Hi everyone
I have just started taking duromine today.
About 2 months ago I was at 91kgs
Now I'm at 88
And I'd like to be in the 60s however my first goal is to get to 70 in 2-3 months.
I've tried duromine before but only a sample but i had a lot of trouble sleeping, and a lot of trouble eating without feeling sick. So I'm worried about not being able to sleep - my partner was a zombie by day 5 and had to stop last time as he was so tired but could not sleep more than an hour or two a night.. Does anyone know if this side effect eventually goes away?
I'd like to hear from everyone else about their journey and keep each other motivated and on track :)
Mumo3girls said:
Hey, my side effects passed about day 5, currently day 13, Good luck
Hey thank you, night 1 was awful think I slept from 2-5am but I hope my side effects pass like yours did :)
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My first few nights were the same. Tablets plus stressing about side effects and weight loss. But I wasn't really tired after lack of sleep, but it was great to get a decent night sleep by day 5-6.
After day 4-5 I slept like a baby can easily go 8hrs a night.
I did have hot sweats , waking every hour the first few nights but always managed to get back to sleep.
As for the food I love my food And never had a problem with not eating just not so hungry and don't crave sweet stuff, I was starting to think maybe they were not strong enough but they are doing their job . I'm on 30's
The one thing that really gets me is the lack of energy and tiredness, so many people seem to Bounce off walls but not me. Though the last couple of days I have been on a cleaning frenzie so if that's it it has take 5 weeks to kick in lol.
Good luck to you xxxx
Vix said:
After day 4-5 I slept like a baby can easily go 8hrs a night.
I did have hot sweats , waking every hour the first few nights but always managed to get back to sleep.
As for the food I love my food And never had a problem with not eating just not so hungry and don't crave sweet stuff, I was starting to think maybe they were not strong enough but they are doing their job . I'm on 30's
The one thing that really gets me is the lack of energy and tiredness, so many people seem to Bounce off walls but not me. Though the last couple of days I have been on a cleaning frenzie so if that's it it has take 5 weeks to kick in lol.
Good luck to you xxxx
In the same, I can go to bed and my arms and feet are freezing, but then wake up at 2am in a hot sweat. I might stay awake for an hour or so but that doesn't seem to bother me. Lack of energy is a pain for me too. I thought by cutting out bad food and sugary drinks I would perk up but it hasn't happened yet, maybe when the weather improves.
I wonder why the lack of energy aye?
Seems strange as only good stuff seems to be going in but not helping!
I could easily sit in my recliner all day watching to lol
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Vix said:
I wonder why the lack of energy aye?
Seems strange as only good stuff seems to be going in but not helping!
I could easily sit in my recliner all day watching to lol
Wow me too
During the arvo my body is cold and im not very motivated at all. Drinking lots of water am not eating much yay but like you havent craved sweet food or even junk food when hubby brought pies yesterday.
Thanks for sharing everyone :)
Im very nauseous still, yesterday I ate like two bites of spaghetti and half a glass of water, and today I've managed to eat half a banana at around 6am with my duromine and a piece of toast with vegemite for lunch and hoping I can eat a proper dinner! Lol. I'm also super sleepy and i also woke up sweating a lot last night, and a bit light headed but think it's because I barely can consume water :( I'll work on that for the rest of the day, been super busy, think I need to take a water bottle around with me so I don't pass out haha. I'm still hopeful and excited! I'm thinking I may take one day off duromine a week to have a proper sleep and shock the metabolism, if that would work? I'm not sure lol.
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If your still like this in another week do you think you could maybe try the next dose down?
Are you on 30's?
Haaaa what is with the night sweats!! I thought it was menopause All good now thou except the odd night here and there
Good luck Hun !! Let us know how you get on xxx
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Thanks Vix! I am on 30mg yes. I managed to eat like a third of a chicken breast for dinner. And drank like 500mls of water and felt so good after that but a little nauseous again now. Also got some dr approved sleeping pills, so hoping they help me sleep tonight! I am exhausted lol.
If they my side effects don't pass in a week I don't think I will continue. It's so expensive that I can't afford to buy another script in the lower dose :( I may just take the 30mg every second day which may give me a break from the side effects. Will let you guys know how I go! :)
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Zoelee said:
Thanks Vix! I am on 30mg yes. I managed to eat like a third of a chicken breast for dinner. And drank like 500mls of water and felt so good after that but a little nauseous again now. Also got some dr approved sleeping pills, so hoping they help me sleep tonight! I am exhausted lol.
If they my side effects don't pass in a week I don't think I will continue. It's so expensive that I can't afford to buy another script in the lower dose :( I may just take the 30mg every second day which may give me a break from the side effects. Will let you guys know how I go! :)

