Hi Everyone,:laughing:

Good news is yesterday I was 100.4 and today I am 100.3...

Today I had an egg for breakfast with an almond coffee drink snacked on some trail mix and 4 cristini sticks during the day I was home early from work and since my partner was home I cooked steak with pumpkin, carrot, broccoli and potato for lunch and dinner has been dry biscuits with cheese and some beetroot dip, plus Ive had water during the day

Ive done 30 minutes on the vibration machine and ridden 3km... with the goal of ridding another 2 before bed still not feeling 100% so all being well I can dance tomorrow even if its a short 15 min oneo_O

Wishing everyone a great weekend:)

Till tomorrow....Dee:cool:
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Ok…. Gwynedd, are you serious????? Really… booze can wait for a couple of months. Are you aware of the fact that you shouldn’t be drinking any alcohol while on Duromine? I have a suggestion for you…. If you are used to having drinking Fridays, remember that you should not drink any alcohol until you finish Duromine AND you can take the money you usually spend for alcohol, save it, stock it up and get yourself a pair of new jeans after you finish the course. Get real, girls, it’s new jeans one or two sizes down or the bad habit that makes you put weight on and destroys your health.

You don’t have so much time with Duromine, so use it wisely! I truly believe you have enough strength to withstand the temptations. Besides, you can clearly see that your progress goes really well. Even your BF notices this. Btw, it’s so cool that he supports you so well! You can rarely see such things. So, please, enjoy your alcohol-free weight loss journey and get drunk from your new pretty self in the mirror. You will need all your body resources to make your skin look younger and to provide it with the required building materials, to not let it sag or wrinkle as you lose weight. Give your body the possibility to do its job properly.

Love your exercise choice. WELL DONE! Keep it up like that and you will notice your body getting firmer and stronger. Keep it positive and enjoy the energy! Thumbs up!
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Oh, you poor thing, Dee, that was a real “adventure” you had! I am so sorry to hear you felt so unwell during the cruise. So sorry you didn’t get on this life saving treadmill, even though you wanted to (and it’s great that you have though of it, searched for it and was certain of using it, means your mind and habits are changing for better). Way to go!

Are you planning on having a grilled steak, huh? Right? Not the one fried in butter, yes? Have a nice meal! In fact, you should enjoy every meal you have as if you are dining at a very fancy restaurant and the food you are eating was cooked by the chef Gordon Ramsay from the food he himself grew in his garden and picked up just before cooking it to you! Even if it’s just crackers and salsa, or a colorful plate of cut veggies with a dipping of Greek yogurt with greens and garlic/hot pepper.
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Oh hey, while I was writing my reply to your previous post, you already wrote the next one. Roadrunner Dee!!!

Ok, good! Get back on track! Hope you’ll get 100% well till Monday and will start your exercising in full strength. Looking forward to the moment you reach this mini-goal (less than 100). Have a nice weekend, too!!!!
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Hello Charlie! Your sleeping pattern seems a very good one! Congrats on that!

Please, don’t get low because of no weight loss. We have to think of something… Your physical activity… I think you should change something in these sphere. Probably, your body is already used to your daily level of activity during your work days, so it should be better if you add something else. If you’re not into long workouts, try this kind of workout. It’s HUGE! And doesn’t take too long to burn a lot of calories AND helps you tone and build some muscles. The good thing about Tabata is that it makes your muscles burn calories several hours after the exercises. This, my friend (if I may call you like this), is the thing you should be moving towards. I think, you do have a very slow metabolic rate. Did you check your thyroid?

Let’s work on your metabolism. Schedule yourself 5 meals a day. Small meals. Breakfast – snack – lunch – snack – dinner. Really small, truly healthy (no canned food, cola and corn puffs) and eaten consciously, i.e. enjoying every bite and not being distracted by phone, tv, book and anything else.

I know it is a HARD task!!! A really really hard task! But it’s time to fight your habits, because they are the ones that brought you into the condition when you have to take Duromine to help you lose weight.

