Best of luck to you, Rachelle! Have a great day and may your weight loss journey be a very successful one!
April said:
Best of luck to you, Rachelle! Have a great day and may your weight loss journey be a very successful one!
thank you!
So far so good.
Certainly have noticed a decrease in appetite!
Feel little " odd"
Bit tingly all over.
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Day 2
Got to sleep about 1.30 am.
Felt hot And cold.
Ended up taking some Panadol.
Today have heartburn but may not be related.
Took tab at 6.15am.
Looking forward to a good day under 1000 calories
RachelleM said:
Day 2
Got to sleep about 1.30 am.
Felt hot And cold.
Ended up taking some Panadol.
Today have heartburn but may not be related.
Took tab at 6.15am.
Looking forward to a good day under 1000 calories

Hi Rachelle. Did you mange to sleep rest at night? Hot and cold flushes are one of common side effects of Duromine. Hope that these will subside soon.

UNDER 1000 CALORIES? Are you planning to alternate days? I mean 1000 and the rest 1200? Or the plan is to stick to 1000 all the time? If give a positive answer to the second question, my advice is to think twice… you will most probably not be able to stick to this daily caloric value when you finish the course. Besides, your body might switch to starvation mode quite soon and your weight loss stops. Better stick to 1200-1400 and exercise regularly. Make your body work faster, instead of imprisoning it into constant stress due to malnutrition. Hope your day goes well. Cheers!
HappyMummy37 said:
Hi everyone,

So since i have had my kids and due to some health issues my weight has been creeping up and up and up, despite eating healthy i just cant seem to shift the weight. Finally bit the bullet and thankfully the Doctor was only too happy to prescribe Duromine 30mg. I am excited with a little bit of nervousness hopefully no nasty side effects.

I am 37, 164cm and currently weigh 91kg, my goal weight is 65kg bring on tomorrow morning :)

Hello HappyMummy! How are you doing? You’re three weeks in… any results?
Hi all,
My day 2 is coming to an end.
I have had under 900 calories both days so really happy about that.
I'm 50 yrs old, was super thin up till I had my first baby at 26, then another aged 29.
Worked in mental health for 30 yrs as a psych nurse.
At the moment I have an empty nest and work 3 days a week on psych triage.
Trouble is , we moved to peninsula, I've been having " ladies lunches" and getting bigger and bigger. Also been on anti depressant.
I have had stressful stuff in my life but don't eat when stressed or sad.
I drink and eat when happy!
My BMI is 38 which is obese!
S/e of duromine have been, odd tingly feeling, hot and cold chills.
I'm excited for this circuit breaker!!!
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Hi everyone!
I just started on the 30mg tablets this morning. Nothing adverse so far, I am open to any and all suggestions and advice, and glad that I managed to find a chat thread that is active on here!
I'm a 42 year old mum to two boys, aged 12 and 5. The weight has been slowly creeping up for a while now and I was finally brace enough to make that appointment yesterday and ask for help. I've already cut out all soft drinks (diet coke has been my lifeline since I was in my late teens, proud to say that 3 weeks ago I ditched it and have replaced it totally with water). I have been doing well with sticking to no more than 1200 calories per day and have been walking half an hour to an hour each day, as much as I've been able to fit in with the chaos of school holidays. I've also been doing 100 reverse crunches pretty much every day. When school goes back on Monday I'll be walking an hour each morning and once the weather warms up a bit more I'll be making the most of the local swimming pool.
My starting weight is 85kgs and my goal is 55kgs. Hopefully over time I will be able to get there.
Finding Me again said:
Hi everyone!
I just started on the 30mg tablets this morning. Nothing adverse so far, I am open to any and all suggestions and advice, and glad that I managed to find a chat thread that is active on here!
I'm a 42 year old mum to two boys, aged 12 and 5. The weight has been slowly creeping up for a while now and I was finally brace enough to make that appointment yesterday and ask for help. I've already cut out all soft drinks (diet coke has been my lifeline since I was in my late teens, proud to say that 3 weeks ago I ditched it and have replaced it totally with water). I have been doing well with sticking to no more than 1200 calories per day and have been walking half an hour to an hour each day, as much as I've been able to fit in with the chaos of school holidays. I've also been doing 100 reverse crunches pretty much every day. When school goes back on Monday I'll be walking an hour each morning and once the weather warms up a bit more I'll be making the most of the local swimming pool.
My starting weight is 85kgs and my goal is 55kgs. Hopefully over time I will be able to get there.

