Day 18 & 19 - LONG DAY BIG MEAL :-(

  • Author Rob84
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Well Yesterday was a longgggg day! I had my night shift start at 7pm the previous evening and i worked though to 7am in the morning (12hrs), THEN was called into my second job on a site doing steal frame work and i was there till 1pm. So i FORGOT to take a duro!! i missed one!! opss! Still I was pretty impressed with myself as I was ticking along and got everything done. After all that work i went to the pool and didnt really swim much, but more soaked up the spa, sauna and steam room, cooked all those aches and pains out haha. Was home by 4pm and chilled until i met up with the misses and we had dinner out, and yeah i was starving!! I ate this massive gourmet corned meat sandwich and instantly went into a food coma... or tiredness lol, or both haha.

Got up this morning feeling a bit tiered, I thought id be overweight (last weigh in) from having such a big meal last night, but i wasnt!! I was under!! not amazing numbers, but still under non the less! So I was very happy with that! and kinda take it as a bit of luck also, as I knew i was over eating! Bit of a rest day today, maybe some archery (hobby) and a walk (if i can fit it in) cleaning n washing day.. yay! (not) haha



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