Happy 1 month anniversary to me!!

  • Author 10th time lucky
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
So I have been going for 1 month now and I'm loving it!! I feel great, soooooo motivated and can really see a change in my shape!!

I did 2 pump classes, 1 step class and 1 cardio class last week! Very happy with that :)

However, on Saturday night, I went out and had a bottle of sweet white wine to myself. I usually don't drink, so this was very rare for me. I had 2 eggs scrambled for breakfast the next morning and I just couldn't stop beating myself up for these 2 bad choices. I have been very very strict for the last 4wks and didn't want to feel this way, but unfortunately I did, regardless of how much I told myself not to. But I think that is something I will have to learn over time and I hope it gets easier:(

I had my weigh in yesterday and lost 1.2kg this week :) yay me!! My bust went down another 3cm, hips went down 3cms and another 1cm off each arm and leg. So overall, very happy with last week. :)

I haven't been to the gym since Friday last wk, due to kids being unwell etc. so today makes 4days since my last workout. Im hoping I can go tonight, if all is well, if not then definately tomorrow morning :) again, this is something im beating myself up over, but we all have days like this and I need to learn its just part of everyday life.

I'm off to my doc tomorrow as my prescription finishes today, but I'm having lots of trouble sleeping. I just lay there awake at night. Is anyone else finding the same thing?

On another note, I finally got a thermomix! So excited and can't wait to start playing with it :)
Does anyone have any high protein, low fat and low sugar thermomix recipes that they are happy to share with me? :)

Good luck everyone, and i look forward to updating you next week and reading all your updates too :)

The New Girl


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10th time lucky
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2 min read
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