Day 3 by Sk1nnyoneday

  • Author Sk1nnyoneday
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Urgh I need a good night’s sleep.

Today’s symptoms
Increased thirst
Mild dry throat
Uneasy stomach

I think my “uneasy stomach” is actually hunger. It’s so strange. Hungry for food but no desire to eat.

I was out for lunch with my extended family (grandmother’s funeral ) people were offering me food all day but I kept automatically declining. When I did get a plate I picked at my meal until it went cold, I ate it so slowly. One of the last to finish. No wolfing it down. No flavour induced euphoria. No second or third helping. Absolutely unheard of for me. The behavioural changes are astounding.

On the downside I was introduced to a family friend and after I introduced my fiancé she later asked “so, when are you due?” her face dropped like a stone when I replied “I’m not”

Today’s calories: 979 recorded + unknown lunch
Today’s exercise: 0 (rest day)
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Ahh that stomach feeling it's so weird isn't it?! Mine growls like I'm starving but I'm not hungry sounds like it's the same for you.

Ahh I wouldn't worry about the pregnancy comment, you won't be getting them for long! You are doing great
So glad I’m not the only one feeling this. Just wish it would stop already especially when I’m done with my calories for the day and my stomach is still moaning for more....

In the end I had to get up eat a snack just so I could sleep!

Dreaming of a flat tummy

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