Duromine Day 2

Wednesday 20th March.

Starting Weight: 82kg
Goal Weight: 75kg and under.

Observations Day 1

Exercise Stats: 8,662 steps, 6.4km, 580 calories burned

First day back on Duromine :). This time around I actually set my alarm for 3am, woke up and took the tablet and went back to sleep till 6.30am. None of the buzzy side effects like my first time using Duromine (which I honestly didn't expect anyway) but appetite suppression was definitely there because at 2pm I realised I hadn't eaten lunch.

My goals for this first 10 - 14 days is to make sure I burn 400 calories and get in at least 30 minutes of exercise 3 times a week. I will only be walking at this stage, as I have learnt my lesson and not going to jump straight back into running. I just want to condition myself in a more responsible manner :)

Food: As I mentioned I am on a ketogenic kick, so breakfast was chia pudding (which I made the night before) with a sachet of sugarless sweetener. Lunch was a low carb wrap with cabbage, chicken, tomato, onion and mayo. Dinner was a coleslaw made from red and green cabbage some grated carrot and spring onion with mayo and a couple of eggs. I cant believe how much I eat on keto, but I already know by cutting out my carbs I feel a hell of a lot better in my own body. My calorie intake was just over 1000.

Fluid: Water was 1.5 litre and of course my coffee. Two cups black and no sugar. I also had a sugar free red bull.

Exercise was a 30 minute walk around my park and it felt really good to just get out in the sunshine. That being said I walked before I ate lunch and it was bloody hot (helped with my water intake) and will probably try to walk in the mornings or evening from here on in.

Sleep: I was still up at 2.00am! But when I did fall asleep I didn't wake - which is a win for me :)
Wow! What a great mindset! As always, I have to admit. Glad that you're taking it moderately slow and take a step-by-step approach. I am sure it will give great results
Love reading your posts. You're fantastic! Bring on Day 2!
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Thanks @April :)

Apologies for not being able to update on Thursday onwards. We still have ongoing issues with NBN here - as they are continually working on it. Apparently we will be in full swing by April. (No exact date given by Telstra - typical!) but I wrote down notes and of course logged my eating and exercising :).

Thursday 21sth March.

Starting Weight: 82kg
Goal Weight: 75kg and under.

Exercise Stats: 6,560 steps, 4.7km, 487 calories burned

Observations Day 2

Up by 6.30am Thursday morning - so roughly around 4 and a half hours sleep. This is pretty typical for me on Duromine so am not bothered too much. Definitely feeling appetite suppression, and as mentioned I am on a keto lifestyle choice right now, so have to make myself eat and get plenty of good healthy fats. Had a bunch of appointments today with my youngest, so again spent plenty of time in the car. Managed to be back home by 1.30pm.

Food: Breakfast consisted to two scrambled eggs with a rasher of bacon. Had my vitamins (multi and my B's and C's) with it. Lunch was a low carb wrap (I love these!) filled with chicken, mayo, cabbage, tomato and onion. Really filling! Dinner was quite light for me, and basically had some chicken and veg soup with added MCT powder. The brand I use is from Perfect Keto, as I don't need to use a blender at all with it. It kind of adds a creamy texture.

For those that aren't aware MCT stands for medium-chain triglyceride. The body forms triglycerides by joining three fatty acids to a glycerol backbone, making fatty acids water soluble for transport in the blood and use in the body :). Research says that MCT oil can aid healthy weight loss and fat loss, boost brain power, support gut health, increase energy levels, and help control hunger. On the ketogenic diet, MCT oil is a source of fat that can quickly boost energy levels by increasing ketone production effectively.

Perfect Keto brand also has Acacia fiber in it, which is a probiotic. The health benefits are;
  • Increasing beneficial bacteria in the gut.
  • Optimizing digestion and nutrient absorption.
  • Strengthening the gut barrier and increasing immune function.
  • Lowering cholesterol.
  • Reducing constipation, diarrhea and Irritable Bowel Syndrome.
All good things as far as I am concerned!