If you don’t have the possibility to exercise in the morning, just make plank exercises. They don’t last long… just about 10 minutes if you do several of them, and you can start with doing just one classic plank for 1 minute (30 seconds, as much as you can hold for the first time). Just have to be sure to make it right. In the evening, NOT before going to bed, have a Tabata workout, take shower, go to bed, have half of egg white and close your eyes till morning. Does this sound like a plan you can follow? Let’s do it together!

PS. Don’t forget about your necessary water intake. Best of luck!
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Hi Gwynedd,

I am lurking for an update.....How did you go last night?

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Hi Everyone,

So last night I ended riding an extra 3 not 2... now for my confession... I was naughty.. maybe eating diner at lunch time doesn't work for me as I was starving last night and craving sweets I had some dry biscuits with cheese and then.... I had some licorice, 2 sugar free biscuits, and an ice cream oh and a line of chocolate 4 little squares... not all at once I am pleased to say :laughing: I'm not sure why but I just craved it... I think that inspired me to do the extra 1km last night.... I think I had heart burn during the night and Im sure that's from eating all those items:( I mean really I should have just had one of those items not all in one day... could have been worse .. BUT that was yesterday and today is a new day...

So today I took my tablet at 8 am maybe I might feel a little fuller as I always take it at 5am when I wake I still have a little trouble getting back to sleep but not much

As for my weight this morning it went 100.3... 100.2.... i couldn't look and when i did it was spot on 100... :) OMG could I be in double digits tomorrow? unless the scales decide to go up :p if not i hope i can see them before it goes to 100 tomorrow....that will mean.. all being well my weigh in day on Monday could be the day for the big double numbers,o_O which will mean a loss for the week I dont care if its 100g.... woo hooo...fingers and toes crossed

I never thought I would pass 103 and I have! that was the number I always got stuck on 103.2 or 103.9 etc .... I guess I'm excited as this week has been bad and I expected my weight to match... but im inspired to keep going smack my hand and ensure I get back on track... Im also realistic that all the naughty food could catch up with me over the next 2 days as well... I hope not....

I have done 40 minutes on the vibration machine and 15 of dance and ridden 8km so far and plan to ride another 2 before bed

Breakfast was a poached egg on toast... lunch was egg and bacon with cheese and dinner we had stir fry beef with veggies and ive had 2 sugar free biscuits 4 cristinis and 6 tiny pieces of licorice for snacking during the whole day cup of tea, almond milk coffee and my water

I hope everyone is doing well... hopefully some of you lovely ladies have updated your posts x

Till tomorrow
April said:
Oh, you poor thing, Dee, that was a real “adventure” you had! I am so sorry to hear you felt so unwell during the cruise. So sorry you didn’t get on this life saving treadmill, even though you wanted to (and it’s great that you have though of it, searched for it and was certain of using it, means your mind and habits are changing for better). Way to go!

Are you planning on having a grilled steak, huh? Right? Not the one fried in butter, yes? Have a nice meal! In fact, you should enjoy every meal you have as if you are dining at a very fancy restaurant and the food you are eating was cooked by the chef Gordon Ramsay from the food he himself grew in his garden and picked up just before cooking it to you! Even if it’s just crackers and salsa, or a colorful plate of cut veggies with a dipping of Greek yogurt with greens and garlic/hot pepper.

Hi April... Yes me too but again it could have been worse.... yes I guess your right my thoughts are changing (except yesterday and even today i just want some chocolate...(I have some sugar free chocolates that I made in the freezer so I will have that when the urge hits me next)....I was hoping for a recumbent bike in the gym... but I did use the stairs when I was able too...:)

Of course... well sort of ;) I have a pan that needs no butter etc so I cooked it in that... the meal was yummy.... I really enjoyed the veggies... if on the rare occasion I am unwell like the flu etc I usually make a big bowl of minestrone and I feel heaps better and get over the cold quicker... I throw in as many veggies, lentils and beans that I can.... I do love cooking o_O Im going to make a semolina cake tomorrow... if I get the chance:laughing:
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April said:
Oh hey, while I was writing my reply to your previous post, you already wrote the next one. Roadrunner Dee!!!

Ok, good! Get back on track! Hope you’ll get 100% well till Monday and will start your exercising in full strength. Looking forward to the moment you reach this mini-goal (less than 100). Have a nice weekend, too!!!!

