4th day and still feeling great.

  • Author Tania
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
I have read through so many stories good and bad.

I have given up smoking and I also have PSOS, but not once in my mind did I feel pity that this would work against me.

Although the doctor was reluctant to prescribe me with duromine, she had mad one thing clear and that was when I return in 4 weeks that see wants to see results before issuing me with more.

I made it in my mind that this year would be my year. Solely focusing on myself and the first time I didn't feel guilty for thinking that.

Personally I am feeling great. I am mentally determined to loose weight but to also have a healthier lifestyle. I am a single mum of three and I would like to be energetic, happy and not to mentioned look great and feel confident. I'm doing this FOR ME, and my children will rep the rewards of a happy mum.

2nd of Jan 2017 - next weigh in 30th of Jan 2017. I will weigh myself every month as I know when I jump on the scales I would have lost weight :)

Height: 171cm
SW: 100kg
GW: 70kg
BMI: 34.2 considered obese. Need to lose more than 27kg to be in my healthy weight range.

Day 1,2,3 and 4 - I felt Energetic, I slept well, and I was consistently eating every 3hours so I can start my putting my metabolism into working gear. I have cut out all sugars which surprisingly hasn't been hard. Drink heaps of water and have been walking for 40 mins every afternoon.

Advice: Do not believe that the duromine is the weight loss option. Being mindful of your habits of junk food, your portions size and the sugar contents, educating yourself is worth while. Morning walks the best it will give you the same high as it does when you take duromine.

Mentally you need to be ready, determine and do not rely on anyone other yourself, because we always want to blame another if we fail. If you fall off the wagon, get shake it off and jump back on.
Peace out people and good luck :)


Day: 5,6,7 and 8 Has been a bit of a roller coaster, I have felt sick or anything like that. I at once stage thought that the duromine wasn't working but so to speak I didn't feel hungry I was just more conscious that I knew I had to eat in order for me to loose weight.

On day 6 and 7 I didn't not go for my walk all due because I had pulled a muscle in my back but got straight back onto it on the Monday with was the 8th day.

Eating: I was a bit concerned when the weekend was arriving as I know I could possibly fall of the wagon, only because my weekend are never planned. I was positive though, I knew the Duromine would work with me to suppress my appetite so I knew I wouldn't over eat. So on Saturday I had my healthy breakfast which lasted me until noon then I had some other healthy snacks then late at night I was hungry so I made cheese toasties :(. The follow day on Sunday well I fell off that wagon again, I didn't get up and have my healthy breakfast, I took my son to McDonalds and order him some nuggets and fries, he didn't want his fries so I ate them even though they small as well as two nuggets, well let me tell you I felt guilty and disappointed that I had actually done that considering how much work I put into my healthy eating but I shook it off and just try to fill up on water, then bang two handfuls of salt and vinegar chips :(

Even though I ate wrong foods I didn't eat large portions and still only drank water. I was still mindful of this and proud that I didn't go to over board. My walks commenced again this morning and my healthily eating. 8th day bring on the other 22days weight result will be shown then
12th day I feel normal, I still have the energy but just don't have the buzz. In regards to my eating 77% healthy eating, I have snuck in a few naughty stuff in but haven't gone over board. Out of the 12 days I have exercised 9 of them days, missed last weekend because I am a single mum of three. been doing probably 45 to an hour sess.

I have weighed myself as I said I would do it after the 30 days, I just don't want to jump on the scales and be dishearten although I can tell I have lost weight because of my clothing. I do have a measuring which I will do tonight.

Hope everyone else is ding fine.
17th Day and the first time I felt emotional last night for some reason I don't know why. I have be ok with my eating probably eating 75%well and out of the 17 days I have exercising 14 of them, I haven't weighed myself as yet, although I do know I have lost weight with my clothing, but my weigh will be Monday the 30th, but I also understand that I have been building mussel so I don't have high expectation on the scale, although I need to hurry up and do my measurements.

Duromine is still supressing my appetite but at night I can get a little bit hungry, my sleep I still need to find a routine for as it has always been like this and with a teething baby makes it a bit hard.

On a positive note, I am still determine I will be continuing on my journey. I was a large 18 is clothing and now I have moved into a small 18, next step bring on size 16, dress size goal is a 12-14 :)
Hello Tania! I wonder if you’re still on Duromine and are still doing everything you can to get to your 12-14 size. Or you already managed to reach it, huh? I hope on hearing from you. And I wish you best of luck. You truly do deserve it. I can’t imagine how you manage to cope with everything while having 3kids. SO I am sure you know that you are a very strong person. Never forget that and always move forward, not a single step back!

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