for a few hours reading the news etc... nothing happening so popped another 40mg tab and half a can of Red Bull sugar free just to be sure. So that's 80mg of Phentamine (Duramine) taken between 7 and 10 am this morning, have been totally unaffected by it to the point I have signed up here to see if someone else can shed light on this.

Absolutely ZERO effects. Hunger and energy levels are as per normal - no other effects.. its litterally like I haven't taken anything at all.
Food diary for the day: Easily ate about 400gr of salmon for lunch, just smashed a 350gr steak and salad for dinner and would sell baby jesus out for a run to Maccas right now. Its 6pm. I'm heading to bed soon, can see me being asleep by around 8.

I have really had to stop myself from just eating as normal today. This stuff does not appear to affect me in the slightest :(
Well, I'm in bed... its 6:30pm and smashing snack food from Uber Eats and a movie in bed is looking pretty good!
Hi Dura-minus,

You definitely need to ask your GP, as it's strange that on Duromine 40 (the highest possible dose), you don't feel any effect at all. :confused:
Where did you buy the pills? Are these original?
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Charlotte said:
Hi Dura-minus,

You definitely need to ask your GP, as it's strange that on Duromine 40 (the highest possible dose), you don't feel any effect at all. :confused:
Where did you buy teh pills? Are these original?

Hi Charlotte,
Just woke up after a solid night's sleep, 8:30pm - 6am, where I dreamt that I ordered a half n half pizza and garlic bread from Domino's and felt guilty as fuck about it hahaha

Yep, these were prescribed by doctor and are legit brand name Duramine. I even went to Chemist Warehouse with my script yesterday (I have 3 months of repeats) to see if there was another brand or version available (Maybe a HCL based compound rather than this slow release resin rubbish?), only to find out both Duramine and the "generic" brand sold here in Australia are made by the same company, in the same factory and are exactly the same, even down to the packaging for the most part - so they have a monopoly on the market, hence the comparative high price compared to other medicines in Aus.

I took my tab for today about 20mins ago now, let's see how I'm feeling in an hour or two I guess?
8:39am, yeah... nothing. Might have to have a can of sugar free red bull before I head out to breakfast with friends though - with a bit of luck the taurine/caffeine might help curb the appetite a bit before I devour half the menu.

Methamphetamine is starting to sounds pretty good about now.
Well, here's an interesting thing... Yesterday afternoon I cooked a BBQ, ate a heap of food, smashed 15 zero carb beers in a very short period of time between say 3pm and 8pm and was pretty much completely sober. So there's that...

I went on to order some Thai food (beef salad without any sugar in the dressing and BBQ prawns with fresh chilli and lemon juice) and ate that.

So yeh appetite suppression still not really seeing it. Great for drinking competitions though lol
Double dropped 2x40's @ 80mg and a can of Sugar Free Red Bull this morning, will report later this afternoon.
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Tried to hold out but was starving, had a feed of bacon and eggs for lunch. Now on the beers.

Oh yeh and another can of red bull.

I guess Duramine just isn't for me.
Dura-minus said:
Hey all,
Been prescribed Duramine 40 and its not working AT ALL... like zero effects.

Day one, yesterday, had one at 4pm just to see how it went - proceeded to eat a whole pizza and a tub of ice cream for dinner.

Went to bed around 8pm and slept like a baby till 7am this morning.

Upon waking up, had another tab, had some bacon and avocado for breakfast and chilled out for a few hours reading the news etc... nothing happening so popped another 40mg tab and half a can of Red Bull sugar free just to be sure. So that's 80mg of Phentamine (Duramine) taken between 7 and 10 am this morning, have been totally unaffected by it to the point I have signed up here to see if someone else can shed light on this.

Absolutely ZERO effects. Hunger and energy levels are as per normal - no other effects.. its litterally like I haven't taken anything at all.

Hi Dura-Minus!

I have heard that some people have a ‘paradoxical’ experience to some drugs, where they experience the reverse of what the drug is supposed to do. It’s something to do with genetics. Possibly you may be unlucky in that way.

Before you stop though. I did notice a couple of other things that might be worth thinking about.

