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ElleBelle, it is not the "active healthy "lifestyle we struggle with but "portion control and right food choices hun !! if it was easy as a healthy active lifestyle, nobody would be fat, lol .... this time round think about your lifestyle that got you back on D, and what you will do differently when you go off of it again so that it can become a "natural lifestyle" and not one you need to depend on because of D, that is what I am trying to come to terms with, while I am on D, TO BE MORE AWARE of MY mistakes, MY bad habits, MY attitude, towards making this a LIFE LONG JOURNEY and not just a temporary quick fix solution..hope that makes sense to you , hoping you will be able to lose all your weight again, hun and keep it off this time around, we know how hard it is , most of us have been there .done that too .... keep trying ,practice makes perfect ..