Hi everyone
I am new to this forum.
I started Duromine 30mg on 1st Sep, and had the energy buzz, motivation to get moving and reduced hunger. I also had dry mouth, but that was fixed with drinking lots of water. The first couple of nights I struggled to sleep.
About 4-5 days in my sleep settled, and I was cruising really well, exercising every day, eating between 1000 - 1300 calories a day of healthy foods (mainly fruit and veg, lean meats and whole grain bread/pasta)
Unfortunately the past couple of days I have crashed and burned. I've been extremely tired, falling asleep mid afternoon for a nap, and feeling groggy and grumpy all day long.
I also have to push myself to do basic housework, or to go for a walk.
I'm wondering if there is anything I can do to get back some feeling of energy. I don't even need the Duromine buzz, I'd be happy with my normal energy levels.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.