My Duromine Journey

  • Author Mala Chetty
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
So I started on Monday with my 30 mg Duromine, I took my tablet at 07h00 and felt it kick n at about 09h00. It was that sudden rush of adrenalin. It was like I had all of this energy and I could feel all of my senses where working on overdrive. I ended up drinking 6 Litres of water and the insomnia kicked in. Day 2 was just the same, it felt like I was working on a high. had a splitting headache the entire day. I consumed 5 litres of water and I managed to get some sleep. Today is Day 3 and I feel a lot calmer. Im down to 2 litres of water so far and that rushy feeling has dissipated. Im still on my normal workout of an hour on the treadmill every day. So far there has been no change in my weight.
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@Mala Chetty - so glad you decided to blog!

Your body is still adjusting and all the symptoms you described are really quite normal when starting Duromine. Like I stated in the forums - don't be afraid to have a panadol if you need it *hugs*

You are doing fantastic to keep on with your normal workout of an hour!

Don't be too concerned about dropping the weight as yet - I find mine really fluctuates. Some days I am even up a kilo if I have had a really hard workout the day before and then "whoosh" I drop a kilo or more.

How much are you looking to lose hun?
Hi Rava, thank you for the encouragement. I was so excited this morning when I weighed in at to my surprise I lost an entire Kilo between yesterday and today. The insomnia and constant thirst was so worth the look of satisfaction on my face this morning. It took me an entire month before I finally decided to get my duromine script filled and during that month I changed my eating habits, worked out twice a day and it took me the entire month just to loose that 1kg. So I am glad that Im not as thirsty today and I think that my body is getting accustomed to the Duromine. I started taking it at 3am instead of 6 AM from this morning, so I want to see how that goes.
@Mala Chetty that's great news hun! Sorry I wasn't able to reply quicker, but did a huge road trip that didn't allow me to log in due to crappy mobile reception :(

How did you go over the weekend?

Did you suffer from any insomnia ?

Blog entry information

Mala Chetty
Read time
1 min read
Last update

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