Fluid: Three cups coffee - black and no sugar. One sugar free red bull and about a litre of water.

Exercise: My stats come from what I did around the house. I also am incorporating these arm exercises.
which I am doing every second day.

Sleep: Had some magnesium around 9.30pm - an hour before I went to bed. I actually went to sleep right away but woke up at 4.00am. I couldn't get back to sleep so was up and about very early :)
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Friday 22nd March.

Old Starting Weight: 89kg
Current Weight: 82kg
Goal Weight: 75kg and under.

Exercise Stats: 6,829 steps, 5.06km, 481 calories burned

Observations Day 3

Up and about by 4am. Duromine taken not long after. Had a heap of stuff to do today as I had a dog show in the evening. My house was nice and clean by 8.00am and I found myself with time on my hands before being able to start on my dogs. Went across to the park and got my exercise in before breakfast. I found myself at a fast and furious pace today and it was all hands on deck, get out of my way! Felt extremely focused.

Forgot my vitamins! Ended up having them with lunch as I knew it would be a long night at the show.

Food: Chia pudding for breakfast with a squirt of sugar free maple syrup (Queen brand). Lunch - good old wrap, same as yesterday. Dinner - not great as I didn't have any! That being said I took a couple of boiled eggs down with me to the show, which I did eat. Calorie intake was low for today. Will do better tomorrow!

Fluid: My coffee was way high! 6 cups black no sugar, but I attribute that to the show. Had 2 cups of coffee down there and probably the last one at around 9.30pm - Oops!. Water was great at just under 2 litres. I have a litre bottle which I keep and refill (just a Pump clear bottle) so I know roughly what I am getting down.

Exercise: A nice walking pace around the park twice and all before 9.00am! I have to admit I am feeling the urge to run, but I keep reminding myself to "just condition" for now. Squats were also included today. All these were reps of 5. Normal squat, squat pulse, sumo squat toe raise, and side squat. Basically I got these off of the Cosmo site and picked what I wanted to do. Three repeats in total.

Sleep: Wasn't home from the show till after 10.30pm. I found it hard to wind down - contributed I think because I had my B's in the afternoon and the extra coffees. It was after 1.00am before I managed to slide into the zzz's.
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Saturday 23rd March.

Old Starting Weight: 89kg
Current Weight: 82kg
Goal Weight: 75kg and under.

Exercise Stats: 6,023 steps, 4.3km, 472 calories burned

Observations Day 4

Up again quite early. 5am. Duromine taken straight away. Felt quite a bit foggy this morning and I think the lack of my normal sleeping hours is catching up. I am really concerned about "Cyclone Veronica" as my folks are in Exmouth and the red danger zone is only a 4 hour drive away. This was on my mind a lot. I don't worry so much about the winds, but its the king tides that concern me the most. Tried to keep my mind occupied. The fogginess that I felt when waking lasted through out the day.

Food: My husband made frittata which was awesome and I ended up eating it for lunch too. Dinner was a rissole with salad.

Fluid: 3 black coffee's with no sugar. When I say no sugar I am actually using a substitute (which to me tastes like normal sugar) but has no sugar count or carbs. Sugarless sweetener is the brand. It does have aspartame in it but even though there is a lot of crap out there about it causing cancer etc... after a discussion with my GP and finding out that nothing is proven I feel safe having it as a substitute.

My water intake was down and I only got in a litre.

Exercise: It was arms today (see link posted on Thursday) and man I am weak in this area! I had to take it at my own pace again, but I did get through them - including the planks!! No park or walking today, but I still managed to burn my 400 whilst doing things at home. I also managed 10 flights of stairs up and down. Yep it hurt me!

Sleep: @#@#!!!! Didn't manage to nod off until after 3am :(. Typical Duromine for me unfortunately.
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Sunday 25th March.

Old Starting Weight: 89kg
Current Weight: 82kg
Goal Weight: 75kg and under.

