One month on Duromine is your first significant achievement. It's a great time to look back and see how your life has changed. Did you imagine that you could stay on track for so long? 
I think you never expected that your eating habits could change so much! You still have a boost of energy which helps you to exercise and stay physically active.
However, some people don't exercise in the right way. Did you know that treadmill workouts are not suitable for your body? You'd better choose activities which combine lots of movements and strength exercises. Give it a burl!
What are the main worries of the ‘Duromine Month One’?
Maybe you've lost not so much as expected? A loss is still a loss, and it's always better than gain. Don't watch others' results! Weight loss is a very individual thing. Remember that measurements are always better than weigh-ins. People sharing their stories here say they lost only 4-5 kilos, but it looks more in cm or dress size.
Some people face the problem of misunderstanding in their families. Of course, your home mates may worry about seeing your changes. They got used to the old version of you.
This thread is about all this, including weekly updates and the month's regime.
I think you never expected that your eating habits could change so much! You still have a boost of energy which helps you to exercise and stay physically active.
However, some people don't exercise in the right way. Did you know that treadmill workouts are not suitable for your body? You'd better choose activities which combine lots of movements and strength exercises. Give it a burl!
What are the main worries of the ‘Duromine Month One’?
Maybe you've lost not so much as expected? A loss is still a loss, and it's always better than gain. Don't watch others' results! Weight loss is a very individual thing. Remember that measurements are always better than weigh-ins. People sharing their stories here say they lost only 4-5 kilos, but it looks more in cm or dress size.
Some people face the problem of misunderstanding in their families. Of course, your home mates may worry about seeing your changes. They got used to the old version of you.
This thread is about all this, including weekly updates and the month's regime.