Week 3.... The ugly plateau!

  • Author CandyM
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Got onto the scale last night ( I know , I know I should weigh in the morning!) and I had a tremendous loss of 0.00kg's for week 3.
Annoyed , disappointed , fat , upset , guilty are a few of the feelings felt.

I know that week 3 I had a bit of arrogance( I mean come on , I dropped 5kgs in 2 weeks) , I exercised less , had a massive alcoholic drink , depended solely on the Duromine.

So... serves me right.

Week 4..... getting my head straight ( again)
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Don't let a little set back put you off. Everyone has that 'wake up call'. It happens to me every 4 or 5 weeks and it is just a little reminder to be always vigalent.
At least you didn't gain.
Most people have a big loss to start with. Then it slows down. It feels great when you have a couple of kilos drop off each week. Then reality sets in and the struggle for every 0.1 kg starts. I am now happy with half a kilo loss, ecstatic if it is more than one. The big picture is the thing. For me it is that it took me a couple of decades and three pregnancies to gain the extra 45 kilos so it should take a little while to lose it. So far I have lost almost 17 kilos if it takes a year to lose the rest. So be it. I'm not going to fall completely off the wagon if I have a bad week. Hopefully I will learn the lesson the gain or plateau was sent to tell me.
It sounds like you are paying attention. Most people need to experiment to find out what works for them. Well done on your 5 kilos lost.
Ah Thanks Smick , its always so encouraging to hear that others have the same challenges. I know most of what I feel is impatience , I really need to calm down and accept that this is a process. 17kgs! Wow Lady :) now that is something!
Hehe. Yup. I'm pretty chuffed. Even though the last 10 has been slow. In total it is 17 kg in 3 months though which is not too shabby. I had two weeks which I gained and they pulled me up pretty quickly. It was depressing but I quickly got back on track. TBH I have not been its weight in years. The last three months has really changed my eating and lifestyle. I have one more month of D before I have to take a break to get my thyroid sorted. But I am confident that I can keep going and finally get to a healthy weight range. That's the thing. The D is a tool that can help you get into some good habits.
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