Day 3

  • Author Natalie107
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Day 3 on Duromine.

I have been taking duromine the past 3 days and I must say so far I'm impressed.

My appetite has decreased alot!
I don't feel the need to snack..
I feel put off of food, if that makes sense..
Like when I do eat.. I find myself eating less and eating alot slower..

And I have atleast been drinking 3 litres of water a day!
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Perfect! 3 litres of water a day is a good water regimen. I think you don't have dry mouth problem, do you?:)

How do you sleep?
In one of the posts, you tell that you switched to the night shift and took the pill at another time.
Wow! So nice to hear you already see the difference with the pills!
I am happy for you)

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