Duromine Day 4

Kate said:
Yes! Great to hear another beautiful lady have lost some weight! Congratulations :laughing::laughing::laughing: Be proud of yourself and read more motivation posts from
she nails it!
:oops: xx
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Hi, I've just started taking 30mg metermine on Monday! First day was ok and same with the second day and very lil side effects! Yesterday and day is a very different story! I've had heart palpitations, headache, dizziness, nausea and like an acid reflux taste all day and foot and leg cramps! Having trouble sleeping etc! Plus I generally feel run down! How long does this last? I won't be able to keep going if its always like this! Feeling gross!
I didn't have bad side effects but maybe a small meal for breakfast if you aren't eating til too long after you take the tablet might not help the side effects. Everyone says this... But lots of water. Or tea without sugar, maybe herbal tea, ginger tea if you feel a bit sick ? The cramps I still get a bit but stretch and a walk might help. Good luck I hope you feel better soon.
Gosh, that sounds awful what you're going through .

Is this your first time on Duromine?

I started on Monday too, and so far the only side effect is insomnia, oh and needing a wee every five seconds it seems like. Not sure what that is about as I'm still drinking the same amount of water as before (around a gallon a day...just under 4 litres I think ?) and I certainly wasn't spending this much time in the toilet.

I second the tips JMA767 gave you. But will add re cramps are you weeing a lot like me? It could be that you're low on magnesium. I'm new here and not sure if we can post links here but here is one to an article about magnesium :Magnesium-HealthProfessional
if the link is removed, just PM me and I'll send it through to you if you're interested...

A pharmacist of mine (ages ago) recommended whenever you start a medication you've never taken before to keep a journal/notebook etc to keep a record of your day. E.g. What time you took your pill, how much coffee/tea/soda/water you drank, what food you ate etc. How you felt during the day. Whether you slept well or poorly (how many hours did you get), had a screaming row with your partner, stress at work. What side effects you're experiencing, your BMs , the intensity ( e.g headache pain was a 7, where 1 is no headache and 10 is "Someone-please-make-it-STOP!"

With any new medication there is the inevitable "settling in" period when you go through all the annoying side effects as your body acclimates to it, BUT on occasion, it could be external factors exacerbating them. Sometimes just tweaking your routine/eating/drinking habits etc until you've been on the medication for a few weeks can go a long way in making the transition much smoother. Also in case you need to go back to your doctor you have a more accurate record of how you're responding to the drug versus having to rely on memory.

I don't know about you but sometimes I can't even remember what I had for lunch a few hours ago let alone three days ago. By keeping a written record (nothing too detailed, unless you want it to be)...you have a record to look back and say "On Tuesday I was fine but today I feel like crap...what did I do/didn't do, eat/didn't eat etc today that could be making things worse?"

I've found in the past that I need to stay away from processed meat (salami, deli ham etc) when I'm taking my migraine meds because I get really, really nauseous. Nausea is a side effect of the drug, but I would ONLY get nauseous when I'd had processed meat in the 24 hours before taking it...Something about the nitrates...I probably would've stopped taking the drug (which worked amazingly well for me) if I hadn't had my notebook to look through to see the pattern.

Same thing with others meds, if I was having an adverse reaction, before saying it was the medication, I'd go through my notebook and found I was drinking more soda (Coca-Cola was on special that week) and not as much water, or was only getting 4 hours of sleep, or was working out at too high an intensity, or wasn't eating enough or whatever.

The first thing I do is try to fix those issues; drink more water, get to bed earlier, kept my heart rate a little lower at the gym, etc...and the issues tended to resolve themselves. Was much cheaper than having to go back to the doctor to recalibrate my dose etc. Sometimes, however, the tweaks did NOT work and then I'd go back to see my Doctor about changing dose/changing medication altogether.

Disclaimer here: I am just sharing what I do. I hope no one reading this feels like I am trying to minimise what you/they're going through. I've been on one medication or another since I was 13 so I know how horrible it is to be on a drug that is supposed to make you feel better/be healthier in the long-term but is putting you through hell in the short term:(. Man does that suck!! Everyone is different , some more sensitive to the active ingredient than others, so for those people I understand, that no amount of tweaking will make this journey any less of a hard slog. And you're going to have to grit your teeth and just keep pushing through "Side Effect Valley", and hope you get out on the other side sooner rather than later. Until then, know that you're not alone.

Ps. Sorry for the essay o_O
sandy19 said:
Gosh, that sounds awful what you're going through .

