Anyone Else Feel Exhausted All Day Long??

I'm on the 15mg, some days I double up n some days I skip my dose just to get the desired effect.
Danica said:
I'm on the 15mg, some days I double up n some days I skip my dose just to get the desired effect.
Have you thought about going back to doc to get it up'd?
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I have but think I should wait till this batch is finished n see how much I can lose. I'm scared to up the strength bcoz of side effects bcoz then I can't lower the dose if its giving me problems. But will wait and see how it goes with this one then consider the change.
Danica said:
Hi JWebb,
I'm sorry to hear that hey, it really does treat everyone differently but I also don't understand the lack of energy. It's like being on a very low calorie diet. Lately I've also been depressed from time to time, not myself at all. Find myself not being able to express any emotion whatsoever, don't laugh at things that would normally make me laugh I just feel like a zombie.

How is the weight loss though? Have you lost any and is it promising?

You've just put into words exactly how Ive been feeling, like a zombie. At school pick up etc sitting with other Mums im just dead silent and awkward and I can SEE it happening (like terrible slow motion lol), but I dont know, I just cant snap out of it. I thought it was because I have a cold and Im so fatigued but maybe not...
It p
DiaryofADuroDamzel said:
You've just put into words exactly how Ive been feeling, like a zombie. At school pick up etc sitting with other Mums im just dead silent and awkward and I can SEE it happening (like terrible slow motion lol), but I dont know, I just cant snap out of it. I thought it was because I have a cold and Im so fatigued but maybe not...

Hey DoDD,

It is likely that it's the Duro that's causing all that...the things we go through for a fresh start *sigh*
Gosh I'm so exhausted this morning, and have this dull ache on my heart making me feel even worse. The Duromine seems to have lost its effect now I have food cravings again and feel like I am now eating right out of my own will power with no help from it.
Me too! Already back to hovering by the pantry looking for something sweet. Maybe I have more of a emotional tie to sweet food then I thought lol, not even 40 D can hold me back hahahaha.
Hahaha!!! Just hang in there, try to resist the sugar especially that's the beginning of our problems.
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JWebb said:
I've heard that depression can be a nasty side effect :( I'm the opposite. My emotions are in overdrive. Angry one minute, happy the next, followed by sadness (like bawling my eyes out). I've started this journey (only 1 week ago) at 121.5kg and now at 118.9 so 2.4kg loss in a week... Not too bad. What about yourself?

Don't worry, you aren't the only one! I feel like a crazy person... One minute, I'm fine and happy... and the next minute I am angry at everyone! Everything will annoy me, and then I will get very emotional and have a mini meltdown... Lol. All this for weight loss... I can't wait to finish this last dose and be done with it. The pills have been great, however the side effects are making me go a little loco.

I stopped my first dose after 3 weeks as I was having heart palpitations, and then did 3 weeks without it, making sure to eat well. I actually purchased a Nutri-Bullet and went on a bit of a detox. I felt great and lost 11 kg in 6 weeks... But then I think my body got used to the way I was eating, so I decided to go for another round. I've lost another 5kg, but I'm now stuck on 70kg and feel like I'm not moving! I want to get to the 60's already.

The problem with being on duromine, is when you come off - some of the ladies here have mentioned that there can be a problem with bingeing. I have those days where I just start on a little bit of bread, and it turns into a sandwich and then it turns into ice cream. I think the best thing to do, from experience, is be kind to yourself. I have struggled with my weight for so long, and it's actually the issues that I have with myself that are the problem. There's this book that is called Women, Food and God by Geneen Roth, which actually helps to deal with why we are eating so much. Usually, it's to hide something we are feeling about ourselves.

The best diet, is the 'no diet'... That's what I'm planning to do after getting off duromine, because I know myself too well. If I say to myself 'I'm on a diet, I'm going to eat well.... I can't have anything fatty" the first thing I want to do is eat all the food that I 'can't' have. I think if you allow yourself to eat naturally, and eat what your body is craving, and allow yourself to have a treat here and there, it will be better than the deprivation method that most of us are used to.

Sorry for the long rant, I just wanted to share my thoughts. I'm by no means an expert on any of this, but I'm just sharing, in case someone can relate, and get something from my experience.

Good luck everyone!

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Hi it's day 3 on 30mg and I'm exhausted. The first two days were awesome so much energy and got so much done. Today I just feel like I want to sleep. Has this happened to anyone else?
I'm on day 3 of 15mg. I've felt the energy bursts but my sleep the last 2 nights have been horrible although I still feel perky through the day so I'm kinda waiting for a crash. From the posts of read it seems the first week can be interesting but will hopefully settle. Good luck!
Day 4 was my day for lack of it . But did have a late nite that nite before . Still keep moving thou and even got a horse ride in . So far my motivation is my Garmin fitness band . I try to keep goal for 5-8K a day walking but not all at once n only check every few hours .
I also just seen keep moving as something to do not as exercise.
Once I get my X trainer that will be my day starter .

