Day 3...

  • Author Mel Muller
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
Hi to anyone reading this... I am currently day 3 of duromine 30mg. I had no idea of it till the dr gave me a script on Thursday. I had bmi of 33 and being only short and 75kg at weigh in I have struggled to drop the kgs. Dr did a blood test before and was all good and perfect blood Pressure.
Day 1 was interesting I was as high as a kite. I took tab at 7am and by 11.30 I was full of energy. I wasn't very hungry but was mindful that my body still needed food so I had a few small meals during the day. I managed to complete my uni assignment. Unfortunately I got about an hours sleep all Friday night so that wasn't good.
Day 2 was mostly ok. I wasn't high anymore taking tab about 730 again but had a bit of a tummy grumble. I wasnt tired at all considering the lack of sleep!!! All day my tummy was a little off, same as when I drink too much alcohol!!! I have found it to so far make me more laid back and relaxed which has been good. I again ensured I had meals though they were small as I couldn't fit much in. (I'd be great for a buffet meal at the moment!!! :laughing::laughing:) unfortunately I didn't get any sleep again till 5am...
Day 3 - has been difficult... I went back to drs this morning to find out about sleeping tabs and he said yeah but try not to so I am going to try to sleep and if I not asleep in an hour or so then take them. I have had a very upset tummy today and got so bad had to lie down with dizzy spells and hot flushes. Dr suggested having a day on and day off cycle to help with side effects he said they usually lessen with time! So tomorrows a day off them. I weighed in tonight though 3kgs lighter which is great. So tomorrow is another day I have taken a sleeping tablet to sleep tonight and we will see what tomorrow brings....


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Mel Muller
Read time
2 min read
Last update

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