Day 1

  • Author My Journey :)
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
Hi There,
I just wanted to share my experiences to help others in the same boat that I am in.

My stats are-

Female 26 yr old Height 175cm
Start date on Duramine 15mg 21/08/13
Start Weight 82kg

About 5 years ago I reached my largest weight of 100kg's and i compeltly lost my mind over it. I went crazy on a diet and was swimming 1-2km every day. I got myself down to 65kg and was the happiest i have ever been. Unfortunatly when i went backpacking for a year, i put most of it back on. when i got back to Australia, i was a heafty 89kg. Panic sunk in again so i joined lite and easy which was great but slow going- i got down to 82kg where i am now and i just cant stand looking in the mirror anymore.
My Dr prescribed Duromine 15mg for me and today was my first day.

I took my tablet at 6.30 and an hour later i was starving as usual so i had my oats that i usually have for breakky. around 10am, the energy kicked in and i was on a rampage. I got all my work for the day done before midday and was just buzzing. I havent had the dry mouth but i think that might be due to the fact that I already drink alot of water. I hit a wall about 2 in the afternoon where i felt a little down and depressed but that passed. I have also had a light headache for the afternoon as well, but that only came on since i had a couple of cigarettes after lunch. I still have a good appetite at the moment but couldnt eat all my lunch. There was even cake for a staff members birthday in the office and i didnt even want any!
I am sticking on light and easy while taking my duromine as i dont like fasting.

I really like everyone's success stories on here, its really inspiring. will keep everyone updated~
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My Journey :)
Read time
2 min read
Last update

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