Is this your first time on Duromine?

I started on Monday too, and so far the only side effect is insomnia, oh and needing a wee every five seconds it seems like. Not sure what that is about as I'm still drinking the same amount of water as before (around a gallon a day...just under 4 litres I think ?) and I certainly wasn't spending this much time in the toilet.

I second the tips JMA767 gave you. But will add re cramps are you weeing a lot like me? It could be that you're low on magnesium. I'm new here and not sure if we can post links here but here is one to an article about magnesium :Magnesium-HealthProfessional
if the link is removed, just PM me and I'll send it through to you if you're interested...

A pharmacist of mine (ages ago) recommended whenever you start a medication you've never taken before to keep a journal/notebook etc to keep a record of your day. E.g.but more: What time you took your pill, how much coffee/tea/soda/water you drank, what food you ate etc. How you felt during the day. Whether you slept well or poorly (how many hours did you get), had a screaming row with your partner, stress at work. What side effects you're experiencing, your BMs , the intensity ( e.g headache pain was a 7, where 1 is no headache and 10 is "Someone-please-make-it-STOP!"

With any new medication there is the inevitable "settling in" period when you go through all the annoying side effects as your body acclimates to it, BUT on occasion, it could be external factors exacerbating them. Sometimes just tweaking your routine/eating/drinking habits etc until you've been on the medication for a few weeks can go a long way in making the transition much smoother. Also in case you need to go back to your doctor you have a more accurate record of how you're responding to the drug versus having to rely on memory.

I don't know about you but sometimes I can't even remember what I had for lunch a few hours ago let alone three days ago. By keeping a written record (nothing too detailed, unless you want it to be)...you have a record to look back and say "On Tuesday I was fine but today I feel like crap...what did I do/didn't do, eat/didn't eat etc today that could be making things worse?"

I've found in the past that I need to stay away from processed meat (salami, deli ham etc) when I'm taking my migraine meds because I get really, really nauseous. Nausea is a side effect of the drug, but I would ONLY get nauseous when I'd had processed meat in the 24 hours before taking it...Something about the nitrates...I probably would've stopped taking the drug (which worked amazingly well for me) if I hadn't had my notebook to look through to see the pattern.

Same thing with others meds, if I was having an adverse reaction, before saying it was the medication, I'd go through my notebook and found I was drinking more soda (Coca-Cola was on special that week) and not as much water, or was only getting 4 hours of sleep, or was working out at too high an intensity, or wasn't eating enough or whatever.

The first thing I do is try to fix those issues; drink more water, get to bed earlier, kept my heart rate a little lower at the gym, etc...and the issues tended to resolve themselves. Was much cheaper than having to go back to the doctor to recalibrate my dose etc. Sometimes, the tweaks did NOT work and then I'd go back to see my Doctor about changing dose/changing medication altogether.

Disclaimer here: I am just sharing what I do. I hope no one reading this feels like I am trying to minimise what you/they're going through. I've been on one medication or another since I was 13 so I know how horrible it is to be on a drug that is supposed to make you feel better/be healthier in the long-term but is putting you through hell in the short term:(. Man does that suck!! Everyone is different , some more sensitive to the active ingredient than others, so for some it no matter what they change, it will still be a hard slog, a matter of gritting your teeth and getting through "Side Effect Valley" and hope you 're out on the other side sooner rather than later. Until then, know that you're not alone.

Ps. Sorry for the essay o_O

I do the exact same thing! I'm sure many people will take benefits from your words!! Thanks for sharing :)
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I felt horrible the first 2 days then went off it for a few days then took it every 2nd day for a week. I'm 6 weeks in and still have to take a day or two off every week because I just build up to feeling awful all the time. In saying that I notice that I don't really lose weight for the days I'm off it and do much better in the days I have it. I had 4 days off last week due to feeling unwell and didn't lose a thing then lost 1.2kg the next 2 days. I eat very low calories though, so that probably doesn't help feeling poorly.
Day 17 and feeling great. The first week was amazing and although 'they' say you shouldn't weigh yourself every day, I did find myself doing this. I guess I was so excited about continual weight loss. During the second week I stagnated at a loss of 5.7 and didn't budge, then last Saturday (day 14) I had shed another 1.3 so a total of 7kg. Exercising is still an uphill battle but I perservere even it means 1/2 hour on a stationery bike daily. I still have a long way to go, but to be able to say I;m 123kg is a huge milestone..... Thanks for all the support.
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Hi... an update, now into week 6 and have lost a total of 12.6kg. I am stunned, such an amazing drug, no real side effects these days except for a bit of sleeplessness and the dry mouth, I try and relieve this with some sugarless gum, it's great for making you drink plenty of water. Keeping up the exercising, in conjunction with sticking to the 'CSIRO Total Wellbeing Diet' . People are starting to notice, which is a great motivator. Ive had days where my weight has stagnated, but the past week has seen a large weight loss again. A long way to go, considering I started at 130, but well on my way now. :)
Hi... So I am now into the middle of week 14 having started on April 2, 2016. As of today I've lost a total 18.5kgs and feel fantastic :). Although a way to go, now know that I can do this.