Yep... I was in a hurry LOL

Oh me too... just encase you may want to pop in some ear plugs over the next 2 nights....because you just might hear me yell yahoooooooo!!

Thank you.. so far I've had a busy Saturday besides excising and cleaning, I did some gardening we have these huge trees so we pruned them... talk about perspiration poring off us as it was so hot in the sun I had my partner pull the tops over with a rake and I cut them its an easy way to do it (when the trunk isn't thick) without a ladder its a type of acacia and it grows like a hedge even thou its a tree.....

tomorrow I am off to buy some more of this couture chocolate its on special and best of all its sugar free.... so its good to have on hand, that is what I use when I make my own little choc treatso_O
Oh Dee, I enjoy reading your updates as well as the others, you seem so purposeful seeing your goal straight. And it's great that you are honest with yourself. Sweet cravings) we all had them, it's a struggle and a huge temptation especially if you have those snacks at home. By the way, this is a big question: why do you have those at all? I mean, if you don't have much problem to resist, fine. But if you personally believe that they are 'evil' and stay on the way of you perfect weight loss, then it's better to get rid of them and never buy again. Besides, you said that you were a good cooker and your frozen low sugar chocolates is a super idea!

Although, the increased physical activity is a great answer to that. You're doing a great job by thinking it through. Just in case you need more ideas to replace junk sweets with better home made goods - hot cocoa drink or atmeal cookies, you can add little sugar or honey to them. Well, I'm sure you have lots of other good recipes in your home book))) Please share some day.

Anyway I am happy for you being happy with your achievements! Looking forward to your double digits!;):cool:
Hi Guys. Just going to be a tiny shameful update. I'm afraid ull be horrified to hear that I wilfully gave in and demolished. Not 1, but 2 bottles off red wine and stayed up until 4am chatting with a friend in Scotland. And I really enjoyed it. Sorry sorry sorry. Have been good with food and water today, but haven't done exercise. Unless u count paddling in a pool. Lol. Sooooo,back on the exercise wagon again tomorrow and just moving forward. And I'll do a weigh in then. Although it's going to be pretty damn hot in brisbane! So maybe yoga in the air con again, instead of a walk outside.
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Hi Gwynedd,

At least you are honest and didn't say you didn't drink o_O Like you said moving forward or as I say tomorrow is a new day :) Gosh you guys have really how weather Ive seen it on the news :eek: Im in Melbourne so our 37 day is followed by 19:rolleyes:

Looking forward to your next update

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Last night I ended up riding and extra 5km so a total of 13kms ;)

Sunday the 12th February

I hope you had those ear plugs in April :p guess who is in double digits uh huh me

I woke at 4.20am and thought I will have my tablet so i got up and like a kid at Christmas I ran to the scales hoping to see something that I want... I crossed my fingers.... then that magic 99.?? came up then I saw 100.?? and then when I looked back down I was on 99.8 OMG Ive done it... even if it fluctuates tomorrow to 100? I know I am on my way I have pushed thru those 100's

Tomorrow is 5 weeks of duromine and il be stoked if I m still in the 99's gosh imagine if im 98 or 97 by end of the week I know I shouldn't get carried away... what i do know is this week has lots of good news for me... why because im in double digits but more importantly.....I will do it!!

Today I had poached egg on toast for breaky, sausage for lunch and dinner was a crepe with spinach and feta with salad (including rocket and celery). I have snacked on 4 cristinis, 6 mini licorice and a peach (off my tree). Oh and I had an almond (full) pretend coffee drink, plus my water. If Im starving later l will have a hot choc drink with my sugar free choc (I stocked up today on the bags when I went shopping)

Exercise I did 30 min vibration machine, so far ive ridden 7 km and will do at least another 2 before bed my right arm is a little sore (maybe from stretching and doing the pruning yesterday) so no weights I have done 10 exercises on the resistant bands. I must confess getting back on the bike was hard after coming back... motivation was a little slack till I thought what are you doing if you dont get back on that bike and start riding you are going backwoods... what really helps is talking to mum or a girlfriend while riding... I go fast while im listening and a bit slower when im talking:laughing: Its a win win they are use to me breathing funny as they know what im doing ;) and time flys or should I say the KM do LOL

