Week Three - Day Six

  • Author Chelsea
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Week Three - Day Six

SW: 89.5 kg
CW: 86.0 kg
GW: 75.0 kg

Had my yoga class tonight & feeling great after it. It stretched my muscles nicely after yesterdays work out. I also decided yesterday to stop checking my bpm twice a day as I've been feeling much better. The first week I was taking the tablets it felt like my heart was going to jump out of my chest most of the time, kinda like heart palpitations. The second week was the same but it seems to have settled this 3rd week. When I asked my GP about Duromine about a year ago he said it wasn't a good idea because I have a narrow heart valve so taking tablets that increase your heart rate is obviously not good. My new GP though was okay with prescribing it and I'm glad he did! Also glad my rate is more normal now because some days my resting rate was around 140 bpm which is the same as when I'm power walking. EEEkkk!

Anyways, I'm already thinking about when I will fit in gym tomorrow because these last two days of exercise has made me feel much better so cant wait for tomorrow!
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