The Duromine Diaries : At the starting blocks...

  • Author Bessie Bunter
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 4 min read
SW: 16st 9lb 2oz (106kg)
CW: 16st 9lb 2oz (106kg)
GW: 10st (63.5kg)

In the beginning I was a curvy size 10 and weighing in at 9 fact I pretty much managed to hover around this dress size and weight through my 20's and 30s.
But during the middle of 2014 my life took a turn which resulted in my hormones spiralling out of control and nearly doubling my dress size and weight in 6 months.

The abridged version is that following 6 months in a pretty horrid job I went on some medication to assist with the anxiety. The tablets made a huge difference to my mindset, but they also affected my hormones and I piled on the weight. By the end of the year I was twice my size, twice my weight, meanwhile I hadn't noticed that the period I'd started in October just hadn't stopped.
Fast forward to Easter 2015 and I was having a blood transfusion, that's right, the period just kept on flowing...literally.
Now I'm talking changing a super tampon every 12-15 minutes over 6-8 hours, clots the size of my palm pushing the tampon out or pushing past it. Bridget Jones has nothing on my sexy underwear!
Super tampons, night time incontinence pad and pull on incontinence pants with a pair of delightful waterproof high waisted knickers to top it off.
On the plus my vagina felt like it was sitting on a cloud...on the minus I had some serious camel toe!

By the end of the year I was at my wits end and quite frankly breaking point. I'd had two D&C's, the Mirena inserted (although I wasn't to know a few days after insertion my uterus had expelled it into my cervical canal where it sat for 3 my unknown pain), three different types of contraceptives and four doctors/consultants suggesting I had a hysterectomy.
I was in my 30's, single, childless with a perfectly healthy uterus, cyst, polyp and fibroid free..I felt pretty let down by the medical world especially for offering this as the only option.

So in 2016, I visited an acupuncturist and she stopped the bleeding overnight...for the first time in 18 months.
It would be great if the story stopped there but she left to have her baby and I saw one acupuncturist after the other who failed to demonstrate the same outcome with needles and Chinese herbs. Fortunately, she started treating me again at the beginning of this year and managed to work her magic once more.

The crux of the problem lay in my hormones, I hadn't produced progesterone in years and was in a weight gain cycle of producing much so that earlier this year I started lactating.
That's right ladies, my body was producing prolactin in the 800's and thought it was pregnant from oestrogen overload so I shot up from a G to a K cup...full of milk.
Without success my acupuncturist has been trying to bring on a normal period...normal in that I wasn't haemorrhaging in my knickers and there was an end date.
Sadly my body is reticent to play ball and just when I think I have the issue nailed...splat...a gusset full of blood.
It's been 4 years and I can't consider dating let alone starting a family until I bleed for a few days once a month like most gals.

Which brings me to this forum and my Duromine Diaries.
No amount of exercise or 900 calorie-a-day diet was having any impact on my body and I need to stop this weight gain cycle. I am hoping Duromine will make the difference...that I can lose enough weight to no longer be 'obese', kick start my hormones and develop a routine of regular and effective exercise.

This is my ground zero, I have the tablets on my bedside table and my alarm set for 4.45am.
When that bell rings I am popping a pill that I hope will be the difference I need to help me start a very different cycle.
Where better to document it daily but here...with others that have gone through the same Duromine dramas that I hope I don't experience.
Goal weight here I come!

Weight: 16st 9lb 2oz (106kg)
Total Body Water: 38.2% (I'm guessing that's going to go up judging by the dry mouths on the forum!)
Muscle Mass: 8st 4lb 2oz (52.6kg)
Bone Mass: 6.2
Visceral Fat: 12 (Yep...right on the borderline of DANGER ABORT SYSTEM)
BMR: 1743 (Are you kidding? I've been eating less than half that calorie amount for the last year!)
Metabolic Age: 50 (As if I couldn't feel any lower...this is the one that got me...7 years older than my real age).


OMG! What you have been going through is horrible. I’ll pray that Duromine helps you make the change that you need and I hope that the hormones do stop torturing you.

As for the BMR… well, yes, this might be the key – you might need to increase your daily calories, BUT you need to make sure that they come with healthy foods, ok? Try for a week and see how it goes. Fingers crossed for your success!!!

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Bessie Bunter
Read time
4 min read
Last update

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