Month One Round Up

  • Author CandyM
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Month One done and Dusted.

I haven't done a final weigh in as I am on my period but as of Monday passed my results are as follows. Starting weight was 83 kilo's , Current weight 77.1 ( I am ignoring that .1 lol) I am calling it at 6kgs lost for the first month. I had an unrealistic goal of dropping 10 kilos in 4 weeks but I am not disappointed , quite the contrary I am very impressed with my loss and I can definitely feel it on my clothing.

I have a wedding on Saturday - took size 40's to the changing room to fit - ended up leaving with 2 size 36 dresses which fit awesomely. Hope fully by December I will be giving them away because they then will be too big lol

While I was very consistent in my eating and water drinking , I was not with my exercise , I started off in the first 2 weeks highly motivated with hikes etc , then I got lazy.

So for this new month I vow to be consistent in my exercise and get to my goal of 70kgs by end of October.

I am happy :)
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Congrats Candy! It is a really great result. You ARE very consistent already, and your exercises will come. The more weight you lose, the easier your body adjusts to physical activity. I am happy for you too. :)

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