Exercise Stats: 4,131 steps, 3.07km, 333 calories burned

Observations Day 5

Mood: Very flat!

After getting up at 7am (under 4 hours of sleep) and feeling that same mental fogginess as yesterday as well as body fatigue I made the decision that Sunday's will be rest days. Rest day from Duromine as well as exercise. I just feel as though I need to get at least one good nights sleep in per week! This side effect whilst being on Duromine is the one that gets me the most. Today I mentally and physically felt as though I wasn't coping! I might regret making this decision later on but there you have it.

No tablet today!

Food: Breakfast - scrambled egg with a rasher of bacon in a low carb wrap. Lunch was a rissole with salad (left over from last night's dinner) and dinner was chicken and salad with full fat mayo.

Fluids: 2 litres in today with 2 coffees and a sugar free red bull.

Exercise: Squats only.

Sleep: I ended up taking an OTC sleeping aid at 7pm and I was in bed and asleep by 8.30pm! This morning (Monday) I didn't get up till 7.30am and I feel so much better getting in 11 hours! !
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Monday 25th March.

Old Starting Weight: 89kg
Current Weight: 82kg
Goal Weight: 75kg and under.

Exercise Stats: 4,848 steps, 3.52km, 402 calories burned

Observations Day 5

Felt great this morning as I got in over 11 hours of sleep! Because I got up later in the day, I decided to skip my Duromine as well, making it 2 days in a row. Still felt full appetite suppression. My mood was so much better and just by reading my old thread I found out that I was more or less affected the same way for week number one when I started taking Duromine the first time.

I did note however that I didn't have as constant energy throughout the day, but I still think I was needing more sleep to be honest. Spoke to the folks and was happy to hear that apart from some strong winds and some rain, that TC Veronica didn't affect them at all. Huge relief!

Food: Breakfast was chia pudding with a sachet of sugarless sweetener. Vitamins - Multi, B's and a C. Lunch was some chicken with a beetroot and feta salad with a sprinkling of walnuts and dinner was more of the same.

For anybody that is suffering from constipation I can heartily recommend Chia seeds. I don't need any type of supplement if I have this every couple of days :).

Fluid: Just over 1.5 litres and 2 cups of black coffee no sugar. 1 sugar free red bull.

Exercise: Arms today, but unfortunately I didn't get to the park. Not beating myself up about it, as I still (just) scraped in my 400 calorie burn.

Sleep: In bed by 9.30pm and instant zzz's!
Tuesday 25th March.

Old Starting Weight: 89kg
Current Weight: 82kg
Goal Weight: 75kg and under.

Exercise Stats: 5,758 steps, 4.19km, 422 calories burned

Observations Day 6

Got up just before 6am had my tablet :) I felt so much better again - normal even. Had an early start to the house work as I had a big committee meeting today which ended up lasting nearly 4 hours. Got home by 3pm, got the kids sorted and grabbed one of my dogs for a walk around the park. Go me!

Food: Breakfast was 2 scrambled eggs with a sprinkling of cheese. Vitamins - B's, C and Multi. Lunch: I actually ate carbs today at the committee meeting who provided lunch. I took half of an egg sandwich and a tiny square of some type of nut slice. Felt good about my choice as I could have taken some really bad options! I swear half of the offerings were chocolate (which I resisted *pats self on back*). Dinner was a jalapeño rissole with sautéed mushrooms and a white cannelloni bean mash. The mash was very different! Taste was fine, but not too sure about the texture.

Fluid: 4 cups of black coffee and nearly 3 litres of water. I was super thirsty today and (more than likely due to the Duromine) and I found myself reaching for my bottle every few minutes.

Exercise: Squats! Another walk around the park with my dog :). I am training a new chihuahua puppy who is 7 months old and is going through a fear period right now, but his expressions are so childlike that he amuses me to no end.

Sleep: Back to my Duromine @#@#@ unfortunately. I was still awake after 1am. Up at 3am. Nodded off again but really broken sleep - not to mention the numerous trips to the WC. Tried to get back to sleep but at 4.30am thought stuff it.
Weigh In: 20th - 27th March 2019.