Best of luck to you and congratulations on your amazing willpower! You seem to have everything going nice and smooth with both eating and walking. You also can add 5-7-minute trainings (Tabata, HIIT, plank exercises) that you can find on youtube. Cardio loads are good! However, namely muscle building strength exercises can help you boost your metabolism. Cheers!
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Good morning,
This will be my second time trying duromine- my first was short lived!
The first time I tried it I was 6 months post partum and having trouble shifting my baby weight due to having an emergency c section and not recovering well for almost 6 months. I wasn't sleeping well before I started the duromine so the sleepless nights just made me unbearable to function. Fast forward 18months and although I have shifted 10kgs by myself through hard work I still have 10kgs to go until I'm at a healthy weight range!
I'm sleeping amazingly so that shouldn't be an issue dealing with a few sleepless nights while adjusting.
I follow a pretty strict diet and exercise plan but I've plateaued at my current weight and it won't budge! So my GP gave me a one month supply only to try and get these last few kgs off as he thinks I'll be able to sustain it well with my normal routine.
Update on day 1-

I am quite happy with how my first day went. I took duro at around 6am, went back to sleep for an hour or so. It took a little longer to kick in then I thought maybe 2 hours.
I had a lot of energy and did feel slightly nauseous after breakfast but that passed.
I was a little spacey and started 100 different jobs and finally got them all finished last night . Diet was very healthy, got in my 1200 cals which is what my PT and GP recommended for the first couple of weeks. It rained all day so I didn't have a chance to do my normal Saturday run.
I was yawning at about 10pm but didn't manage much sleep until 2-3am. I'm use to little sleep (my toddler is a terrible sleeper).

Day 1 food intake- 1200 calories (easy diet app calorie counter)
Brekky- poached egg on multigrain toast
Morning snack- apple
Lunch- BURN thermogenic smoothie with oat milk and a banana
Afternoon snack- small bag of air popped popcorn
Dinner- grilled Cajun chicken with a small serving of brown rice and veggies.

3L of water

I am a big swimmer but I don't know if this exercise is great or if I should be doing more cardio? I swim 1km at least 3 times a week plus 1x spin class, 1x uphill mountain walk and a lot of walking. A little scared of getting my heart rate up too high?
I'm quite an active person but very social so I find myself always at lunches, parties, events where there is always amazing food and a lot of alcohol. I would consider myself a big social drinker (beer is my weakness) which I know is my downfall is.

I plan to take duromine every day for a week then every other day.
Day 2
Everything is going pretty well duro wise, my grandmother passed away that morning so I wasn't sure how to feel about that and was worried the duro would effect my emotions. It actually surprisingly kept me level the whole day with out bawling my eyes out!
I slept very well and was able to go to sleep around 11:30ish and slept solid until 5:30am.
Didn't have much of a chance to exercise with all the family arriving but I managed to stay on point with 1200 calories even dining out of home twice.
Hello Kate! Welcome to the forum and may your Duromine journey become a true success! Seems to me that you have everything under control, and swimming is one of best options for an effective weight loss!

I am sorry for your loss and hope that you will manage to stay in control over your eating. Stress and sorrow makes it harder… Keep strong
Hi April thank you for your feedback!
I haven't had a chance to workout yet this week but I'm hoping to get a swim in this morning!

