Day 16 / 15mg....High as a Kite

  • Author EmilyKate
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Side effects today are a bit intense.
Feeling like day 1....but with a bit more paranoia...
Claggy mouth.. tight throat... struggling to eat..
Does anyone know how to help these side effect on days where it can get a bit anoying...????
I Love the fact that im not hungry but im not a huge fan of feeling like this...

It is a hot day today... not used to the heat maybe?
Im drinking alot of water.. had a good breaky... struggled to eat lunch but i had a few month fulls of feta/pumpkin spinach salad and a banana...

Have no appetite for dinner what so ever... im acrually tiered by my mind wont slow down just yet.....


Im sure it will go away as tomorrow is another day!


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