So recapping. My first time on Duromine was back in May 2018 where I took it for 6 weeks before heading off to Europe in June. I re-started again on the 15th of October, but ended up having to deal with some really bad family situations where I just wasn't coping mentally with what was happening. By the end of October I was checking out and looking back I was going through the motions. By the second week in November I knew I wasn't able to sustain what I wanted to achieve, and was off Duromine.

Last Wednesday the 20th of March was my re-start.

My original weight was 89kg.
My re-start weight was 82kg.
My goal weight is 75kg or under.

Todays weight is: 80.8kg.

Very happy with a 1.2kg loss!

I can't wait to hit 80kg or under and it would be amazing if it happened next week. Will be working on it!

Measurements: Today was also measurement day. Keeping track of those numbers over on my blog if you want to check it out - but it was dead on 2 weeks ago when I did my first measurements a week prior to starting Duromine.

In total I lost 3.5" (or 9.2cm) for the fortnight! Yaassss I am doing the happy dance!

Week 1 Exercise Stats: Total Steps: 42,811 Distance Total: 73.54 Exercise Calories Burned: 3,177

Yep not filled in, cause the days not over. Will update these in the morning.

That being said I wanted to make mention that the first time I was on Duromine I really worked hard in making sure I picked healthy food choices and because of the hunger being suppressed I was able to really get to know my body and learn how it reacted to certain types of food. I made sure my choices were going to be sustainable for the long term and I really believe that this is the reason why I was able to get myself back on track without taking it. Duromine really taught me how to rein myself in.

Now I need to make sure that my exercise routine is sustainable also. And that's definitely a work in progress :p
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Great job on the weight loss! Physiologically see that first number drop to the next ten kilo range it such a big thing for me. Dont stress if you dont make it this week though, I seemed to hover at 90.2 for over 2 weeks and then it dropped in a big chunk. I have also found that everything just got easier after, I know most of it was in my head but I could run faster, I could see the dif in the way my clothes fit just generally more confident.
Rava said:
Weigh In: 20th - 27th March 2019.

So recapping. My first time on Duromine was back in May 2018 where I took it for 6 weeks before heading off to Europe in June. I re-started again on the 15th of October, but ended up having to deal with some really bad family situations where I just wasn't coping mentally with what was happening. By the end of October I was checking out and looking back I was going through the motions. By the second week in November I knew I wasn't able to sustain what I wanted to achieve, and was off Duromine.

Last Wednesday the 20th of March was my re-start.

My original weight was 89kg.
My re-start weight was 82kg.
My goal weight is 75kg or under.

Todays weight is: 80.8kg.

Very happy with a 1.2kg loss!

I can't wait to hit 80kg or under and it would be amazing if it happened next week. Will be working on it!

Measurements: Today was also measurement day. Keeping track of those numbers over on my blog if you want to check it out - but it was dead on 2 weeks ago when I did my first measurements a week prior to starting Duromine.

In total I lost 3.5" (or 9.2cm) for the fortnight! Yaassss I am doing the happy dance!

Week 1 Exercise Stats: Total Steps: Distance Total: Exercise Calories Burned:

Yep not filled in, cause the days not over. Will update these in the morning.

That being said I wanted to make mention that the first time I was on Duromine I really worked hard in making sure I picked healthy food choices and because of the hunger being suppressed I was able to really get to know my body and learn how it reacted to certain types of food. I made sure my choices were going to be sustainable for the long term and I really believe that this is the reason why I was able to get myself back on track without taking it. Duromine really taught me how to rein myself in.

