Hi Kate! What an amazing self-control you managed to develop! Hats off! Well done on getting into exercises right away after the break! Hope your sister’s celebration brings lots of fun and more healthy food choices! Cheers
Day 6 12/10
This is probably the most normal I have felt on duro. No racing heart, no anxiety. Diet is still amazing although I found it hard to get through my calories yesterday even with a gym workout.
I enjoyed a birthday dinner with my sister and even tried to give it a fair crack of eating a big meal but even though it was all healthy I couldn't manage to eat all of my prawn salad. Didn't indulge in any birthday cake, I honestly didn't even have a craving for it sitting right in front of me.

Will be taking a long weekend off duro starting today. We have my Nanna's funeral today so I didn't want to be sitting there with my heart pumping and emotions of saying goodbye to deal with.
I'm confident I can eat well all weekend, we are going away for my sisters 21st party and I do plan to have a few gin and sodas on Saturday night but nothing too serious.
Will check back in on Monday to let you know how my weekend without duro went!
My goodness I just looked up the Eddie McGuire diet - that is very extreme! Nothing but herbal tea for two weeks then not much more after that. I wouldn't be able to function.
Librarian said:
My goodness I just looked up the Eddie McGuire diet - that is very extreme! Nothing but herbal tea for two weeks then not much more after that. I wouldn't be able to function.
I'm not doing the full thing - basically a slightly more bit of food version, without the initial fast.
I never was a big eater for sustenance to be honest, it's only been the last decade or so with comfort food (i.e. eating because I'm enjoying it, not because I'm actually hungry) - the duromine feels like it's switched my body back to how I was. I'm eating dinner only, and that's consisted of a couple of chopped veggies (pumpkin, broccoli, carrot, chick peas) and about 100-150g of chicken breast chucked in the pressure cooker. Obviously that's not sustainable ongoing - and there will be times at functions etc while I'm in this cutting period that I won't be able to avoid more food - but hopefully will help me cut out a big chuck, and I can sustain a more healthy intake from there.
Well, I get your idea about the nutrition. Hopefully, everything works the way you are planning. It’s just hard for me to imagine how on earth will your body NOT gain weight when you get into a normal healthy eating (about 1400-1600 cal) after being on not more than 500 calories for a long time. I will pray for a good outcome and wish you all the luck!

I hope that you do have a serious stock of muscles, because eating so scarce and exercising at the same time might actually reduce your muscle mass. Insufficient fueling while exercising is… well.. dangerous, especially when you are on Duromine.

However, you seem to be decisive and hope this lasts and brings the results. Have a nice day!
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Duromine does miracles with cravings for sweets. Obviously, it provided this effect to the maximum for you! I am very happy for you! Wish you a successful non-Duromine weekend. Looking forward to your Monday update!
Can agree with April's comment on under 1000 calories. That low of an caloric intake does provide a level of risk and it's unhealthy. I've known people who have fainted and had other health concerns as a result when they've followed extremely low-calorie diets. Next time you speak with your doctor, mention to them your intent to follow such as diet as them may need to factor that into your healthcare plan. Some people do get so focused on the fact that as long as they run at a deficient they'll lose weight what they don't realise is that for too long or too much of a deficient, they'll also lose more than the weight and end up losing the good things your body needs. It is possible to be malnourished while having a good diet at the same time and vice-versa. Your caloric intake should match your body's needs so being more active helps to lose the weight faster but needs more calories without adverse health effects.

Balancing the two is key
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Non duromine weekend update-
I didn't take duro from Friday to Sunday. My weekend was quite successful! I did indulge in a few treats and had some drinks on Saturday at a party. I did have a small slice of birthday cake on Saturday night but Sunday I was back on track with counting my calories and managed to meet 1200 no problems.

It is now Monday morning and I have already taken my duromine for the day. It will be interesting to see how my body adjusts after 3 days off. I'm back to work today so hopefully it doesn't effect me too much.
Thanks for your input April and support, it is appreciated :).

I do have a decent muscle mass, which has always been one of my frustrations - it's there underneath the fat!

The theory (which I have spoken about with some people about and have some backing for) is that given the muscles are active and being used, the body will look to the fat stores for sustenance - if I was not using the muscles, it would also look to them to take back from.

While I am expecting some bounce back when I go back to a regular eating schedule, I am planning on managing that through diet. The thought here is that given the big cut that I'm doing now, bounce back will be manageable.