Thats it from me I hope you are all doing well


remember we will do this!!!:)
Dee2017 said:
Hi Gwynedd,

At least you are honest and didn't say you didn't drink o_O Like you said moving forward or as I say tomorrow is a new day :) Gosh you guys have really how weather Ive seen it on the news :eek: Im in Melbourne so our 37 day is followed by 19:rolleyes:

Looking forward to your next update

Lol. That's crazy weather changes. Melbourne has Def bn baking the past year!
And thanks. I definitely considered lying. And figured it would only be to myself really. I want to be as honest as I can with this so I can actually properly move forward.
Today I got up about 7.30. Just because. And started house work, clothes washing, gardening, and a bit of sun baking. Then we had a good walk round the mall. Making a yummy roast pork and roast veggies for dinner. Looking forward to the next week, and hopefully me working well at this.
So glad I found this forum and people to talk to about it too.
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Dee2017 said:
Last night I ended up riding and extra 5km so a total of 13kms ;)

Sunday the 12th February

I hope you had those ear plugs in April :p guess who is in double digits uh huh me

I woke at 4.20am and thought I will have my tablet so i got up and like a kid at Christmas I ran to the scales hoping to see something that I want... I crossed my fingers.... then that magic 99.?? came up then I saw 100.?? and then when I looked back down I was on 99.8 OMG Ive done it... even if it fluctuates tomorrow to 100? I know I am on my way I have pushed thru those 100's

Tomorrow is 5 weeks of duromine and il be stoked if I m still in the 99's gosh imagine if im 98 or 97 by end of the week I know I shouldn't get carried away... what i do know is this week has lots of good news for me... why because im in double digits but more importantly.....I will do it!!

Today I had poached egg on toast for breaky, sausage for lunch and dinner was a crepe with spinach and feta with salad (including rocket and celery). I have snacked on 4 cristinis, 6 mini licorice and a peach (off my tree). Oh and I had an almond (full) pretend coffee drink, plus my water. If Im starving later l will have a hot choc drink with my sugar free choc (I stocked up today on the bags when I went shopping)

Exercise I did 30 min vibration machine, so far ive ridden 7 km and will do at least another 2 before bed my right arm is a little sore (maybe from stretching and doing the pruning yesterday) so no weights I have done 10 exercises on the resistant bands. I must confess getting back on the bike was hard after coming back... motivation was a little slack till I thought what are you doing if you dont get back on that bike and start riding you are going backwoods... what really helps is talking to mum or a girlfriend while riding... I go fast while im listening and a bit slower when im talking:laughing: Its a win win they are use to me breathing funny as they know what im doing ;) and time flys or should I say the KM do LOL

Thats it from me I hope you are all doing well


remember we will do this!!!:)
Super duper impressed!!! Xxx
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Kate said:
Oh Dee, I enjoy reading your updates as well as the others, you seem so purposeful seeing your goal straight. And it's great that you are honest with yourself. Sweet cravings) we all had them, it's a struggle and a huge temptation especially if you have those snacks at home. By the way, this is a big question: why do you have those at all? I mean, if you don't have much problem to resist, fine. But if you personally believe that they are 'evil' and stay on the way of you perfect weight loss, then it's better to get rid of them and never buy again. Besides, you said that you were a good cooker and your frozen low sugar chocolates is a super idea!

Although, the increased physical activity is a great answer to that. You're doing a great job by thinking it through. Just in case you need more ideas to replace junk sweets with better home made goods - hot cocoa drink or atmeal cookies, you can add little sugar or honey to them. Well, I'm sure you have lots of other good recipes in your home book))) Please share some day.

