WOOOW!!! Kate, congratulations! What great news! You are the second person that I know on this forum, who finds out that she is pregnant in the beginning of the journey.

I am really happy for you and wish you a calm, light pregnancy and a healthy adorable baby! Will appreciate if you drop in once in a while and share your news. If you need any advice and support, please keep in mind that you’re always welcome here! All the best wishes!
Does duromine affect the contraceprive pill at all?
I would honestly hate to fall pregnant at a time like this when i plan to loose weight to move into a different career before i have kids :)
Well I guess it might, seen as I'm pregnant and have never had any issues whilst on the pill before hand. We were going to start trying again in the new year any way so I guess it's not the worst thing in the world I would of just liked to lose a few more kgs before hand but I'm pretty happy I can stay in check this pregnancy!
No no congrats ☺️ But i just dont want to fall pregnant thats all, im only 19 and really looking to loose weight and live before kids ☺️ Might go see my doctor

Welcome aboard and you're doing awesome work with your progress, and take each step down in weight as they come. I'm in the same sort of situation as you too. On the 40 as well and if the side effects aren't too bad for you then it can really help. Just want to say thank you for pointing out the C25k program as I'd never heard of it before so I'll look into that. Around 2 - 3 weeks mark, the numbers you're losing might slow but do not at all take that as Duromine is no longer working. It is still working, it's just your body adjusting the way it needs to in order to cope from the rapid loss. After this time, you should really start to notice the changes (subtle at first) take effect and you'll feel the different that those lost Kg's make on your body.

When you plan on transitioning back to a regular diet I highly recommend that you go see a good dietitian and ask to create a specific meal plan in the week/s or so prior. This will help a great deal with complying to a plan that will achieve your goals and it will offset any negative impacts about seeing the numbers bump back up a bit. As you exercise, you might start noticing real soon that a lot of the skin around you're muscle mass won't be as taught as it used to be and it might 'appear' to look like you're losing some muscle too but that's not the case. Your muscles might become leaner but they'll be a lot healthier for it.

Any questions or thoughts at all then ask away as the people on this forum like April and Librarian are very supportive!
Keep up the great work
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Hey Pokey, how’s it going?
Hi - Well I am starting today - I have 20kg I would like to shed - and this will make a major difference in all aspects of my life. I am a mom to three kids and very busy busy life cycle going on. My work takes me to different place and faces but the biggest challenge is the conferencing that I attend so frequent..and there is always food. I have not done much effort but have not decided its time... and I am done fidgeting and feeling tired all the time. Any good tips - I dont do diets...so this is going to be a journey
Hello Gunny! Welcome to the forum! Your goal seemed to be quite possible to reach, until I got to the place where you are not ready to change anything in your eating behavior. Well, proper nutrition is 80% of success… and 20% goes for the exercising, which you will probably have no time for… So, well, I wish you all of luck in the world!
April said:
Hello Gunny! Welcome to the forum! Your goal seemed to be quite possible to reach, until I got to the place where you are not ready to change anything in your eating behavior. Well, proper nutrition is 80% of success… and 20% goes for the exercising, which you will probably have no time for… So, well, I wish you all of luck in the world!


I hear your concern,by diet I mean that its a challenge to adhere to a strict diet - I will cut out all the necessary evils and ensure I drink my water and exercise comes in the form of walking faster pace and more frequently. I am determined to loss this excess weight.
Oh, that’s just great! Your plan is exactly what you need. Phew, I got worried for nothing =)) Great approach! No rigid diets – habitual changes to stick to after your finish Duromine.

More walking at a higher pace also sounds fantastic! If I may suggest… in some time, you will need to add something to your exercising, so that the weight keeps lowering… I know that three kids make an army and little time to concentrate on exercising, so… you might find it useful to make a dance challenge with your little ones, when it’s time for you to play with them. Choose faster songs – have fun (lots of laughter), and slowly add short HIIT or Tabata (5-7 - minute) trainings. There, you also need to repeat and move, and there is music…

All in all, I now see that you are serious and know what you do and where you want to get. Best of luck to you! Looking forward to your journey and huge success!
Hi All,

I'm starting Duromine this Friday (30mg), I am really nervous as some people said not to exercise while you are on Duromine? and i wont be able to eat a lot? anyway! I am a big boy, currently 19, Male, 162 KG and my doctor thinks (as well as me) I lose some wight before i get my sleeve done end of next year.

On this diet I have planned to:

* Exercise almost everyday (Seeing how I go)
* eat 100% healthy foods (including protein, vegetables, fruits)
* Keeping a record everyday of what I eat, heart beat through the day,.etc.

