Daily update - Week 3 day 7

  • Author Determined93
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
So I stuck to what I sad yesterday and took the dog for a walk. I had only planned on doing a little lap of my street and the next one over but I ended up going a different way and walked to my friends house which was still only about 3km there and back but going there is pretty much all uphill. My dog was pretty much pulling me along so I kept up a good pace too although I still think I ended up getting more of an arm workout as he’s a big strong boy and when he wants to get to something he gives it his all and there were a lot of houses we walked past with other dogs and of course he wanted to play with all of them. So I came home with slightly sore calves and very sore arms but I still think it was worth it.

Today I had a 100g loss which was pretty disappointing as I am still over my starting weight for the week and tomorrow is my final weigh in for week 3. I had a pretty crappy sleep last night and wasn’t feeling as motivated today but I still made myself do a 40min circuit workout before lunch today but I could really feel my calf muscles so I’m going to assume that they’ll be sore tomorrow.

My partner made a comment today about how he can see that i’ve Lost weight which made me feel good despite the gains this week but I honestly don’t know how he could see much difference as I really haven’t even lost that much.

Really hoping that I see a loss tomorrow and not another gain.

Had what I think may have been a new side effect today too. For most of the day by face felt really warm. Like when you have sunburn and you can feel the heat coming off of it but it settled down by tonight.

Anyways I’m off to bed now, hoping to get a better sleep tonight.


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