My duromine journey to a better me!

  • Author Determined93
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 3 min read
I think I have finally worked this page out so I have decided to start a blog to not only keep track of how I am going but also how I am feeling so I have something I can refer back to.

A bit of backstory for if anyone decides to read this..

I am currently 24 years old (25 next month), 158cm tall and a mum to 3 happy, healthy, energetic children.

I can’t remember a time when I wasn’t overweight. The amount has differed over the years but I have always been overweight. I hovered around 70-75kg throughout my teenage years, then I had my first child when I was 16 and put on a massive 30+kg.

I started duromine for the first time in 2012 when I was 19 and lost around 10kg but had to stop taking it after a bit over a month because I fell pregnant again. During that pregnancy I lost 5kg at the start and by the end I had put on an extra 5.

I stayed around that weight for about 2 years and had a series of events happen that ended up with me not in a good way. I would go days at a time without eating and sleeping and ended up loosing about 10-15kg in a very short time. Later that year I found out I was pregnant with number 3 and had morning sickness the whole way through my pregnancy and ended up a couple of kgs lighter when I was full term to what I started at.

I hovered around 77-82kg for about a year and then my weight crept up and up and I was at 97.4kg. The heaviest I have ever been was after my first child when I was 99kg and I was almost there again which was a huge shock. I also had no motivation to do anything. I would sit around and binge watch tv shows all day and my house looked like a cyclone had been through it and circled back but I just didn’t have the energy to maintain it in a decent state. Making proper meals was not a priority, everything was so chaotic in my household that getting any food on the table was a huge mission so we started getting takeaway for dinner 3 times a week and the rest of the time it was prepackaged crap that I could just throw in the oven and be done with it.

I finally decided enough was enough after playing a game of soccer with my kids and my partner and after running a few metres for the ball I was completely exhausted and needed to sit down. So off to the doctors I went and straight away I was handed a script for a month supply of duromine 40mg.

My progress so far..

I started duromine and my goal to get back on track on the 14th April. The first week was all over place.

The first day I felt completely buzzed and once I started talking I couldn’t stop. I was pain free and felt very content and just all around good.

The second day I was very alert but the buzzed feeling was gone.

Day 3 & 4 I found I wasn’t feeling very energetic but once I got up and started doing something I would keep going until it was done and wasn’t making excuses to take breaks.

Days 5-7 I didn’t have much energy at all but forced myself to do some exercise but that pretty much ended my day of productivity. Day 8 I had no energy at all and was very sluggish.

Day 9-10 I forced myself to get in and tackle some stuff that needed to be done around the house, once I started I was back to not being able to stop and felt really good for it.

Day 11 I was back to feeling really sluggish again all day until about 11pm when I got hit with a wave of motivation so I started baking and cleaning my kitchen.

Day 12 I was feeling good again, really awake and motivated to get my tasks done for the day. When I would sit down for more then 5 minutes I found myself itching to get back up again despite the fact that I wasn’t too thrilled about the jobs I had to do but I got them all done (and then some) and felt great for it. I even managed to get all 3 kids fed, bathed and in bed by a decent hour which is usually a mission.
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Thank you for sharing! Enjoyed reading through your days and am really happy for you, for managing to do all these things and actually enjoying them. =) Did you manage to work through your meals? Did this part change?
Hi April, I’m not sure which part you are referring to when you ask if I managed to work through my meals =\
this part "Making proper meals was not a priority, everything was so chaotic in my household that getting any food on the table was a huge mission so we started getting takeaway for dinner 3 times a week and the rest of the time it was prepackaged crap that I could just throw in the oven and be done with it."
Yes, I noticed that you said you had enough energy to feed your kids, but do you take proper care of yourself? with all this running... do you manage to eat sufficient veggies and proteins? Remember, you need good stuff, your body needs nutrients and vitamins and minerals... you don't want to end up with flabby skin, breaking nails and falling off hair, right? I am just worried... i see lots of moving around, which is good, yet i did not notice (or don't remember, sorry about that, if the case) anything about your nutrition.
yep, noticed the entry about the diet. my apologies
I think I am definitely getting enough protein, I usually eat salads as opposed to veggies because I’ve honestly never really been a fan. The days that I don’t have salad with my meals is usually due to stuff going bad or the kids eat it all and sometimes I honestly just couldn’t be bothered cutting it all up. It is something I am working on though.

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