Day 20 & 21. Late one and chill! Week 3 weigh in!!

  • Author Rob84
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
Well had my weigh in today!

Weight: 102 kg flat. Loss of .65kgs!
BF 33.1% (down . 2%)
Body Water: 48.8% (up .2% ; up.7% total)
BF Weight: 33.8 kg (down .6 kg)
Bone Weight: 8.4 % (has not changed at all)

I know i was shooting for a 2 kg loss, but only scored 650 grams, I'm not disheartened at all! this week has been batshit crazy with work!, Had night shifts which mess with my sleep pattern and eating routines, Started with a social event where i did over do the drinking (spirits). Did a night shift to day shift straight (18hrs solid) and had another big social event where again i didnt over eat, but i did have plenty of spirits.... my bad...
that was the Saturday night, weigh in was Sunday morning (this morning).

The good points of this week has been: 1- had a good couple of weight workouts, 2- had a good swim sesh and a recovery pool sesh (sauna, steam room, spa) 3- went up another belt notch (3 so far)
The bad points of this week: 1- wasnt as regimented with my meals, three average/bad caloric dinners (all social events where i chose as best an option as i could) 2- drank too much spirits.

I feel that i have changed shape alot over these 3 weeks and have put on at least a couple kilos of muscle, which is kinda reflected in the body water percentage increasing and bits are feeling harder LOL.
Its been a humbling result and has made me focus on the week ahead!

hope yall had a great weekend!


Hi Rob! Congratulations with another weight loss!!! With all the goodies and spirits that you had, along with poor sleeping pattern, it is amazing that you didn’t gain a couple of kilos back. So, well done on that! And well done on your physical activity!

I think that during these three weeks you managed to change not only physically, but also mentally. You clearly see where you “do bad” and how you can minimize the damage. And the best thing is that you not simply say how – you actually do it!

Glad that you are enjoying the changes that you notice in your body and hope that they motivate you enough to keep moving towards your goals without stopping. =) A productive week to you, Rob! Hop back on track! =))
Yeah It felt like I've had my fun and its now time to get back to business haha!

I had to acknowledge both sides of my week as there where good points as well as bad, and it showed in the results! feeling good again and positive, I do admit I have been a lil flat the last couple days, but realistically after the massive week its no surprise to be honest, bad food, too much booze, lack of sleep and a low result in weight loss. But its a new week! Feeling good and ready to get back at it!!

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