Day 4 - (-2kg) No Duromine

  • Author Sk1nnyoneday
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read

I can't believe I forgot to take Duromine this morning. Much to my surprise, my appetite remained markedly reduced this morning and afternoon but my stomach has been gurgling painfully all day and the desire to eat has increased this evening.
Edit: Finished a good workout that I reeeeeally didn’t want to do but, now that I have, my stomach feels fine and I’m feeling pretty productive
0.6kg loss from day 2
Today's symptoms
Trapped wind
Dry mouth
Increased thirst
Today's calories: 1768
Today's exercise: 35 minutes
Start weight: 66.6kg
Current weight:64.6kg
BP reading: 131/87 78bpm


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Read time
1 min read
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