Update time - had unavoidable corporate functions over the weekend, but managed them the best that I could - VERY happy that I've managed the results that I have considering the food that I had to eat (burger, souvlaki, and a Big Mac for McHappy Day)!
Day 6, -4.6kg (115.4)
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April said:
Lized, are you losing any weight? Does your hectic lifestyle allow you any increased physical activity? At all? If I remember correctly, you don’t have that much to lose… with all these side effects…. I would suggest you work like crazy until you run out of Duromine. Seems to me, it is not a drug that you are willing to try ever again… =) Hope, you’re well!
Hi April

Sorry for the late reply, I did lose weight but not all of what I hoped. I am doing better though, taking weekends off and trying to simplify my life in general to alleviate stress/anxiety. I am on my last box anyway, so dont have a choice - cant carry on once Ive finished this box. Overall feeling good to fit into more of my clothes, so the last few kg's Im just gonna have to lose the old fashioned way :)

Lized said:
Hi April

Sorry for the late reply, I did lose weight but not all of what I hoped. I am doing better though, taking weekends off and trying to simplify my life in general to alleviate stress/anxiety. I am on my last box anyway, so dont have a choice - cant carry on once Ive finished this box. Overall feeling good to fit into more of my clothes, so the last few kg's Im just gonna have to lose the old fashioned way :)


Oh, so happy to hear from you Lized! Fitting into the old clothes is such a nice feeling, huh? =)) Happy for you and hope you will manage to get rid of these last couple of kilos. Your struggle was fierce – you had to fight both with Duromine and with your own body. Looks like you’re winning. =) Well done and keep up the good work!
Pokey, congratulations on great result! How do you feel?

Do you exercise?
Have a successful new week on Duromine, Kate! Did you measure or weigh in yourself? Any changes in the numbers?
April said:
Have a successful new week on Duromine, Kate! Did you measure or weigh in yourself? Any changes in the numbers?
I'm down another 800gs, it's not what I was hoping for but it is better than nothing. I don't have a lot of weight to lose so I'm guessing why it takes a little longer to come off!
I'm hoping to really up my exercise in the next few weeks!
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Feeling great - a bit sore because I'm doing more (on top of it being a busy time of year for me as well), but feeling good. Exercising as well, keeping up with the C25K and weights/enduro activities.

Day 8, -5.7kg (114.3)
CRAZY! The weight loss progress is amazing! And I am glad that you feel well and keep to your program. That’s the spirit! Keep moving towards your goal. Looking forward to another update and hope you will uncover the mystery of your nutrition. I bet, many people wonder what you eat. Cheers
Hey guys,
This is week 3 with duromine every second day.
I'm down to 71.9kgs the last time I weighed myself about 5 days ago.
I've started yoga again and practicing 3 times a week. As well as swimming when I can and at least 1-2 high cardio workouts on my off duromine days, I can't work out too vigorously on duromine days so I save my cardio for off days.
I'm adjusting to everything well, no major side effects; a few late nights here and there and I get a little panicky late in the afternoons/ night from time to time but it passes quickly.
My eating has been pretty good, a few minor slip ups here and there but nothing serious.
My body is feeling better, no where near as bloated although there is one thing that I'm experiencing at the moment and that is my period is a little late. I'm normally a regular 28-29 day cycle gal, but I'm currently 4 days late. I'm currently on the pill but getting a little concerned. So I think if nothing has happened by tomorrow I'll buy a pregnancy test just to be safe as I know duromine is not safe during pregnancy. Today was an off duromine day and I might tomorrow just to be sure I'm not in fact pregnant!
Hi Kate! You are definitely doing really well with your Duromine journey. I am really glad that no serious side effects cam your way. However, Duromine+birth control, as I noticed lately (you are the 4 to 6 woman, who reports issues within the last 1.5 months), is not the best situation for some women. Taking a pregnancy test is a clever thing to do and, of course, if it comes out negative and the period doesn’t start, you will have to consult with your doctor.

PS. Yes, your weight loss might be slower because you don’t have that much to lose, you are absolutely right. Seems to me, you need to concentrate more on modeling your body (and you already do that =)) )
Soooo turns out I'm actually pregnant. I have only taken duromine one day in the last 5 days so I guess that's my journey with duromine at an end for now.
All the best!!

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