hello i have started duromine 40 gram and im on my day 4.
i have experiment side effect but today i feel great!my bmi is 44 and my starting weight is 133kgs.my picture isnt me as im ashamed to show myself and not very confident shy person.so im hefty lady and of to a good start.my target is to loose 55 kg.i just wanna know anyone out there like or has had succes with duromines amd startimg weight is ober 100kgs.pls
i have experiment side effect but today i feel great!my bmi is 44 and my starting weight is 133kgs.my picture isnt me as im ashamed to show myself and not very confident shy person.so im hefty lady and of to a good start.my target is to loose 55 kg.i just wanna know anyone out there like or has had succes with duromines amd startimg weight is ober 100kgs.pls