Duromine Day 4

Thanks to you both :)

Down to 117.1kgs now, 1 week and 2 days.
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Hi all, I'm in day 4 of 30mg duromine, I see a few people posted that they are scared and read bad reviews so I'm going to let u all no honestly what I have gone through in the last 4 days, started on Saturday weighing in at 77.7kg I set my alarm for 4am to take my pill and went back to sleep until 7am, first day was great wasn't hungry very dry mouth thou, think I drank around 3trs of water but other then that was fine ate some diet yougart for lunch salad for tea, day 2 alarm woke me at 4am again took my pill went back to sleep until 7.30am. Day was going great had my diet yougart again for lunch and a slice of cheese but come that afternoon I had a splitting headache, felt like someone had hit me over the right side of my head with a hammer, took some painkillers didn't really help. Had a lay down for an hour woke up cooked tea still with a shocking headache and a dry dry mouth. Day 3 once again 4am wake up and back to sleep, woke up with the worst headache and my teeth hurt like hell because I had been grinding them in my sleep :/ took pain killers once again this time they eased the headache, felt great all day but keep in mind still had a dry mouth and downed about 3ltrs of water again, that night when I went to bed I was laying there almost asleep when I felt my heart pumping felt like it was going to pump out of my chest, that lead to me thinking I was having a heart attack lol then a panic attack, but finally dozed off. Day 4 that's today, normal thing woke up to my alarm took pill went back to sleep. So far today I'm feeling great still dry mouth thou, but no sign of a headache. I think the scariest part of taking duromine is the first 3 days as you're body is getting used to it, I have used it years ago but didn't suffer the headaches. Weighed myself this morning and I have gone from 77.7 to 75.3 that's a 2.4kg lose in 4 days and I couldn't be happier. Sorry for this post being so long but I just wanted to be as honest as possible as I have seen so many people ask what to expect. Like any medication you're body has to get used to it, and I think my body is finally getting used to it :) any questions feel free to ask me I will answer honest and won't beat around the bush!
Wow ♡!!!!! Im from South Africa KZN does anyone know where I can get duromine from :)?
Good luck Kayla. It's hard looking back seeing yourself so small then getting bigger. I used to be so fit and now I'm so unhappy so determined to make this work. Don't look at the big picture, take it day by day. You are young and should feel amazing so I hope you stick with it and find lots of happiness. Never lose sight of why you started.
Hi all,

Just checking in to say hi and detail my experience thus far. I live in Australia, I'm 165cm, sw 70kg gw 55kg. Initially I didn't think I would need duro, but after nothing seeming to work and 3 failed pregnancies I sought out advice from my dr as I was emotionally spiralling downwards. He understood but wanted me to try get into some better habits first such as meals the same time everyday and really combing through my diet. He explained that with pcos my body doesn't deal well with carbs, even ones I thought were good such as sweet potato. Being in my 20's we also go out weekly or have a bottle of wine at home so I've completely cut out alcohol now too. Boy did I learn a lot relatively quickly! I tried to get duro on my own, silly I know, but he is now working with me and I'm on 30mg.

Added to the above info, I'm also a very chesty girl (sorry if that's tmi) yet actually have a small frame and very high body fat (measured by calipers then those body scans). The first trainer I met with treated me with disdain saying he didn't know how people didn't realise their body fat was getting so bad. Needless to say I now train with someone else! That was the final comment I needed after years of daily fat jibes from perfect strangers. A lot of those comments were from men, often it starts with a comment directed at my chest no matter how I've dressed and ends in "pity you're so fat". I'm not trying to paint males as bad here and I don't mean to offend anyone, I think I just had the luck of coming across the not so nice ones. The other main issue was going shopping and the judgmental treatment from shop assistants! Seriously it's like they're told be rude. There's only so many times you can tell yourself they are just the damaged few.

My partner has been wonderfully supportive and is happy to eat the same food as me, I might add mashed potato to his dinner but thanks to the duro I haven't even wanted any! His little brother has been staying with us and works night shift so I used to tip toe around and wait to make breakfast or would go get maccas, but now I'll make boiled eggs or a black coffee and fruit. I try limit fruit to once a day though because of the sugar.

So now to the point of my rambling! I snuck onto the scales today and am down 1.8kg. After 4 days on duro I think that's great and I feel like it's in conjunction with getting my food in check. Often I'm not very hungry and tend to have vegetables for lunch but I manage a small but normal dinner (meat and veg) and have a protein shake mid morning and afternoon to make sure Im getting enough. It's a great low carb powder from Bulk Nutrients, amazing site!

