The Monster in the fridge...........The Monster in the Mirror.................., The Monster in the exercise routine ...The Monster in the brain ....

  • Author Leigh'sgottalottolose
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 5 min read
Reflecting on week FOUR, today Friday is the last day of week four ...Looking back at last week Friday {end of week 3 }was weigh in day, and my weight STOOD STILL ,for the first time, so my head space was challenged indeed .And It was my last day on D30mg ...
Saturday{day 1 of week four },It started out with a HUGE challenge, as it was my son's 19TH BIRTHDAY, but I surprised myself and came through with flying colours ....And did NOT start D 40mg...AND DID NO exercise .
Sunday was "take out "day and I decided NO D 40mg on Sunday either, came through with flying colours too... It was a test to myself, as Weekends used to be my biggest challenge , of overindulging or wrong food choices , and a reason to be "out of control" so to speak .. I woke up Monday morning feeling pretty positive and ready for the new weeks challenge and the start of D40mg.. and exercise EVERY DAY ...had new side effects for the first time on D, head spinning, VERY DRY MOUTH, more than usual ,insomnia really bad, BUT the good side was I had even MORE energy than when I was on 30mg and when I was on 30mg, I already thought I had loads of energy and it wa gr8, but I had just become used to 30mg, where my sleeping pattern, and energy levels we well balanced, and I was eating ALL my calories, then got told by the doc I needed to up the meds as 1 and a half kg a week was not enough for me to lose ,I needed to lose double that a week, SO this info messed with my mind a bit and my excitement and drive to fight the battle of the bulge .... Cardio went very well, for the first two days, then It came crashing down on Wednesday, morning, no energy, stiff and sore, but a good stiff and sore, haha, but my body was so tired and drained, {could be the lack of sleep and then putting out loads of energy in the exercise routine and spring cleaning like a mad person with all
the hyped up extra energy??}, that by day three my body said "enough already" ..So I did not take D on Wednesday morning, I was hoping to slow down my energy level, to a "normal "pace so I could just function for the day ,I drank double the amount of water, which was strange for me usually 1 litre a day to 1 and a half is more than enough for me, especially on cooler days , but here I was gulping down water and never being quenched ,I also had no appetite , I had to force myself to eat brekkie, and have a hot drink for lunch, so I could at least get some calories in for the day, dinner was only half ,could not eat anymore, had no desire for food or the taste, and I LOVE MY FOOD AND MY COOKING ,if I may say so myself, hahaha..Did not like the feeling that I was not in control of my mind and body the way I was over the last three weeks.. slept well and deeply ,woke up refreshed and my body was calmer , Thursday back on D, LOADS OF ENERGY and thirsty, but not like the day before and the buzz sensation in my head was not as intense as before, and I manage to eat all my calories for he day ,BUT only got to bed at 1:30am this morning .. AFTER 5 hours of sleep, I took my D this morning, got on the scale and measured myself...Thinking it was no brainer that this weeks results would not be good with all my erratic, changes with meds, and exercise, and calories , I was expecting bad results or none at all to be honest, I was negative, or felt like I wanted to give up on this journey, which is a FIRST for me, I looked at the big picture and for once was realistic in my thinking and assessed the week and it's challenges, and knew that I was on a self discovery journey to overcome the things ,and feelings that STOP ME from winning this battle called Balance and moderation, that I have heard about my whole adult life, and was finally grasping at it with all my being ,and wanting to fight it every step of the way, even when feeling like I was failing and it was slipping out of my hands everyday this week, I kept going and listened to my body, and hoped for the best ...
So glad I did, another Monster has been beaten today , I looked in the mirror and she was gone , I now faced me , Leigh, the person who wants to do this will all her might , knowing and ACCEPTING for the first time, that Monsters will come and go, but they not Monsters anymore they are challengers that WILL BE defeated, just not in OTHER PEOPLES TIME, AND OTHER PEOPLES JOURNEYS, AND OTHER PEOPLES EXPECTATIONS, but in Leigh's time and that was ok ,as "Leigh" has to live with herself everyday and function with a balanced mind and body, and there is no race, and "she" can give herself this advice too not just others out there like she always does, and she can be less critical on herself, and more patient with herself, and take it hour by hour if she must , and it is ok ...I look forward to week 5 tomorrow , my mind set has being challenged more than my body this week, and it is good thing, because my mind has been my enemy for so long now, NOT food... Hoping this new week brings new insight for me, and that my physical challenges {Monsters }WILL lose too and that the fridge Monster and the exercise monster will be defeated each week , so that I can find my balance and start living a balanced free life instead of fighting for one ...hope YOU ALL HAVE A FANTASTIC WEEK AHEAD AND THAT YOU ALL KEEP FIGHTING THIS BATTLE EVERYDAY TOO, and THANK YOU EACH AND EVERYONE OF YOU for all your blog entries that inspire me ,give me hope and make me feel normal when I fail on a daily bases , have a gr8 weekend everyone ....

Weight loss for the week:200g
Body Measurements for two weeks :5cm , from my waist, chest and for arms ...
Goals for the week : EAT ALL calories, so my metabolism will not slow down even further and my body will not store fat then..
Take D EVERYDAY, consistently ..
EXercise EVERYDAY ,consistently ,even when tired, NO EXCUSES ..
Glad this bad week is behind me , looking forward to a positive ,driven, week five ahead ...
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Hi Leigh your right we all have to fight the monsters in our heads as well as the monsters around us... You need to do what's right for you ...I think 1 to 1.5 kg loss per week is amazing and to lose 5cm is a fantastic effort... It is about balance .... D can be fantastic however the wrong dose can really mess with your emotions ...I know has happened to me I was on 40 mg yrs ago I would dry non stop like the energiser bunny .. I lost weight..however I was a mess .... Now that's me my body obviously couldn't handle that dose... 15mgs is my saviour...however this week I haven't been on D as I'm sick dr said I need to have a break... I have not had any side effects being off D.. I'm sticking to my 1000 cals... Will start back on D next week .... Wishing you a fabulous week... :) remember your Fantastic you go girl :)
Hey Shellyisme, Thanks for that, and hope you feel better soon, good on you that you are losing eating only 1000 calories, wish my body would adjust to that, as I only eat between 500 and 1000 on some days, not good for a person with a low thyroid like mine, lol, gotta eat ALL my calories now if I want to see bigger results , take care ,and thanx for the positive attitude, ;)
Well, Leigh that is exactly how I feel over the wheight loss journey. I mean, after all I've been through, after every single story I've read here, it is a pleasure to see that people like you realize that not only Duromine is the answer, but first of all - themselves. We have to deal with our inner world with our personality, let's say that little person inside ourselves everyday. No one else can live our life instead of ourselves. And I think it is a good thing that you had to feel what you feel, because it makes you stronger and now you are even more motivated to change your life and your nutritional habits for good. "EVERYTHING HAPPENS FOR A REASON" - used to say my old friend... ;)
You'll be OK, because you're moving in the right direction, stay strong!
Thank you Kate ,appreciate it much, you and everyone hear motivate me each day, and you all help me to keep my perspective in check ..

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