Duromine Month 1

I've tried and tried to lose weight as we all have. However, I'm one of those people that give up as soon as I see someone else having weight loss success and put it into the too hard basket.

I've been on duromine for over a month now and seen very little success. I see a personal trainer twice a week and walk when possible. I've searched high and low for something to motivate me and this week I finally found it. My husband, every time my husband says his going to lose weight, he does it just falls off him. So this time I was determined to see me do better then him, instead of the usual I give up and watch it fall off him. I have cleared the house out of everything unhealthy and have restock with fresh healthy foods. Today saw me FINALLY get back into two digit figures after 4.5 years.I'm most excited, yes I have been tempted however have fort my cravings off chocolate. Hopefully I will meet my next mini goal!
It is so great! If I was your mother I would be very proud of you. :)
You did it hard, but you still believe in yourself and find the strength to fight that hateful weight!
Little patience, give your body some more time, don't give up anymore please.

xoxo Kate
Keep going Mum, just take baby steps. I try to "forget" that I am trying to lose weight, and keep telling myself I am just living a healthier life - then I do not feel so deprived, but when I do the weighing once a week I see the results!:laughing:
Isn't it funny I was reading over what I wrote and know I'm in that same mind set that I go back too. Husband is now eating like a health freak and now I'm becoming frustrated as now he is not supporting me rather worrying about himself as he sees me failing again. So frustrating that he is now taking that evening time for him to exercise without the kids and not me.

It's times like this I feel like raising the white flag and telling him his won and I give up wanting to lose weight.
Mum3..stop...hold on....brakes! That is not nice of him! :mad: You are doing so well! Back in the 2 digits? Now YOU did that. My husband is also into the health thing, and he also just drops weight easy, and I know how hard it is if you are left out, especially if it is your husband. Maybe you can talk to him and explain yourself, let him know why support is so important. Ask him to put himself on the bench for just 2 months and help you succeed?

If not, then we need to find you other motivation. And I say we, because you have support here. :laughing:Lets get you to your next next mini goal! Just dont give up. I might be wrong...but in my opinion (personal experience) my husband drops weight 10 times faster than I do. Dont let that discourage you.

Why don't you team up with someone and get online support. That helps a lot. Losing weight is not just about the scale going down. It is something that requires special skills to revamp your LIFE. Losing weight is physical, but emotionally you have to have the tools.And those tools you can create with online support as well. Come on...keep going!
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Hi. Third weigh in today: 59.9kg. A loss of 0.9kg. Slowly slowly hey? A loss is a better than a gain, yeah? There isnt anything more i can do about it. My dr asked me if i want to try 40mg but im alittle terrified of it, seeing as i still cant sleep properly. I take mine at 5am weekdays and 6am weekends; have no problems falling asleep. Just staying asleep. If it wasnt for the fact im still taking them i'd be like a zombie all day.
Drinking 4 litres of water a day works wonders. Skin is clear, everything else is fine.
Another month of 30mg awaits.
....wish me luck :)
Good luck! A loss is a loss and definitely better than a gain ;)
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Good luck keep us updated
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Hello all well im just posting an update... I think i have been of duro for 3 or 4 weeks now and im doing great! I was on it for a little less than 4 weeks and it was a great help to start me off.... So eating better and drinking my water i have so far kept it off and a little more...

My starting weight was 73.3 and i stopped after reaching my goal after 4 weeks weighing at 65kg i am now 64.7 and happy and not craving anymore just going with the flow :) hope everybody is doing great

Oh that is so great! I am happy for you!
The thing that you are holding on, makes me feel proud of you, although I'm not even your friend or mother))))
p.s. when you have time, post a couple of recipes from your menu, please. Thank you T&C
You didnt had much weight to lose , but anyways congrats and keep healthy.
It doesnt matter if i had 40 kilos or10 to lose i was over weight and lost it, it doesnt make me any less worthy to also blog here and try and help to keep people motivated. The only dif is i did it in less time but i still had to work hard to lose it and to keep it off... But thank u
I didnt say that you are less worthy at all i sayed you didn t had much to lose, while some people in here have to lose 30-40 kg or more, and you can blog what you want this website is for everyone who wants to lose weight. Anyways i am only suprised because if i only had 5-10 kg to lose i would lose it the healthy way but because my story is different and there are many reasons why i cant do things i used to do, my gp gave me prescription for good reason. Duromine is only for those you really need the help to lose weight because of medical reason, this drug is strong and should be used with medical supervison. But you have your opinion and thats okay, i am not entering a war zone here.

Good Luck
No war zone... I have always struggled with my eating habbits and if u read my first blog u would know that... But my choice and i am happy and my doc gave it to me so i must of needed it
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No person should ever be judged on the way they choose to loose weight. I know that I might be a bit biased here because I know T&C on a person level as well. She has also had her fair share of weight and weight loss problems. Whether she needed to loose 5, 10 or 50kg her doc still in good faith gave her the drug to loose what she needed to. We are all here to share our stories about our journey. If you can't congratulate someone on what they have accomplished then scroll past.
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I have always said - Ladies, do not watch on others' results, just accept them as an experience and a motivation. You won't believe it but I have a skinny friend, who eats whatever she wants and in huge amount. Nothing. Not a kilo. Still I am trying to tell her it's no way she should live further. I mean she eats all that junk food that can only exist on earth, not mentioning alcohol on weekends))) Although she has no excess weight, her body will get other disorders I am sure.

My point is - no matter how much of excess weight you should lose, if it is excess for you. Well, since I have put on 3 kilos after I stopped Duromine, and then I lost them on my own, I can say that it is possible to do wihout the pills. IF you don't struggle with your heavy appetite (as T&C seemed to) of course.
So, please ladies don't fight ;););)
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Thanks @Joanne87.

Fourth weigh in: 58.6kg. That means i lost 1.3kg this month, my biggest loss so far.
Im really happy about that. Its weird the way its worked out over the 4 months, but im really happy with it.

So that was my 3rd month on 30mg. And ive decided to give 40mg a go, i start on Saturday.
Wish me luck!
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That's Amazing you're doing so well, wish u the best of luck, u have really inspired me :)

Today, I'm on duromine for 4 weeks and so far so good.... started this weight loss journey at 95kg on the 3 July 2014 not thinking that anything would come of it, as I've tried most diets you can think of and I never completed any of it, not to mention all the money I've wasted over the years trying theses different diets. I'm proud to say that with this morning's weigh in I have lost a total of 8kg in 1 month :)..... To most people 8kg is not a lot but I cant even start to explain how I struggled with my weight for years, so for me its a huge accomplishment and I am very proud of myself. The duromine helped me control my appetite but it was still me making all the right choices as to what I ate....Duromine has really changed my outlook on living a better, healthier lifestyle. I feel fantastic and know now that it is possible to reach my actual goal of 65kg. But one day at a time.....

So to all of us that is on this weight loss journey..... be strong, stay motivated and remember you can achieve anything you put your mind to...... ;)

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