Day 3 9/10
Sleeping well, which I'm super surprised about. I didn't sleep hardly a wink last time I tried duro. I'm feeling good, it was quite hot and humid where I live yesterday so I drank some extra water to make sure I wasn't dehydrating. My heart was quite facey yesterday but we were sorting out funeral plans and cleaning up my nans house so that probably didn't help.

I ate very well and stayed within my calories.
I feel like I can now introduce some more moderate exercise now.

Finally caved and weighed myself.
My previous weigh in before duromine last week was- 74.4kgs
Today I am- 72.2kgs
Very happy to know that you are safe from insomnia and feel rather well on Duromine. Bravo on being consistent with your eating! AND I love love LOVE the idea of adding exercises to your weight loss routine. Looking forward to hearing what kind of workouts you will chose.

CONGRATS on your weight loss! Going great! Cheers
Day 4
Slept well again, feeling a little drained and had a bit of anxiety in the afternoon but it finally settled down around dinner time.
Diet was on point again and I managed to get in a 1km swim as well. I didn't have any problems during exercising which was a relief.

I feel like duro has definitely helped surpress my appetite and I haven't found myself wanting to binge eat or make poor food choice.

Today is my birthday and I'm sure my Mum will bring cake to my dinner tonight so I will treat myself to a very small piece and allow it my daily calorie intake.
Hi all
Just started on 40mg today. A guy in my early 30's - have a hard time controlling my weight due to a bit of a crazy lifestyle due to a seriously ill child and associated demands on my time. Also a very busy person, don't have much free time. Always been very active (very strong in my legs/body etc, lots of endurance), but struggled to shift weight lately after putting it on due to bad habits due to comfort/stress/quick eating between meetings.
I'm cutting off the beer and wine, cutting back on the comfort food, thinking of going a little extreme for a while Eddie McGuire style to get the first chunk off as well. Also started on the C25K app/programme (Couch to 5K) on the treadmill today to get moving. Also having some apple cider vinegar as well with my water. No fizzy drinks etc.
Don't even know really why I'm posting this... but yeah. Here I am.
Good luck mate! Look forward to your updates!
Hello Kate! Glad to know that you managed to swim and keep consistent with your eating – high five! And of course, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Kate!!! May your willpower help you fight that cake =)) I am sure that it will be delicious. Have fun and celebrate till you drop! =)) hopefully, there is some dancing involved… always a saver, if you go over the limit. Tons of health, wealth and happiness to you!
Hello Pokey! It is so nice to see another man on his way to a healthier self! Couch to 5K sounds like a great program, but, as I tell to any person, who wants to lose weight, you need to add some strength exercises to your cardio routine, if you want to shift your weight faster.

As for Eddie McGuire style… it can be too harsh for your body – first, and secondly – people should eat while on Duromine. Otherwise, you might be hit severely with side effects, and it’s not a joke. Drink more and eat consciously while on Duromine. When you’re off – do it any style you want. But don’t pose yourself to such a serious threat when you’re on it. (Besides, no one can tell for sure what Eddie did to lose that weight, and the fact that he advertises something doesn’t mean that he truly used it, you know…)

Don’t forget to increase your water and be careful with the vinegar, and of course BEST OF LUCK!!! I hope on hearing some great news on the progress going very soon! =)) All the best
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Day 5 11/10
Another successful day!
We even went out for lunch and dinner, I made great choices with a salad for lunch (the owners of the cafe did give me a box of cupcakes as a birthday gift.... Proud to say I didn't have one).
For Dinner we went out for Chinese and I ordered a small serve of chicken and vegetables and one sneaky mini spring roll and I didn't even eat any cake!!!

I had the day off exercise, as I was feeling a little drained and tired. I treated myself to a massage which helped the afternoon anxiety.

I feel more in control of my food choices than I have in months and have absolutely no cravings for any bad foods! I've been on holidays from work this week and normally I see that as an excuse to treat myself but I haven't felt the need.

It is my sisters birthday today so hopefully my will power is just as good as it was yesterday. Off to start day 6 with a gym session after daycare drop off!

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