Weight Gain When Stopping Duromine?

ElleBelle, it is not the "active healthy "lifestyle we struggle with but "portion control and right food choices hun !! if it was easy as a healthy active lifestyle, nobody would be fat, lol .... this time round think about your lifestyle that got you back on D, and what you will do differently when you go off of it again so that it can become a "natural lifestyle" and not one you need to depend on because of D, that is what I am trying to come to terms with, while I am on D, TO BE MORE AWARE of MY mistakes, MY bad habits, MY attitude, towards making this a LIFE LONG JOURNEY and not just a temporary quick fix solution..hope that makes sense to you , hoping you will be able to lose all your weight again, hun and keep it off this time around, we know how hard it is , most of us have been there .done that too .... keep trying ,practice makes perfect ..:)
my doctor also answered the question of post weight gain after duromine. she said that it is the re-visiting of old habits that causes the weight gain. Other people told me they put weight on but when I observed their habits they did not watch what they ate or made bad choices.
So I am glad my doc was honest with me. I believe weight gain of about 1-2 kgs after any strict dieting would be normal. So I would continue training and eating light healthy meals with food that your body agrees with. Additionally, enlist your doctor and see how they want you to ween your self off the duromine. This is my plan even before I begin.
Only because I want to ensure maintaining my weight.
I also have gained weight while doing a Drs weight loss program over the last 12 mths started at 88kg now 94 kg had Thyroids checked and there on boarder line so no need for medication as yet .Started Duramine 30mg a mth ago lost 2kg then gained it back disappointing but I've lost in centimetres .No side affects on 30mg so now going to start 40 mg and see how this works .I don't eat much because of my other medication for Narcolepsi and Duramine doesn't affect my sleeping as with Narcolepsi you can fall asleep anywhere at any time . So here's hoping 40mg will help this mth if not I don't know what else to do as the weight keeps creating on for no reason I or the Dr can find .
Hi Lulu82, I used Duromine 30mg for 3 months last year & lost 20+ kg (started at 150kg). I managed to keep the weight off for approx 3 months, but then got lazy & went back to old eating habits & I've actually put most of the weight I lost back on. Like others have mentioned, you just need to stick to eating less etc.
I have been off work for a year (took redundancy, so could afford to), but I went back to my old habits of eating when I got bored at home etc.
I've actually started on 40mg (on my 2nd week) & have lost 5kg but that's because I've stuck to my eating plan etc. I know what I need to do now that I've been on this before....
So long story short.... yes, you can lose the weight...but make sure you stick to your eating plan once you're off the prescription!! Hope this info helps. :)
I'm day 3 in and ive gained a kilo. Yes it's not a lot, but I am troubled by this, granted I should weigh myself weekly not every few days...I just really hopeful that this drug will help me.

Eating right, drinking lots of water and going for moderate walks.

Anyone else experienced this? and or suggestions.
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Are you able to share exactly what you are eating? It may be that your intake is more than you think. Also duromine can block you up (sorry if tmi) - you should be careful to make sure you are eating enough fibre (Veges, salad, wholegrain breads etc) to keep everything flowing smoothly. You can also take a fibre suplement (like benefibre) which will help you with reach your fibre intake goals.
LemonSweets said:
Are you able to share exactly what you are eating? It may be that your intake is more than you think. Also duromine can block you up (sorry if tmi) - you should be careful to make sure you are eating enough fibre (Veges, salad, wholegrain breads etc) to keep everything flowing smoothly. You can also take a fibre suplement (like benefibre) which will help you with reach your fibre intake goals.
Hi LemonSweets

Honestly i think i might be under eating.

Crunchy nut cereal
Handful of almonds
Pasta bake 1 serve (kid portion)

I'm getting really restrictive.
It sounds like you are most certainly under eating. The reason you may have gained wait is because you body is holding onto fat, because you are not giving it enough nutrition. It's refusing to burn the reserves, because your body thinks it's starving. You need to feed your body to release weight. You need vege, fruit, protien, calcium, and carbohydrates just to get through 1 day. I would heavily suggest seeing a nutritionist, and get them to help you learn how to fuel your body. I would heavily suggest your first step to be adding some more vege and salad (fibre) to your diet, as well as some lean protien.
Thank you.

I'm dairy and gluten sensitive, makes things hard.

I'll try to increase over the next couple of days.

Will keep posting.
I'm on 800-1000 cals per day and losing around . 8 to a kilo each week. The week I increased my calories to 1200 calories I gained 1kg. 2The second week of 1200 gained another kilo. My story is to show that not all of us need the same calories to function or achieve weight loss.

Alledgedly my BMR is 1780, and your supposed to under cut that by 500 to loose. So for me that's supposed to be around the 1200 cal Mark. But the moment I increased to that I started gaining. So I dropped it back to 800-1000 I vary my intake daily so my body doesn't think I'm starving it. And hello weight loss again.

Moral of the story we all have very different caloric needs. Yours maybe way to low! At 1200 mine was too high.
If duromime suppresses diet, isn't under eating a little to burn fat stores a good thing?
jes said:
I'm day 3 in and ive gained a kilo. Yes it's not a lot, but I am troubled by this, granted I should weigh myself weekly not every few days...I just really hopeful that this drug will help me.

Eating right, drinking lots of water and going for moderate walks.

Anyone else experienced this? and or suggestions.

If you have just recently started drinking a lot more water, that can do it.
LemonSweets said:
It sounds like you are most certainly under eating. The reason you may have gained wait is because you body is holding onto fat, because you are not giving it enough nutrition. It's refusing to burn the reserves, because your body thinks it's starving. You need to feed your body to release weight. You need vege, fruit, protien, calcium, and carbohydrates just to get through 1 day. I would heavily suggest seeing a nutritionist, and get them to help you learn how to fuel your body. I would heavily suggest your first step to be adding some more vege and salad (fibre) to your diet, as well as some lean protien.
This is possible, a friend had a similar experience.
As other people have said, if you haven't been to the toilet for a couple of days that can make a big difference in weight, and also tummy measurement. If this is a problem add more water and fruit and veges. You can get an awful lot of veges for hardly any calories, and water for zero!

Coldfrog I'm similar to you, I've been told sometimes to eat more, but I am short and fairly sedentary (more active lately!) and if I eat more than 1200 for a day or two then I don't lose that week! I think 800-1000 calories a day is fine as long as they are Quality Calories - real food like meat and veges, not processed junk that isn't giving your body any nutrients. There is a big difference between three small but balanced meals, and one meal of a Big Mac, fries and a coke!

Kira, I agree! Isn't that what we're on Duromine for? As long as you are still getting decent nutrition and not starving yourself.
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And jes, no dairy or gluten in veges!
I currently just started duromine as of 3 days ago, have lost 2.5kg which im proud about but ive done my research and there are alot of negatives i am seeing! Now i weigh in at 115kg and im wanting to loose 50kg one way or another but some people are saying you put weight back on straight after you stop and i dont want that to happen at all
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The key is to make lifestyle changes while you are on it so that you don't put the weight back on after. As it acts as an appetite suppressant then you make the changes while you're not affected by hunger.
Of course if you go back to bad eating habits you're going to put weight back on..
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I dont plan on going back to bad eating and ungealthy habits! :) i want my weight gone so bad, so ill make it happen no matter what! No more excuses :)
That is PERRRRFECT! Great mindset, Emily! No more excuses – just do it! Way to go!

How do you feel?
Day 7, have lost 3.6kg :) im feel drained from the gym so im having a little bit of a rest before i go again! Other then that im happy with the weightloss as its been awhile since ive lost anything

Starting weight 116.5kg
Weight today 112.9kg

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