Unfortunately I wont be able to weigh myself as when i step on any scale it doesn't show my weight (which is why I am doing this as I have let my self go too far) but i feel very confident and excited to lose some weight!

I am too lose 60 Kilos by the end of next year to avoid getting any surgeries. This is going to be a painful year but i'm 100% confident and I hope you all can be too :)

I am glad I can share my journey with you all.

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Hello there, BigTeen! I am so happy that you decided to register on this forum and begin your journey to a healthier life namely here. Welcome! I hope that you will manage to go all the way through the weight loss journey and straight to your weight loss goal. We do have some success stories of fantastic weight loss, and I am sure that with proper attitude and consistency you will be able to avoid the surgery and get healthy and really really proud of yourself!

Exercising – you SHOULD exercise while on Duromine, starting with small steps ad monitoring your heart rate, and gradually increasing the loads, as your body gets stronger and more enduring (what an amazing feeling that is)

Eating – your plan sounds really good. Proteins, vegetables, fruits (smaller quantities in the first part of the day), AND after the first month on Duromine, you should add some slow carbs (also in small quantities and in the first part of the day). I would also recommend you taking a good multivitamin and microelements complex.

Keeping the record is probably at the top of fundamental things when it comes to a successful weight loss, so your plan is 100% great.

Measuring – use other means to monitor your progress, like Before photos and take photos once a week to track the changes, measuring tape (also do the measuring once a week), clothes that don’t stretch too much (may be a jacket that doesn’t fit/zip. I had such clothes=)) and try them on once a week to see them looking looser or fitting better on you.

That’s probably it for now. You can open your weight loss journey thread in the Men’s corner and read through some of men’s journeys, and there are some truly motivating stories in the blogs section.

Best of luck!
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Hay there Bigteen!! Its cool to have another man around the forums! haha. Good luck mate!! I look forward to seeing your updates!
Im about a month into my Duro course, this blogging thing was new to me too! but I've embraced it and try and log at least once a day!
Kinder keeps you honest, motivated, and you get great advice or guidance from the team here!
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Hey ladies! Is any of you still going on Duromine? How’s everyone in this thread doing?
HappyMummy37 said:
Hi everyone,

So since i have had my kids and due to some health issues my weight has been creeping up and up and up, despite eating healthy i just cant seem to shift the weight. Finally bit the bullet and thankfully the Doctor was only too happy to prescribe Duromine 30mg. I am excited with a little bit of nervousness hopefully no nasty side effects.

I am 37, 164cm and currently weigh 91kg, my goal weight is 65kg bring on tomorrow morning :)

HappyMummy, are you still with us?
RachelleM said:
Day 2
Got to sleep about 1.30 am.
Felt hot And cold.
Ended up taking some Panadol.
Today have heartburn but may not be related.
Took tab at 6.15am.
Looking forward to a good day under 1000 calories

Rachelle, still on Duromine? How is the progress?
Hi everyone

Im a 33 year old mum of 3 and After a bit of a challenging year, which included a relationship breakdown and work stress, I found I had gained around 14kg and had no energy at all. I went to my doctor and he prescribed me 30mg tablets. I held onto the prescription for a week or so because I was so nervous after hearing and reading a lot of horror stories! This morning I took my first tablet and ive noticed no effects at all so Far, I'm still quite hungry and am actually feeling like I could have a nap! Has anyone else experienced this??

Really hoping to kick start some weight loss..im generally fairly active, I've just started at the gym this week and I also walk a lot at work so fingers crossed I see some results soon would love to hear other people's experiences.
Day 3 today and I'm feeling quite good..still hungry but have noticed a couple of side effects..dry mouth and racing heart but other than that all good
Hi Tassiegirl! Welcome to this Duromine community! I am glad that you started to feel good, though the racing heart is a worrisome side effect. Please, monitor your condition during trainings. If you feel your heart pounding, you should stop exercising until it stops racing, and better not continue the session. It might alleviate in a couple of days, but if you notice it getting more serious, or if you feel chest pain, immediately stop taking Duromine and go to a doctor/call and ambulance.

Please, keep in mind that you still need to eat a sufficient amount of healthy foods and drink enough water. Best of luck and may this week bring you lots of achievements!
Hi there,
Just wanted to stop by and say hello :)
I’m starting on 30mg tomorrow and I’m excited, but starting to get nervous. My doctor wasn’t keen so only gave me one month to start with. She tried to really scare me with the potential side effects but I was pretty determined to give it a go.
I’m 37, have 3 kids (youngest is 3 months) and my first goal is to lose just over 20kg and get down to 80 - hopefully by my wedding next March.
Anyhoo, fingers crossed this stuff works!

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