Last of my first month tablets!

  • Author Mum86
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Today I had my last tablet for month 1 of my script.. The doctor gave me repeats and as I'd lost the script book, the local pharmacy luckily had it on file and are making my next lot for me to pick up tomorrow morning :)

The pharmacy doesn't open til 8am and I usually have my tablet at 6am so am planning to maybe have a bit of a sleep in tomorrow :)
I am very happy with my results in my first month :)
A result and total weight loss of 10.1kgs GONE!! :)
As I lost 5kgs without them before I started the meds.

I woke this morning and had my pill at 6am, got the kid ready for school :)
And then the 2 little ones were asleep so I went and done a full core and strength workout!
Am buying Zumba for the Wii tomorrow off a friend and I'm a bit excited as I LOVE dancing!!

And it's something my kids can join in on!

Today I have no plans.. So am just going to clean and do some washing and train some more this arv :)

I want to train hard this week so when the other half gets home Friday I get a "WOW" or something lol as he is around me all the time even tho he tells me he notices I think he says it to boost my confidence god love him!

Slept really good last night and actually went to sleep before 11pm! Which is probably a first! Lol
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