Now I need to make sure that my exercise routine is sustainable also. And that's definitely a work in progress :p

BIG CONGRATS!!! First gain in this journey! Yep, it's a gain of strong motivation to keep going no matter what! ;)
I am so happy for you and I think that you should become the role model for how you need to treat Duromine journey! I mean, listening to your body, gaining and assimilating new healthy habits and CONSCIOUS lifestyle, being aware of what you put inside your body, why you do it and what it gives you.
So happy that you're back, you can't imagine!!!
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Hello Rava my beautiful girl x

i'm so proud of you!
keep up the great work on here,
there are loads of members on our beloved forum who look for inspiration every day,
and people like you provide it!
even if it's something small like a food idea?
or an exercise tip..

in this life we need magic where ever we can find it..

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Reactions: Rava
Hey Rava, congrats on your journey... I just started taking this week and I'm hoping for results too. Your story is similar to mine. When I read your thread is like I was reading my own story.
My starting weight is 85kg
Mini goal is 75kg.
I was also on duromine last year, and went off for a while due to some emotional issues. This time around feels so tough but I'm so determined to do this. This time around my headaches are out of order, and my appetite is not really suppressed but I am trying to make a healthier choice, it's so difficult when you have a family that is not on the same health journey. All the best and let's encourage and motivate each other.
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Reactions: Rava and Dre
Thursday 28th March.

Old Starting Weight: 89kg
Current Weight: 80.8kg
Goal Weight: 75kg and under.

Exercise Stats: 5,996 Steps, 4.32km, 428 calories burned

Observations Day 8

Duromine taken at 4am and managed to doze to 6.30am - still only managed around 5 hours full sleep (or thereabouts). My daughter and I attended a "resin art class" last night, which was bloody fantastic! Was still feeling pumped this morning when I got up. Appetite suppression was all ok. Physically towards the end of the day I was feeling tired and my eyes felt gritty and dirty. Again putting this down to the lack of hours in the zz's department. Managed to get my exercise in by 11am which was great.

Food: Breakfast: 2 eggs scrambled with a rasher of bacon. Lunch was a Mission low carb wrap with chicken, mayo, tomato and lettuce. Dinner was more eggs for me.

Fluid: All good here. 2 litres of water and 3 black coffee's with 1 sugar free red bull - which I needed!

Exercise: Park walk for 30 mins and squats today. The squats really killed me today!

Sleep: Had a bath with some Epsom salts and I was in bed pretty early by 9.30pm but woke on and off.
Friday 29th March.

Old Starting Weight: 89kg
Current Weight: 80.8kg
Goal Weight: 75kg and under.

Exercise Stats: 4,580 Steps, 3.29km, 327 calories burned

Observations Day 9

Duromine taken quite early - again before 6am. I had the best sleep ever since re-starting, but its not "restful" if that makes sense. The continuous waking makes me feel that I didn't get any lol! I also think I am coming down with a cold. Yesterday my eyes were feeling gritty and dirty, but today I also have a slight runny nose. Decided to try and take it easy, as obviously my body is telling me to slow down a little. I also realised that the last couple of days I hadn't taken my vitamins, which might have also led to me feeling a little blahhh.

Food: Breakfast was chia pudding with sugar free Queen blueberry flavoured maple syrup. Lunch today was a bacon egg muffin that also had tomato, cheese and onion. Dinner was fish and salad.

Fluids: 3 coffee's black no sugar but not a great deal of water. I think this was because I spent the majority of the day lazing on the couch.

Exercise: Only my arms - but I did do the planks included!! Brownie points?

Sleep: I took an OTC (Restavit) this evening and bombed by 9pm!
Saturday 30th March.

Old Starting Weight: 89kg
Current Weight: 80.8kg
Goal Weight: 75kg and under.

Exercise Stats: 7,512 Steps, 5.53km, 437 calories burned

Observations Day 10

No Duromine today, but woke feeling a lot better. Now I don't think it's a cold, but maybe a little allergy? The grass has been cut at the park and just sometimes when this happens I do get a little hay fever... Who knows? just glad to be feeling better even though my eyes still feel gritty.