At any time during the last 14 weeks, if I've felt that the drug wasnt working or I was plateuing I'd take a break for a couple of days, which seemed to kickstart the metabolism. I still suffer with lack of sleep and extremely dry mouth, but just drinks bucket loads of water, or chew on some sugarless gum. Regarding lack of sleep a couple of weeks back I took 5 days off the drug so that I could actually sleep, it worked and allowed me to have a 'proper' sleep.

I'm down to my last few tablets and will have to go back to doctor, but I'm happy to do this so that I can have some blood tests and see how my body is reacting to a large amount of weight lost. Hopefully she'll be agreeable to providing me with a new script. even if I have to weight a little while.

I've averaged anywhere from 1 - 1.5kg per week. Never in my wildest dreams did I think I'd achieve this. My husband is really happy for me and very encouraging which helps, and friends / work colleagues are noticing the change in me also. In mid October we're heading to the states so I'd like to lose at least another 8 - 10 kgs by then if its possible in 15 weeks, but won't be disappointed if I can't.

For me personally, the best thing I've ever done! Good luck to you all in 'Duromine Land'......
Ohh.. fifty8notout.. how great for you!! I can feel your emotion through your excited words.. they're really great to read!! Here's to your fantastic putcome so far - and to an amazing trip to come in October..
Well done fifty3notout!!! That's such great news! You've done an amazing job - so happy for you! And good luck l!
Yes!!!! That's so fantastic !! Go you, love hearing this!
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This is amazing well done :) how is your weight loss going at the moment :)
Fifty3notout said:
Hi... So I am now into the middle of week 14 having started on April 2, 2016. As of today I've lost a total 18.5kgs and feel fantastic :). Although a way to go, now know that I can do this.

At any time during the last 14 weeks, if I've felt that the drug wasnt working or I was plateuing I'd take a break for a couple of days, which seemed to kickstart the metabolism. I still suffer with lack of sleep and extremely dry mouth, but just drinks bucket loads of water, or chew on some sugarless gum. Regarding lack of sleep a couple of weeks back I took 5 days off the drug so that I could actually sleep, it worked and allowed me to have a 'proper' sleep.

I'm down to my last few tablets and will have to go back to doctor, but I'm happy to do this so that I can have some blood tests and see how my body is reacting to a large amount of weight lost. Hopefully she'll be agreeable to providing me with a new script. even if I have to weight a little while.

I've averaged anywhere from 1 - 1.5kg per week. Never in my wildest dreams did I think I'd achieve this. My husband is really happy for me and very encouraging which helps, and friends / work colleagues are noticing the change in me also. In mid October we're heading to the states so I'd like to lose at least another 8 - 10 kgs by then if its possible in 15 weeks, but won't be disappointed if I can't.

For me personally, the best thing I've ever done! Good luck to you all in 'Duromine Land'......
Gosh your story is so similar to mine I can hardly believe it! I've lost 20kg in 4 months and am also going to UsA is mid October and would like to lose another 10kg by then. Good luck with everything!
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hi guys,

Ive been taking duromine 30mg for 4 days now (took a 3 day break between day 3 and 4) i took my 4th pill this morning and i notice that i feel fine for the first maybe 4hours then i get extremely sleepy can hardly keep my eyes open! Does anyone else fee like this?

I drink 3L water a day and still eat my breakfast and lunch so im not starving myself although i get full pretty quickly when eating i notice i also get quite hungry.

The tiredness is killing me all i want to do is sleep! But after about an hour or so it goes away then might come back later on.

Any advice?

Thanks heaps!!
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Hey Jelena,
I cant say I've experienced that - I was wide awake when I first started!
Perhaps its your body reacting to lack of sugar if you have changed your diet?

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