First: For some people, the artificial sweeteners In ‘no sugar’ drinks can actively stimulate hunger. Dropping them, if you can, for a week or two might help before you give it all up.

Second: From my pre-duromine experience, I noticed that some foods could be incredibly addictive. Pretty much anything containing wheat, rice, cheese, simple carbs or sugars was murder. I know Maccas burgers have sugar in the buns - I used to be addicted too, even though I didn’t like the aftertaste.

The reason I bring this up is the thought that you might be struggling with addiction as much as hunger - or it might be more simple. Did you know that eating carbs makes you hungry? Because I was 1.5 years into my weight loss journey before I stumbled over that fact. >_<

Other thoughts:

*If your pill is not specifically designed to be taken multiple times a day, take it early rather than late. I’ve found about a 2-4 hour window exists after taking it and before I feel like I don’t want to eat. Most days I get around that by popping the pill at 6am and waking at 10am but on days when I can’t do that, i have found if I do eat before 10am, I am more likely to continue wanting to snack/eat the rest of the day.

*Avoid carbs whenever possible (especially simple carbs, which to your body is basically sugar, will burn out fast and leave you hungry). Look for low-carb options and/or unprocessed food whenever possible.

*Avoid artificial sweeteners, particularly in ‘no sugar’ drinks as these can be habit forming. That’s not to say you shouldn’t have treats, I’m a firm believer that successful dieting means yum-yums, but I personally have found no-sugar drinks to be deceptively unhelpful. I think I’m being very responsible- and then I realise I’m struggling to stop.

*Hot water is your friend. I have it all the time in winter, but also with every meal and whenever I want a chocolate snack. (90 calories for 6 blocks, less than 2 carbs, does contain stevia :/ ) It both fills you up and curbs hunger all by itself. After discovering it (for non-diet related reasons), I would have a cuppa and some chocolate whenever I felt a craving for Indian food or a packet of digestives - and it worked like a charm.

Well, 99.5% of the time. ;)

Third (not helpful, just worried): 40mg for a starting dose is HUGE. I’d ask your doctor why he prescribed you such a large dose right off the bat. The comment of taking extra ‘just to make sure’ worries me too.
What was your experience with regard to increased blood pressure, heart working harder (and being able to feel it), headaches etc? Is it possible such a huge initial dose has triggered a paradoxical response? Has your doctor secretly prescribed you a placebo (I’m sure this is unlikely)?

I wish you the best of luck. Even if it turns out your body is one of those that doesn’t let no drug tell it what to do, I hope you still find success in other ways.
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Hello everyone!
hope you are all well. i am on 40mg duromine and the first 2 days i felt the full side effects and had NO appetite however then went back to normal. i have been eating healthy and it's been a week and no weight loss whatsoever. just wondering if anyone had any tips, similar experiences or can let me know what to expect. thanks. :)


I am on Duromine for 3 weeks (week 2 day 5 actually). For the first two days I had dry mouth and headaches, it's common side effects as I know. After the first weight in I've lost 1 kilo ony. Doctor said that my body is still in progress and it needs to get used to new pills. As for now I've lost 5.6 kg. But I'm on keto diet. I try to walk 10000 steps each day and now I really feel that my body changes.
mariamfadel4 said:
Hello everyone!
hope you are all well. i am on 40mg duromine and the first 2 days i felt the full side effects and had NO appetite however then went back to normal. i have been eating healthy and it's been a week and no weight loss whatsoever. just wondering if anyone had any tips, similar experiences or can let me know what to expect. thanks. :)
You shoud not only eat healthy food but also stay physically active. The main rule is to create a calorie deficit. So you must burn more calories than you eat ;)
Hellstaff said:
You shoud not only eat healthy food but also stay physically active. The main rule is to create a calorie deficit. So you must burn more calories than you eat ;)
you're totally right :cool: I have my 1200-calories meal plan and go to the gym 4 times per week. Last week I started to excersise with a new trainer. I have already lost 8 kgs in 3 weeks!
I've lost 3 kg in the first days. Then my weight stoped for 1 week, I think. I started to eat more vegs and protein.
@mariamfadel4 What do you eat?

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