Food: Quite slack today as I didn't eat until lunch but I did have vitamins this morning, so maybe I can count them as breakfast? Lunch was tuna with cucumber, capsicum and tomatoe. Dinner was coleslaw with scotch fillet steak. I also had maybe half a handful of walnuts spread out over lunch and after dinner.

Fluid: Over 2 litres of water and only 2 coffees. I also had a Pepsi Max (sugar free) after dinner.

Exercise: Squats and walking the dog!

Sleep: Like a baby. Again quite an early night - in bed by 10pm and not up until 7.30am Sunday morning!
Plucky said:
Great job on the weight loss! Physiologically see that first number drop to the next ten kilo range it such a big thing for me. Dont stress if you dont make it this week though, I seemed to hover at 90.2 for over 2 weeks and then it dropped in a big chunk. I have also found that everything just got easier after, I know most of it was in my head but I could run faster, I could see the dif in the way my clothes fit just generally more confident.

Thanks @Plucky!

I am going to try and not stress about it too much :). Last time, week 2 is the week that I didn't lose a great deal with the body saying "hold on now, give me a bit to catch up!" so I am trying to keep that in the back of my mind.

Focusing on the positives!
April said:
BIG CONGRATS!!! First gain in this journey! Yep, it's a gain of strong motivation to keep going no matter what! ;)
I am so happy for you and I think that you should become the role model for how you need to treat Duromine journey! I mean, listening to your body, gaining and assimilating new healthy habits and CONSCIOUS lifestyle, being aware of what you put inside your body, why you do it and what it gives you.
So happy that you're back, you can't imagine!!!

You are such a sweetheart @April and honestly (I have said this before) if it wasn't for you all I wouldn't be mentally where I am now :). Both yourself, @Dre, @Plucky and a whole lot of other people are my inspiration to continually learn and move forward, even if there are hiccups along the road.

*huge hugs*
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Dre said:
Hello Rava my beautiful girl x

i'm so proud of you!
keep up the great work on here,
there are loads of members on our beloved forum who look for inspiration every day,
and people like you provide it!
even if it's something small like a food idea?
or an exercise tip..

in this life we need magic where ever we can find it..


@Dre and you my dear friend are just a sweetheart!
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Gab75 said:
Hey Rava, congrats on your journey... I just started taking this week and I'm hoping for results too. Your story is similar to mine. When I read your thread is like I was reading my own story.
My starting weight is 85kg
Mini goal is 75kg.
I was also on duromine last year, and went off for a while due to some emotional issues. This time around feels so tough but I'm so determined to do this. This time around my headaches are out of order, and my appetite is not really suppressed but I am trying to make a healthier choice, it's so difficult when you have a family that is not on the same health journey. All the best and let's encourage and motivate each other.

@Gab75 - and this is why the forum is so great! I too found stories that were just like my own and to be able to realise that you actually aren't silly for processing certain things the way you do, or just to realise that you aren't alone is really a godsend.

If I can help you out in any way just let me know!! I'm a great cheerleader :)
NBN is being a bit of a pain in my @$$ at the moment, booting me on and off but I definitely will respond.

Geez not having your family do the same is a pain. The only thing I can suggest is food prep. Food prep your own meals, and not theirs. That way when you have finished cooking you can just pull yours out and be on the same eating schedule. Something I found easier when meal prepping is to make sure we are all eating the same protein. If the family wants rissoles - yep I have one. If I want steak or fish, guess what they are having it too.

What strength are you on? and is it an option to go higher? If not I have had great success with a tablet called keto fit fire (by Fatblasters - hate their name!). It really did suppress my appetite!

Don't be afraid to have Panadol for your headaches and drink a shit load of water! Duromine can really dehydrate you, which can add to your headache - maybe even keep on hand a sugar free gatorade or something similar?

Also I want to mention vitamins. I really am a big advocate - especially for B's, C's and multi's. You cant have too much, and what your body doesn't need it just flushes away. They are really safe to take and also will help with your energy levels. I have been known to have B's in the morning and B's mid afternoon depending on what I have on.

Start up a thread here! Would love to follow along with you :)
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