Week Three - Day Five and laughing at myself...

  • Author Chelsea
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 3 min read
Week Three

I realised recently I don't think I put my height anywhere here but I'll give all the info again anyway, partly for my benefit too ;)

SW: 89.5 kg
CW: 86.0 kg
GW: 75.0 kg
HEIGHT: 165 cm
TABLET: 40 mg
AGE: 20 y.o

It is week three and I had a fun weekend celebrating a friends birthday. Cheated with some crap food & alcohol but I'm not worried, the rest of the week I ate healthy & delicious food so I've been feeling good. I made delicious stew with tons of veggies which I ate 2 nights. On another night I had some roasted chicken breast (no skin of course) with brown rice which had sauted onions & garlic in it and also roasted cherry tomatoes with basil and parsley from my garden. Delish if I might say so myself! I have been contemplating using shakes for brekki & lunch as I often eat too late or not enough so I know my calorie intake is not sufficient which is obviously worrying for the fact that when I stop the Duromine I will put the weight back on. The shake business is a big debate in our household as he does not agree with the whole idea. His suggestion is an old favourite & quite sensible I must admit. He says to "eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a pauper". My defence though is that I've never been a breakfast eater unless its last nights pizza and I'm hungover! They say bad habits die hard, and AINT THAT THE TRUTH! I already have quite a lot of the shake packets in the cupboard so at least for a few weeks, it won't interrupt our grocery budget. I know a few people have mentioned this before, if anyone has any tips, suggestions or even opinions on this it would be much appreciated!

I've given myself a gold star today as I finally went to the gym today (bit of a drama cause I couldn't find my membership card or headphones)! I did about 45mins of weight training & 15mins of cardio. I know it should be the other way around but I really, really, really hate cardio haha but the plan is to get up to 1/2 hour of both cardio and weights. Once I get to that stage I will be happy as I think its good to do a combination of both so that as I loose weight I also build/tone the muscles. I don't want to loose weight and still be wobbly, which is my biggest issue at the moment! If this happens I will still have to hide the tuck-shop lady arms amongst other things which I so cleverly hide with my amazing Bridget Jones undies hehe...

Even though I've only lots 3.5 kg so far I have started to notice a few small changes in my body. Mortified I'm actually sharing this but you gotta have a laugh at yourself every now & then! So today while I was doing leg presses; my knees where closer together and I could bring my legs closer to my body! To put it crudely, there was less thigh & stomach fat in the way haha. My nona-in-law made a comment on how good and slim I was looking after not having seen me for more than a month which was lovely. And on the weekend I had my outfit all planned for our night out, I pulled on my favourite jeans did up the button and there was like 6-7 cm of extra material!!! That's not the best part though. Determined to wear my planned outfit & without a safety pin in sight I'm running around the house, late as usual. I come up with the 'genius' idea to use a bulldog clip to hold my pants up haha on my first attempt the clip snapped back & it stung like a b***ch! Second attempt was more successful though so out I went looking and feeling gorgeous in my Bridget Jones undies & bulldog clipped jeans hahaha and no one was the wiser!

Still have problems sleeping 4 out of 7 nights as you can tell by the time. I do get enough sleep though because I don't have to wake up for anything (lucky me) but I really hate waking up so late :(. I've got yoga tomorrow night and weigh in on Wednesday both of which I'm looking forward to. I don't feel like I would've lost much weight this week because of the weekend cheating but even if I've maintained my weight I will be happy.


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