Day 4 - Day off.

  • Author Rob84
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Night 3 was pretty good, i felt that i slept really deeply which was cool, i did wake up at 4am on my day off which kinda sucked, so i just had a nice hot shower and by 430am i was back asleep (in bed of course) to rise with the alarm at 645am bright eyed and bushy tailed.

Usually my days off i tend to eat all the wrong things and feel shitty, but this morning i had a Chiro appointment at 730am, after i went to the pool and had a swim, done the shopping and now home to get into some cleaning / washing : all the hardcore things haha.

I still have no desire to eat, very low hunger, which is nice for a change as Im usually a cupboard raider on days off. Shake for breakfast, Shake for lunch with two pieces of fruit, i have a 100cal protein bar for a snack and tonight im cooking chicken pad thai loaded with stir fry vegies. Still feeling good.
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Hey Rob! What an amazingly active day you had! Feels like you’re radiating with energy. =) So happy to hear that you managed to get into the pool. That’s my favorite type of physical activity for anyone, who wants to lose weight and build muscles + tone skin at the same time. So, keep it up!

As for your nutrition… Are you planning to stick to the shakes when you’re off Duromine? I mean… having one, if you are not a breakfast person is ok, but you seem to replace two thirds of food with shakes. If your plan is to go on like that, it’s fine. If not, I would advise you to dedicate your third month on Duromine to developing healthy cooking habits for your breakfasts and lunches, as well as making them various, so that you don’t get bored. This is important for maintaining your weight after the course. Just some ideas for you to think over…

All in all, you’re going super-great! Thank you very much for the update and all the positive energy that oozes from your message!
Hi April, yeah the plan is to keep shakes as a breakfast option as it fits in really easy into my morning routine, after duromine, lunches will be a mix depending on workload etc weather its a shake or a meal, it is my intention to change my eating habits and i can feel the difference already from snacking on fruits vs (chips, toasties, fried foods, fast foods (Maccas - KFC) etc) - just feeling lighter inside,not bloated, or thick and gluggy (if thats a word) is nice.
Thats great rob... sounds like u are doing well. Great that you were able to swim!

I can relate... im not eating or even thinking about food like i used too!
Not as heavy. Alot more bubbly at work too!
For years when i was a teenager and in my early 20s i struggled eating breakfast.
I managed to find a breakfast now that i love.
1/2 cup rolled oats
Tble spoon chia seeds
1/2 cup water
1/2 cup blueberries
(Soak overnight) in fridge.

I make 5-6 of these meals (in containers) with lids every week keep in fridge.

I get up each morning grab one from the fridge and add
- 1 chocolate scoop of protien wey powder. (gold standard) - tastes like milo!

Its easy and i find that its sweet with a good amount of fibre/carbs/protien

I have been having this everyday whist on duromine too.
I am finding it hard to eat lunch and dinner.

Todays food:
Normal oat breakfast (as always)
Lunch - 2 peices of fruit and a coffee
Dinner - bowl of scrambee eggs
Drinking lots of water and green tea.

I do feel that i need to eat more (for nutrition)
Im quite shocked that i have such great energy and concentration with not much food. Its a strange feeling.
Thanks Emilly! Sounds like your smashing it also!! I think I might start doing the pre-made meals, I like that idea!
Most Welcome... yes ive been eating alot of fruit... just cuz its juicy and im thirsty alot... and fruit is so easy to eat on the run.... i am however not getting to sleep untill around 1:30am 2am...getting up at 730am... i would love to have a longer sleep... my eyes are a bit tired and dry...but still have lots of concentration and positive attitude which is great normally 3pm im shitty and looking/thinking about food!

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