Check out where to buy Wegovy for weight loss

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Why we trust our Premium Wegovy sellers?
Proven Wegovy sellers included in the sellers list are the members of the forum, who sell Wegovy to Premium forum users. They don’t appear from nowhere. First, they have to prove to the forum administration that they are capable of delivering Wegovy in a fast and safe manner.
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Why do forum users choose to get Wegovy online?
Wegovy is an RX weight loss medication that comes in injectable form. It was developed specifically to promote weight loss in both adults and adolescents.
To be fit for the use of this medication, you have to be an adult who is obese (BMI of 30 kg/m2 or higher) or overweight (BMI of 27 kg/m2 or higher) and suffer from co-occurring health problems.
If you are an adolescent, aged 12 and more, you are fit for using this weight loss drug, if you suffer from obesity.
Wegovy is intended for use in weight loss treatment in combination with a diet and higher physical activity. It helps patients adhere to the diet by altering the rate at which food leaves the stomach, thus helping people feel full longer. At the same time it affects the brain areas that control appetite and makes people hungry less often. The third beneficial action of this medication is the enhancement of insulin production, which directly affects the weight loss rate.
These medications have both similarities and differences. Let’s see what these are in brief.
Both are prescription medications and need to be injected subcutaneously once a week. The active ingredient in both Ozempic and Wegovy is semaglutide, which is a non-insulin drug that helps control blood sugar and can help with weight management.
And this is where similarities end.
Approved uses of Wegovy vs Ozempic differ.
The former is intended for weight management in adults and adolescents aged 12 or more, whose BMI is higher than 30, or in those with a BMI of 27 and higher, who suffer from a weight-related health problem or two.
The latter is developed for use in people aged 18 and more, who suffer from type 2 diabetes, for controlling blood sugar level and preventing health risks associated with diabetes.
How you use Wegovy vs Ozempic?
Yes, both are injectable medications that you need to inject under the skin. However, Wegovy injection pen is intended for single use and you have to dispose of it after use. Unless you manage to find FlexTouch prefilled pen, which contains 4 doses.
With Ozempic, you will need to attach a new needle to the pen every time you make the injection. Depending on the dosage count in the pen, you will use it several times, and only then dispose of it.
Likelihood of side effects.
Even though the lists of side effects for both medications are the same, both common and severe, there is a higher likelihood of their manifestation in people using Wegovy, because it is available and prescribed in higher dosages compared to Ozempic.
Semaglutide is the active ingredient of Wegovy, so it’s technically the same. However, Wegovy also contains the following excipients:
- Disodium phosphate, dihydrate
- Sodium chloride Hydrochloric acid (for pH adjustment)
- Sodium hydroxide (for pH adjustment)
- Water for injections
And even though technically we can say that Wegovy and Semaglutide are the same thing, you can clearly see that the former does not contain pure semaglutide.
Clinical studies show that semaglutide (Wegovy) provides the following effects:
- energy intake is reduced,
- feeling of satiety is increased,
- fullness and control of eating are promoted,
- feelings of hunger are reduced,
- frequency and intensity of cravings are reduced,
- preference for high fat foods are reduced,
- when blood glucose is high, insulin secretion is stimulated and glucagon secretion is lowered,
- emptying of the stomach is slightly delayed.
When blood sugar level is low, the drug lowers the secretion of insulin.
Weight loss with Wegovy may begin within the first four weeks of its use. However, you may not see the full effects for a couple of months, or even longer.
The truth is that most patients, who combine the use of Wegovy with proper dieting and increased physical activity, notice the results in the very first week of weight loss treatment.
So, you need to inject the drug once a week. Besides, you will need to increase the dose of the drug during treatment, as follows:
- Week 1-4: 0.25 mg/mL
- Week 5-8: 0.5 mg/mL
- Week 9-12: 1 mg/mL
- Week 13-16: 1.7 mg/mL
- Week 17-20: 2.4 mg/mL
The 2.4 mg dose is the target dose, and you will need to stick to it if you continue treatment after 20 weeks.
During clinical trials, which lasted 68 weeks, patients using Wegovy lost on average 15% of the initial body weight, while diabetic patients managed to lose approx. 9% of the initial body weight during the same time.
It is natural to wonder how much does Wegovy cost, because the promised effects and the real results proved during the clinical trials are really impressive.
Wegowy cost per month, when it first appeared at the market of prescription weight loss medication, reached a whopping $1627 (approx. 2500 AUD). Depending on the pharmacy, the price varies by $200 (approx. 300 AUD). This is Wegovy cost without insurance. You will need to check with your insurance company, whether they offer or not any coverage for this medication.
So many Australians these days keep asking “when can I buy Wegovy online in Australia?”. And don’t get any firm reply. This is caused by the lack of stock of this medication.
Apparently Novo Nordisk, the manufacturer of this medication, is incapable of providing the required amount to cover the demand. When will it be available? It is advised by the TGA that the supply of any semaglutide-containing medication will not be available in Australia until the end of March, 2023.
So, the reply to the question “where to get Wegovy injections?” is - nowhere at the moment. Still unavailable in February, 2023. However, Proven sellers on the forum can provide an alternative semaglutide-containing medication. Just check with them.