Haha this peeing 24/7 makes doing much to far from house makes things hard lol
Hi all,

Not sure if many other people get this, but i find when im on duromine i get really cranky and feel down. Not sure if it's because of the lack of sleep or being on a diet (because i usually get cranky and down on any diet) and eating would make me happy.
I was on antidepressants before but stopped them before i started taking duromine.

My main side affects of duromine is lack of sleep, mood change (cranky, agitated, impatient), dry mouth, sometimes hot flushes or feeling a bit faint, and i have like a weird feeling in my head/forehead. But altogether the side effects haven't been too bad and are bearable.
Hi there Melmeow
I know exactly what you're talking about...I'm now going into week 3 of duromine and I'm also noticing that my mood is changing. I do suffer from anxiety, though I wasn't on any medication for it, but since starting duromine I can feel my mood just spiralling downward as the day goes on.
And I have the exact same side effects that you are experiencing, but I also get headaches. But like you said, it's bearable. I know it will be worth it when the weight comes off.
I know St John's Wort is a natural supplement to help with depression and anxiety, but not sure if it can be taken with duromine?
Hope you're feeling better...
MissM said:
Hi there Melmeow
I know exactly what you're talking about...I'm now going into week 3 of duromine and I'm also noticing that my mood is changing. I do suffer from anxiety, though I wasn't on any medication for it, but since starting duromine I can feel my mood just spiralling downward as the day goes on.
And I have the exact same side effects that you are experiencing, but I also get headaches. But like you said, it's bearable. I know it will be worth it when the weight comes off.
I know St John's Wort is a natural supplement to help with depression and anxiety, but not sure if it can be taken with duromine?
Hope you're feeling better...

Hello MissM. IF you don’t mind me asking, what are your results in these three weeks? What weight loss program did you choose? I hope, your headaches will subside soon. Don’t forget about water intake. Cheers!
Helo there April

Well, today was weigh in day and I lost 3kg in these three weeks, which are not too bad I guess, but I have to admit I'm a bit disappointed by reading the results that other people have. I know everyone responds to duromine differently, it just feels that with eating right and exercising, I would have lost this weight regardless of using Duromine, and without the side effects! But I will continue and see how it goes going into week 4 now... I don't have a specific weight loss program, but I do have 4 small meals during the day consisting mostly out of protein and veggies. And exercising I try to do at least 4 times a week, but nothing very intense, just like walking at a brisk pace for 40min to get my heart rate up. What would you recommend? I just want better results going forward...
And I have to say drinking more water helps with the headaches:)
Hello Miss M. Of course 3 kg in three weeks is not bad at all. I would even say, it’s closer to the most healthy weight loss. It’s a bit difficult to say why you got namely this result. I have no idea how much you weigh and how much you need to lose. Besides, hormones might be a reason for a slower weight loss. Plus, you might be undereating or not consuming all the necessary substances, which are proteins, carbohydrates, fat and fiber. You should not deprive your body of any of these.

I would advise you to calculate the caloric value of your meals for a day or two and see what’s going on exactly. There are tons of calculators on the Internet, which allow you count not only the calories, but also the valuable substances you get.

Walking for 40 min is fine, however namely strength exercises can boost your metabolism and assist in a better weight loss, so I would suggest you to add some strength exercises. You have to increase your muscle mass. Thus, you will be burning more calories even at rest, since muscles consume a lot of calories. If you want it all to work, just calculate the calories and let’s see what it is.

Do not despair! You’re going really well. I know people who were losing less than a kilo, or even gaining in some weeks on Duromine, yet they still continued and the final result was a great one. Chin up and a lovely day to you!
Im on day 4 and I am EXHAUSTED. I wake up at night (but I always did before too) and then lie awake despite feeling so tired. The just wake up more tired....

PLEASE tell me this side effect will fade....?
Hello Lized. The fact that you don’t get enough sleep might be the reason for your tiredness. While as the insomnia should also subside soon. However, here are some tips that can help you fight your insomnia and probably feel fresh when you wake up.

In the meantime, I would suggest you to take a short nap (if it’s possible). Doing some exercises on the fresh air or stretching can also help get rid of fatigue.
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April said:
Hello Lized. The fact that you don’t get enough sleep might be the reason for your tiredness. While as the insomnia should also subside soon. However, here are some tips that can help you fight your insomnia and probably feel fresh when you wake up.

In the meantime, I would suggest you to take a short nap (if it’s possible). Doing some exercises on the fresh air or stretching can also help get rid of fatigue.
Thanks April - sadly the tired is much worse than my usual tired. I am not sleeping any worse than I always do (very light sleeper and I have two dogs in bed with me and some nights two kids too!). So it is as if the side effect I am having is not insomnia, its fatigue...? Yet most posts I read everyone is talking abou tall of a sudden having so much extra energy?
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