Weight Loss Motivation

Pibo said:
Has anyone got any successful stories? I've just started 40mg day 1
I've only been on them for a week, but I reckon it's boosting my metabolism, which is awesome!
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Samig said:
I've only been on them for a week, but I reckon it's boosting my metabolism, which is awesome!
I had my 1st today. I havent eaten stuff all but felt really tired with no energy all day its now 12.36am and my brain doesnt want to shut up but it doesnt wanna get up n do shit either lol
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Have u had a weigh in yet have u lost anything? And also what mg r u on?
Pibo said:
Have u had a weigh in yet have u lost anything? And also what mg r u on?
I'm on 30mg. I've lost a kilo, but would be more if I'd eaten less (a friend had a birthday dinner, and I had a blow out, etc) I find it doesn't stop me getting hungry which is a bummer.
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Pibo said:
I had my 1st today. I havent eaten stuff all but felt really tired with no energy all day its now 12.36am and my brain doesnt want to shut up but it doesnt wanna get up n do shit either lol
The first day I only got three hours sleep but was better the next night. We all react differently apparently. First day I was expecting to not be able to sit still but I actually didn't feel at all motivated. been good since though.
Im not one bit motivated. Though all day I've been tired now nearly 1 am and I still just can't turn off. Really need sleep though as I've got a really long day ahead of me tomorrow and a 4 year old who don't like naps anymore lol. I don't seem hungry I find myself bored and have a pick but today I have eaten bugger all but 2 slices of Aldi box pizza and about half a liter of water but my mouth taste absolute horrible.
Pibo said:
Im not one bit motivated. Though all day I've been tired now nearly 1 am and I still just can't turn off. Really need sleep though as I've got a really long day ahead of me tomorrow and a 4 year old who don't like naps anymore lol. I don't seem hungry I find myself bored and have a pick but today I have eaten bugger all but 2 slices of Aldi box pizza and about half a liter of water but my mouth taste absolute horrible.
Try taking it earlier tomorrow and it may wear off before you try to sleep. I know some people wake up early to take theirs then go back to sleep. I hope you get some sleep soon.
Oh and drink lots of water, your mouth will feel better. :)
@Samig I had mine at 7am this morning.. also do I need to stick to same time every morning?
Pibo said:
@Samig I had mine at 7am this morning.. also do I need to stick to same time every morning?
With any medications it's best to take it roughly the same time every day. But I'm a shift worker so I take mine according to when I need to sleep it not.
April said:
My dear friends,

We've got multiple questions on how to keep on track after Duromine.:idea: We all lose motivation from time to time.
I really adore the post of SlimStephen, where he shares his success. I think it's always super inspiring to read such stories!:heart:

Guys, can you share your personal recommendations, tips & tricks that keep you motivated during the weight loss journey?

Hi April. Im a totally different person now to what I was 7 months ago. I was lazy then. Now you can't stop me.

Now I know what to eat and not to eat, its fun being a fly on the wall in shopping centre food halls watching what people eat and going back for 2nds.

Plus my daily exercises helps me. I can now ride 22km on my bike easy and walking and running long distances too.
Pibo said:
Has anyone got any successful stories? I've just started 40mg day 1
I lost 27.5kg in 4 1/2 months. (3 months while on duromine 21kg, then another 6.5kg in 6 weeks after duromine) Its now 7 months since I started my new lifestyle journey when I was 103.7kgs. I have now been 76.2kg since October last year. Its my eating habits that changed and my exercise routines. My clothes are 4 sizes smaller.
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Saxarochek said:
6.3kg and on day 26 of 30 mg's
I lost 27.5kg in 4.5 months. 4 clothes sizes smaller. 30cm of my stomach.
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SlimStephen said:
I lost 27.5kg in 4.5 months. 4 clothes sizes smaller. 30cm of my stomach.
what's your secret? what did you do?
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