Anyway I am happy for you being happy with your achievements! Looking forward to your double digits!;):cool:

Hi Kate thank you :) I love reading other peoples posts too

I hope your having/had a good weekend

I am usually good with them I do have moments... You might find it strange but tell me I cant have something and I want it more....I sat with a block of chocolate beside me for 2 weeks... my partner put it there for me to try and I didn't touch it.... if I didn't have them around I would probably buy what I crave and eat the lot in secret.... this way I know its there ... I know I was naughty the other day but trust me I have so many chocolates it could have been so bad etc I know I have a sweet tooth and will never give it up but I want those ones as a treat only.... Mum came and looked after the animals while we went on the cruise and I had to hide everything because she cannot sit and look at them... she would eat them all so I hide them like she asked... she cant understand how we have so much and don't eat it all etc dont get me wrong I am not perfect and have had bad days in the past and if I felt like I was eating too much I would move them so I didn't walk past them

Yes I like your idea of hot cocoa and will have one tonight if I get hungry... I do have some there (low cal) but now that I have stacked up on the couture chocolate that will be my treat before bed melted into the milk:)... I usually try to have a milk drink at night when im hungry as that fills me up and stops me snacking

I make a yummy cheesecake (it reminds me of a baked one) and will post tomorrow I used honey and on average its 70 cal per piece I make them in muffin pans and can be even lower cal if maple syrup is used ... next time I will use the maple instead of the honey and for a little sweet treat I cook strawberries down on the stove and depending on flavor I might add a little coconut sugar to sweeten and have on the top (1 teaspoon):laughing:

Tomorrow i am going to make an orange semolina cake I boiled the oranges today... if it turns out I will share that too...

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Gwynedd said:
Super duper impressed!!! Xxx

Thanks Qwynedd... It won't be long and we will be celebrating your weight loss :laughing:
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Hello, dear Gwynedd. Naughty naughty!!! However, it is great that you have decided to tell the truth. It is very important to be truthful namely to yourself. Many people tend to lie to themselves that they don’t really eat any junk food, that they eat healthy all the time, and for some “incomprehensible” reason can’t lose weight. You know your problem, you know that it does interfere with your weight loss. You have accepted it. Now you only have to find something that would substitute this “Friday hobby” and will bring you the same pleasure. =))

I like that you are finding alternatives when you can’t take a walk. Remember, 30 minutes a day at least. Your choice is how you spend these 30 minutes. The more active and effective exercises you choose – the better it is for your progress. Yoga is good. Let your muscles start working. And have a lovely lovely week with new achievements and healthy choices!
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Who? Huh? What? Where? Feeling like that old grandpa… You made me deaf, Dee!!! =))) Love your excitement!!! Way to go! It’s funny how you ran to the scales like to the Christmas tree on Christmas morning. I did the same thing when I was losing weight. =)) Ha-ha, I know the feeling. Happy your Christmas present was wrapped up with a HUGE red bow on it! Finally! No more three digits! “I’ll never be one hundred again!” © Scarlett O’Hara trying to lose weight”

Sweetie, did you check what is inside of that fabulous chocolate of yours instead of sugar? Just wondering… Those sneaky manufacturers…

Damn, was I laughing hard when I imagined you talking on the phone and breathing so… interesting. =)) However, what you do, due to such way of riding-talking, is that you have the interval training, which is extremely beneficial for weight loss. So, when you are listening, try working in the hardest and fastest regime, and you’ll get even more efficiency.

PS. That semolina cake… hope you’ll make it without the syrup?
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Last night I rode an extra 6km so a total of 13kms I also had a hot milk choc drink o_O no sugar

Monday 13th February

Well with a big grin on my face I can confirm todays weight is 99.8 YAY so ive lost a total of 5.5 kg in 5 weeks I am on track to loose my 10kg in 2 months... I still have trouble typing 99... to be honest my finger keeps going to type 98 or is that 89 ba ha ha thats a good sign a premonition of whats to come soon :laughing:

Today I had a boiled egg for breakfast, lunch I had 8 cristini sticks with beetroot dip, dinner is a pork stir fry with veggies and noodles Ive snacked on :eek: . was only suppose to make one cake Ive ended up with 2?? gosh my eggs whites whipped up a beauty... good news is the calories will be even lower per slice... Il update tomorrow on how its turns out and what cal per slice

Ive done 30 min on the vibration machine 35 cardio 15 with weights and ridden 4 with 1km on a number up

I hope everyone is doing well till tomorrow

Dee :)
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