Dry Biscuits and Lucozade...

  • Author Mel Muller
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Very unhappy today, tummy is still not any better. Had to force myself to hobble out of bed. I feel like I am struggling with morning sickness again, it is horrible. Tried a cup of sugary black tea as I had the shakes too probably because I wasnt able to eat a lot yesterday. Somehow managed to get darling daughter 3 to day care, DD1 to Nannies and DD2 to speech therapy. I managed to get about 4.5 hours sleep last night with the sleeping tablets and I havent had a duro today. Am not sure what to do, I have to write a uni assignment due on 11 days time and I have barely started, if the upset tummy continues I cant concentrate on the assignment. If I knew that the tum would settle I would be ok. So, I sit here now, eating dry water crackers and drinking lucozade because even water was making me gag.

Has anyone felt like this? Duro is helping with the cravings as I am not craving food at all, even my neighbours delicious smelling dinner last night did not make me crave it and that is my biggest problem, self control, I can deal with the lack of sleep, heck it might even help get my assignment written while I am awake all night, but I need this tummy to settle!!

ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! :(:(


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Mel Muller
Read time
1 min read
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