I now feel very motivated to keep going. All the new information I'm getting is making me feel equipped for life without duro at the end of the month and I already feel ever so slightly more confident. For me duro is not only kick starting weight loss but also learning to control myself and pull the handbrake on all my bad habits and emotional eating.

I hope my story so far illustrates people have many different reasons for wanting to go on duromine, I welcome any feedback or questions and wish everyone the utmost success with their efforts xx
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Welcome Amy

Can't believe strangers are so rude and cruel with they're comments, I have never experienced that before. I do get people asking my husband and daughter if I am pregnant, majority of my weight is on my butt and belly(pear shape).
I have to agree there are many reasons to use duromine. I am not huge but the extra weight affects my everyday life, since starting duromine I have no need to go to my monthly chiro appointment for back pain. Because I'm eating better, my bloated belly is gone and my stomach muscles can help support my back. 55kg is also my goal, with a start weight of 75.7kg.

Well GOODLUCK, sounds like you are really committed to making this work for you:)
Remember that drinking enough water is super important, atleast 2 litres.
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Hi bringingskinnyback :)

Thank you for your encouragement! It makes such a difference both sharing with and learning from other members. That's great news about not having to see your chiro and the increasing strength of your stomach muscles! I have every faith you'll reach 55kg. Its a shame people ask what I see as rather personal questions, but soon they will be asking if you have a 6 pack instead! I'm telling myself mine is there somewhere lol.

You're spot on about drinking water, at the start my mouth was ridiculously dry! But I've started adding hydralyte twice a day too and that plus all the fluids seem to help.

Good luck with your journey and I can't wait to read your updates xx
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Hi all,

My name is Mel. I need to lose weight before my 30th which is why I have begun duromine. This isn't the first time.

I have always been a big girl. In my early 20's, I really suffered with my weight issue. Carrying a little more, realising how all my friends had boys chasing them - it sucked. Starting at 86kg, I lost 15kg on Celebrity Slim shake meal replacements. I felt great. Boys looked at me for once.

For years I hovered around 68-70kg. Even though it was better than where I started, I wasn't happy. I joined a gym, started posting all this inspirational bullshit on Instagram (because if people don't know you're at the gym, then you never actually worked out - right?).. I was still eating crap but never really put on weight. Or lost any either.

Last year I needed to push that 68. In July of 2014, I came out of a relationship and started a corporate job where I needed to wear a decent wardrobe. I started taking duromine 40mg for a month and got myself down to 64. At this point, my goal weight was 58kg.

My exercise came to an abrupt stop when I had to have a knee reco after a car accident. I couldn't run. I hardly walk normally today.

As I stand here today, I am almost back to where I started. 81kg and counting.

I have started a course of duromine 30mg as of last Monday. I am hoping to stay committed to eating well and light exercise. I want to take this for 3 months and hopefully see 60 on my scale again. I have my 30th, my best friends wedding and a work gala to attend all within the next 6-12 months.

I am having some odd side effects that I experienced last time. Before I wasn't so sure if it was the duromine, but a year without it and beginning again - now I definitely know it is.

I have lower back pain. To describe the sensation would be like a burning/warm/stinging feel. It is worse at night but I think this is very concerning. The last time this happened last year, I ended up in the ER having tests and urine samples but results showed nothing. Is anyone else having this?

I hope to see you on the forums soon.

Hi Mel
Best of luck with your journey! You know you can do it as you've proved before. Eat clean and exercise will have you at your goal. As for the lower back pain I haven't heard of that as a duromine side effect unless someone else has? If your clear of urine or other intestinal problems, have you had your back checked by a good chiro or physio to check for a pinched nerve?
Toni63 said:
Hi Mel
Best of luck with your journey! You know you can do it as you've proved before. Eat clean and exercise will have you at your goal. As for the lower back pain I haven't heard of that as a duromine side effect unless someone else has? If your clear of urine or other intestinal problems, have you had your back checked by a good chiro or physio to check for a pinched nerve?

Hi Toni,

I definitely have existing lower back issue, but the feeling intensifies when I take duromine. I have buldged lumbar discs at the L4/L5, L5/S1 with sciatic pain to the left. This was also discovered after the car accident. I've been having physio treatment for this on and off for about 3 years.

