This Feels Like The Beginning Of The Rest Of My Life.

  • Author JacquiRose
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 3 min read
This Is Everything About Me:
My name is Jacqui, I live in a small city on the coast of Western Australia. I work full-time and live with my partner of almost 2 years. I'm not new to forums and blogs, I've been on them for years looking for support and inspiration. I'm in the middle of a life style change, not just another diet. I have been on my fair share of diets tho, shakes, high protein, x-endo, cutting dairy and cool drinks, but the list goes on. I used to go to the gym a minimum of 3 times a week combined with these various diets, but have fallen off the wagon and am trying desperately to get back on. And this is where Duromine comes onto play. I'm hoping it will help me get enthused, inspired and most of all-back to the gym.

These Are My Stats (As Of Day 1):
Height: 154cm.
Age: 20.
Weight: 99.4kg.
BMI: 42 - Obese. Depressed. Miserable.
My goal: 70kg (loss of 30kg)

Day 1:
My first day taking Duromine 30mg was... interesting. I made the horrible mistake of taking it as soon as I got it, which was 2:30 in the arvo. Needless to say, I had no more than 2 hours of sleep. When I tried to get out of bed the next morning I felt hungover! my appetite was gone and trying the eat a banana was hard. my mouth was to dry so I must have drank near 2L of water. All I was able to stomach for dinner were 4 salada crackers with butter on them.

Day 2:
After pulling myself out of bed and letting the Duromine kick in I felt amazing! I felt as though i'd had a full 9 hours or more of sleep. I was totally rejuvenated. was out of bed by 4am, my partner was awake too (not on duromine) so we went for a nice walk on the beach. Once again I had a dry mouth. I have totally gone off coffee of all kind, iced or hot. Did a lot of running around in the city with my partner and got through quite a bit of house work. still no appetite but have been forcing small meals. Had an amazing sleep that night, only 4 or so hours but it was deep sleep.

Day 3:
Took my tablet around 6am (every morning) kicked in by 7 - 7:30am but just lounged in bed, had the same sleep as the night before. had a late Pub lunch and a few drinks but no dinner. I'm not sure if it was just my body adjusting to the drug but I felt quite relaxed yesterday and was almost able to have a nap! Didn't have dinner, attempted to drink a coffee with some bicies but only managed 3 - 4 mouthfuls.

Every day so far I have had minor dizzy spells, dry mouth, lack of sleep and a bit of an upset tummy, but all are manageable.

And that brings today. I won't post about today until later because I have no idea what i'm going to be getting up to or feeling like. Will post my weight progress as well.


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3 min read
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