What Are People Eating Whilst On Duromine!

  • Thread starter christyheathcote
  • Start date
The good thing about duromine is it makes you eat less. Portion control. Because you arent hungry. Everything in moderation and no more than 1.200 cals per day for me.
We still cook pasta and lasagna and roasts for dinner. Im just eating much much less of it.
I'm on day 2 of duromine 30mg, I'm really noticing a decrease in my appetite. It is almost become a chore to eat, this surprised me at how fast I am noticing it working, and no side effects yet either. I went out to lunch today with a friend, got half way through my BLT (which I wasn't hungry for anyway) and felt full. Last week I would have smashed it all, a bowl of chips and a milkshake.
I do lite n easy and find this combination best for me
For me a lot of raw foods. I make sure to get a bit of everything from the food period pyramid, but fresh natural options.
Only water (treat- freshly squeezed juice).
No canned stuff.
No carbs.
No junk food
Nothing after 6pm
I started multivitamins
My diet is strict but that's because I already had a very healthy diet to begin with, so I need a bigger push to weight loss.
It won't work for everyone.
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Rhian said:
I'm on day 2 of duromine 30mg, I'm really noticing a decrease in my appetite. It is almost become a chore to eat, this surprised me at how fast I am noticing it working, and no side effects yet either. I went out to lunch today with a friend, got half way through my BLT (which I wasn't hungry for anyway) and felt full. Last week I would have smashed it all, a bowl of chips and a milkshake.
I went out to dinner last night got just shy of half way through it and felt like I was in a food coma
I haven't really noticed im a decrease in hunger! it succccks
I am just trying to eat normal meals with no snacks or sweet things inbetween.
Its Day 1 for me - so can't really be of any help yet. But I do plan on drastically reducing my sugar and carb intake - which doesn't matter how you look at it is a good thing. As bread rice and potatoes don't really have much nutritional value.
Moo said:
Its Day 1 for me - so can't really be of any help yet. But I do plan on drastically reducing my sugar and carb intake - which doesn't matter how you look at it is a good thing. As bread rice and potatoes don't really have much nutritional value.
Pharmacist told me to take tabs with a high protein breakfast so I get all the goods straight up in the morning after a long night of fasting.. And must still eat small meals

Ooo just found a little pamphlet in the tab box.. With a link to a website with meal plans.. Yay,,
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I am finding it even harder to eat with duromine than I found before starting. I never consumed many calories - Dietitian said nowhere near enough. Apparently this plus hormones has caused me to gain all the weight (33 years old, 158cm tall and 85kg). I actually have to set a timer to remind me to eat, or I simply won't. If I haven't organised myself enough, I end up not eating for an entire day - so really, I think pre-planning amd organisation is the key!
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Mumo3girls said:
Pharmacist told me to take tabs with a high protein breakfast so I get all the goods straight up in the morning after a long night of fasting.. And must still eat small meals

Ooo just found a little pamphlet in the tab box.. With a link to a website with meal plans.. Yay,,
Really I can't find nothing. I'm new here tho so Please direct me
Tara2016 said:
Really I can't find nothing. I'm new here tho so Please direct me

I actually didn't find website to be overly helpful.

I have basically just cut back my portions, and cut back on junk.. haven't changed anything to drastically cause it wouldn't work for me
Mumo3girls said:
I actually didn't find website to be overly helpful.

I have basically just cut back my portions, and cut back on junk.. haven't changed anything to drastically cause it wouldn't work for me
Yer that's what I figure I'd do as well. Chicken breast for lunch and dinner with salad or veg cereal for breaky with Duromine works great. And fruit smoothy as a snack
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I'm 5 days in, no really noticable difference in weigh yet, but I'm barely eating. In the night I get hungry but that's all. Throughout each day I've probably only eaten 800 calories.. should I be losing more or is my body freaking out and going into starvation mode

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