Yes that maybe what works for you Hun ,
They are so expensive aye, your not with a health fund at all?
Good luck with them and your sleep, maybe you'll find you may just need them to get over the first bit of duromine?
I've been good sticking to between 500-800 calories a day and I'm not hungry (though would probably eat a whole cow if it was in front if me even though I'm not hungry !!) and I'll look at the day's food and it's seriously not much at all, I can't eat breakfast , never have and find I eat more during the day if I do eat breakfast ☹️ Not sure how that works ! But I do love in coffee which isn't great but I always have.
Yes lovely let us know how you go,
Good luck xxx
Hey guys, I feel amazing this morning! I fell asleep around 11:30, and slept all the way til 7:30am! Took my duromine straight away and not even nauseous, in fact I feel hungry so gonna make something healthy and small to eat. I'm so happy that I feel better, thanks everyone for the support! In a very good mood today :) hope you all are too!
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Vix said:
Yes that maybe what works for you Hun ,
They are so expensive aye, your not with a health fund at all?
Good luck with them and your sleep, maybe you'll find you may just need them to get over the first bit of duromine?
I've been good sticking to between 500-800 calories a day and I'm not hungry (though would probably eat a whole cow if it was in front if me even though I'm not hungry !!) and I'll look at the day's food and it's seriously not much at all, I can't eat breakfast , never have and find I eat more during the day if I do eat breakfast ☹️ Not sure how that works ! But I do love in coffee which isn't great but I always have.
Yes lovely let us know how you go,
Good luck xxx
I am with bupa, but they said duromine isn't covered with them which is silly :( and yeah I'm only planning to take the sleeping pills for another night or two then expect to sleep okay on my own :) 500-800 calories does not seem like much, how long have you been able to keep that up? Make sure you don't pass out lol. however I could only eat 500 yesterday just coz I felt sick. But im hoping to eat around 900-1100 calories normally. im not usually much of a breakfast person either but I'm super hungry this morning so I guess that's a good thing really, they say it's better to eat more in the morning than at night, don't they? Haha :)
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Oh yay!! Glad you got a good sleep it helps so much aye and you don't feel so buggered.
You'd think Bupa would pay for some of the pills under their "healthy" policy would you, I'm with AHM and can claim
$50 back a packet as its private scripted. Every bit helps
I've been on the 5-800 calories since I started so 5 1/2 weeks, I don't do it intentionally and just shove the food on my app and it shows me, I'm just choosing healthier I guess why it's low. Like a heap of fresh salads with ham, Ww meals (omggg had lean cuisine last night morrocan chicken and couldn't eat it it was foul!) and a heap of Fruit like especially pineapple and strawberries, yes I'll eat a whole baby pineapple and a punned or two of strawberries in one sitting LOL, but cause they are relatively low in calories they just don't add up, I've kind of gone off meat after doing the Dukan diet for 6mths so don't really eat that and my daughters HATE meat so that helps, I eat crumpets and honey daily, ohhhhhh love those things!!!
I hope you enjoyed your breakfast and I'd say eat when your hungry So you don't go for fast food (like I'd probably do) but yes breakfast is spose to be good for you lol, I just can't stomach food in the morning .
So glad your feeling good lovely, and hope you have another great sleep tonight xxxx
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Yay! It's always handy when side effect ease off.
I'm eating about 1300 cals a day, could easily eat more but the urge isn't there, thankfully.
Usual day is up at 7am, tablet and water at 7:30 oats for breakfast about 8-8:30am, gym 9:30-10:30 but don't go very hard,
Bananas or Apple on way home, toastie for lunch.
Fruit in arvo, and usual meat and veg for dinner. All smaller serves than usual, and a few cups of tea during the day, and lots of water.
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Mumo3girls that sounds like a good diet plan. And yeah Vix fruit was always my go-to snack because it was low in calories AND super yummy however so much sugar! I'm on the edge of diabeties from PCOS so have to limit my fruit intake now :(

I'm just so paranoid that I'll put the weight on after I finish duromine :( about 4-5 years ago now I lost like a third of my body weight and i was underweight from eating like 500 calories a day for 3 months. I gained 5kgs back which put me in the healthy range and maintained that for about a year with normal eating (around 1400-1700 calories) but then I got a medical condition that no dr could tell me what it was and so I would be in pain all day everyday and just lay on the couch and eat junk food lol. Luckily that's pretty much under control now, So I'm hoping that even if I eat like 800 calories to lose the weight I shouldn't gain it back.. Hopefully.. Haha.

Today I had a veg and egg omelette which ended up being about 200-250 calories and then a smoothie that was 200. And dinner I'm just making baked chicken and veg lol so I think should be near the 900 mark today :) I played tennis today as wel so hopefully that exercise helps the weight loss!

Woo for duromine lol I'm still so excited :)
And I love this forum it makes me so happy to talk to all you guys :)
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Mumo3girls said:
In the same, I can go to bed and my arms and feet are freezing, but then wake up at 2am in a hot sweat. I might stay awake for an hour or so but that doesn't seem to bother me. Lack of energy is a pain for me too. I thought by cutting out bad food and sugary drinks I would perk up but it hasn't happened yet, maybe when the weather improves.
I get cold feet too.. shove them between the other half's thighs and they warm up in a jippy.. haha.. - or he protests and it gives me the opening to play-fight.. (i always win) haha.. and i warm-up during that
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Vix said:
Oh yay!! Glad you got a good sleep it helps so much aye and you don't feel so buggered.
You'd think Bupa would pay for some of the pills under their "healthy" policy would you, I'm with AHM and can claim
$50 back a packet as its private scripted. Every bit helps
I've been on the 5-800 calories since I started so 5 1/2 weeks, I don't do it intentionally and just shove the food on my app and it shows me, I'm just choosing healthier I guess why it's low. Like a heap of fresh salads with ham, Ww meals (omggg had lean cuisine last night morrocan chicken and couldn't eat it it was foul!) and a heap of Fruit like especially pineapple and strawberries, yes I'll eat a whole baby pineapple and a punned or two of strawberries in one sitting LOL, but cause they are relatively low in calories they just don't add up, I've kind of gone off meat after doing the Dukan diet for 6mths so don't really eat that and my daughters HATE meat so that helps, I eat crumpets and honey daily, ohhhhhh love those things!!!
I hope you enjoyed your breakfast and I'd say eat when your hungry So you don't go for fast food (like I'd probably do) but yes breakfast is spose to be good for you lol, I just can't stomach food in the morning .
So glad your feeling good lovely, and hope you have another great sleep tonight xxxx
Haha.. you couldnt eat your Moroccam Chicken because it was foul.. hahaha!! Unintentionally funny, Im sure - but.. made me laugh lol
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