Thanks for the warm welcome. I'll play a bit of catch up and see where you're at with your duromine journey :)

Take care
Mel22 said:
Hi Toni,

I definitely have existing lower back issue, but the feeling intensifies when I take duromine. I have buldged lumbar discs at the L4/L5, L5/S1 with sciatic pain to the left. This was also discovered after the car accident. I've been having physio treatment for this on and off for about 3 years.

Thanks for the warm welcome. I'll play a bit of catch up and see where you're at with your duromine journey :)

Take care
I see your from Melbourne Mel, I'm from Perth:) i work as a receptionist for a physio. It concerns me that 3 years of physio hasn't helped with your pain. The burning stinging sensation your describing could be the sciatic giving you hell. Have you had any recent X-rays or CT scans of your lower back in case your condition has worsened? Bulging discs can be improved by a good physio who does manipulative therapy or a good chiro. If you still have no improvement a referral to a neuro surgeon for assessment could be of benefit to you.
I am in no way medically qualified, these are just my opinions based on what I see and observe in my work place.
Good luck x
(I apologize in advance if this is all over the place :oops: lol)

A couple of years ago I use to weigh between 63-69kgs (my weight fluctuated) but I was ok with myself at that weight, unfortunately a couple of years ago I got bit by a Whitetail spider at work and that's where I started putting my weight back on (I had struggled YEARS ago with being 95kgs and got down to the 63-69kgs). I worked in a petrol station and I worked the graveyard shift, I was the one doing all the work getting everything ready for the next day while everyone was snug in their beds. My work was my workout, I was lifting crates of milk with 18 litres of milk in it, lifting cartons of Coke with 16 litres of coke, sweeping and mopping floors minimum 5 times a week. Once I got bit by the spider that all stopped under Doctors orders.

Fast forward to today and after quitting smoking and getting back up between 90-95kgs (depends on the scales...mine said 95, my doctors said 90 I like his scales lol) it's obvious to those who know me that I'm not happy with myself so time for me to change it!

It's day 4 for me in my journey to a new me...well it's really an old me that I'm trying to get back to.
Two days ago I bought a new set of digital scales as my ones didn't seem accurate to me. I done a sneak weight check and they said I was 92.4kgs.
It's Saturday morning and I got some terrible news yesterday about my ex father in law :( and needed a pick me up, no matter how small it was...no, I didn't reach for chocolate or candy lol...I done another sneak weight check and the scales now say I'm 90.4...APPARENTLY I've lost 2kgs in two days :O All I'm doing is eating a serve of Weeties and skim milk for breakfast, have my coffee and Duromine and go about my day. Later on in the night I'll realize that I haven't eaten so I'll eat a serve of porridge (having a sore throat it's hard to swallow harder foods) or have a protein shake like Musashi.
Unfortunately I'm not a person that can force myself to eat
Day 6 and unfortunately I'm trying to combat the flu and keep weight of as best I can and work on top of that. Slowly but surely I will get there!
MissMaxee said:
Day 6 and unfortunately I'm trying to combat the flu and keep weight of as best I can and work on top of that. Slowly but surely I will get there!


That sucks, hope it's not the 3-4 week flu that I got a few weeks into my journey. I was stressing because I couldn't eat enough and exercise hurt my chest. Turns out that those weeks were some of my best losses, hope you have the same experience;)
Bringingskinnyback said:

That sucks, hope it's not the 3-4 week flu that I got a few weeks into my journey. I was stressing because I couldn't eat enough and exercise hurt my chest. Turns out that those weeks were some of my best losses, hope you have the same experience;)
Thanks @Bringingskinnyback
I'm just taking it one day at a time and hopefully this isn't as bad a flu as I normally get. Normally it takes me up to 3 months to get rid of the flu
Day 7.
I took things pretty easy yesterday and spent most of the day in bed as I was feeling pretty sick. Feeling a little better today (thankfully because I have work tonight lol).
I started this journey slowly with my normal exercise of walking around daily (getting my 10.000 steps) as I do because I have noted that some have had some very bad side effects and I didn't wanna go gungho in to this and do more damage than good.
Hopefully feeling a little more better tomorrow because I will be upping the walking using my treadmill at home as well as my daily 10,000 steps.
First official weigh in tomorrow (well, as official as one can get at home lol) so fingers crossed that being sick and not being able to move as much hasn't done too much damage.
Goodluck for tomorrow's weight in miss maxee
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